Ryan's budget. WTF?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
This political satire is 'spot-on'

Since the political wonks were going crazy over Ryan's courageous budget, I looked at the CBO scoring of his plan. Hahahahahaha.....I'm laughing as I type.....Ryan's plan assumes that revenues will rise from 15% to 19% of GDP, a 27% increase. Which revenues are increasing? Who knows? Ryan didn't spell that out in his plan; he just figured in an arbitrary increase. In the world of government, increases in revenues are usually called "taxes," so all you middle class and lower parasites better look out for a tax increase.

He also calls for a 50% decrease in non-interest discretionary spending - aid to the poor, veterans' programs, tax credits, etc. What is he cutting, specifically? Nobody knows because it wasn't spelled out. However, I'm going to take a wild guess here and assume that none of these cuts will hurt higher-income folks.

Looks, guys, Bush started two wars and CUT taxes. Does that sound like living within one's means? Of course not! It's time to pay the piper through higher taxes, NOT penalize people struggling to make ends meet in a harsh economy. We enjoyed years of tax decreases and now we need to pay for those wars. Stop whining.
Since the political wonks were going crazy over Ryan's courageous budget, I looked at the CBO scoring of his plan. Hahahahahaha.....I'm laughing as I type.....Ryan's plan assumes that revenues will rise from 15% to 19% of GDP, a 27% increase. Which revenues are increasing? Who knows? Ryan didn't spell that out in his plan; he just figured in an arbitrary increase. In the world of government, increases in revenues are usually called "taxes," so all you middle class and lower parasites better look out for a tax increase.

He also calls for a 50% decrease in non-interest discretionary spending - aid to the poor, veterans' programs, tax credits, etc. What is he cutting, specifically? Nobody knows because it wasn't spelled out. However, I'm going to take a wild guess here and assume that none of these cuts will hurt higher-income folks.

Looks, guys, Bush started two wars and CUT taxes. Does that sound like living within one's means? Of course not! It's time to pay the piper through higher taxes, NOT penalize people struggling to make ends meet in a harsh economy. We enjoyed years of tax decreases and now we need to pay for those wars. Stop whining.

Then why did you vote for someone that promised to NOT raise taxes? Stop lying.

OP, cartoon, and first reply all made by people that haven't read the budget plan!!
Didnt Obama and the Democrats bailout Wall St., Goldman Sachs, European banks and give tax breaks to Billionaires?

Democrats are not bright
Didnt Obama and the Democrats bailout Wall St., Goldman Sachs, European banks and give tax breaks to Billionaires?
But...but....but....GEORGE BOOOOOOOSH!....andand....KARL ROOOOVE!....andand....HALLIBURTON!....andand...DIEBOLD in OHIO!...andand....FOX NEWS!...andand....DICK CHENEY running the SHADOW GUBMINT in the BASEMENT OF WAL-MART!!! :rolleyes:
Interesting that Obama care was presented with what, 2309 pages and his budget plan had a measly 7 pages of smoke and hyperbole.

So .. exactly what is Obama's priority here... ya think...:lol:
WOW. My post said nothing about tax cuts. I'm supporting tax increases.

Next you'll be accusing me of rationing health care. Oh wait, that's the insurance companies.
WOW. My post said nothing about tax cuts. I'm supporting tax increases.

Next you'll be accusing me of rationing health care. Oh wait, that's the insurance companies.

Kitty.. Kitty... Kitty so how did... The Obama Budget Plan.... work out for you..?
Set tax rates where they were before the Bush tax cuts. Would it affect me? I don't know.
The point you're missing is that I'm supportive of tax increases regardless of its effect on me. None of us paid for the wars and it's time we finally did.

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