S.C. govt votes to shut down historically black (and bankrupt) South Carolina St. University! !!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
WCSC You thought it was hell when Sherman hit Columbia SC State alumni threaten legislators

Wow! Talk about being done with the bullshit. The State of South Carolina just voted to literally shut down historical SC State University. ..the states lone all black university. And...to fire every employee from the president to the football teams waterboys. Literally just close its doors for a few years, if not forever.

Why? For years SCSU has run massive debts. Huge chunks of money missing.

Example? The infamous James Clyburn School of Transportation to honor Democrat senator Clyburn. It was allocated like $70 million. That money is all gone. The problem?The school was never built. Its plot of land has nothing but dirt and weeds....and SCSU cant account for WHERE the millions went.

SC lawmakers are tired of looking the other way...while constantly giving SCSU bailouts. They said yesterday that SCSU never learned to live within its means.

The state already funds SCSU. But through gross mismanagement and corruption. ..the state always had to give huge, unbudgeted handouts to them.

What is SCSUs response? Threats.

Their president said "If you thought (General) Shermans march on Columbia was bad, just wait". And they are filing a $500, 000, 000 lawsuit. Apparently to force the state to keep Welfare State University going.

Thank you South Carolina. In years past...the fear of being called racist would've prevented this proactive move to trim government waste.

Now? Our lawmakers have said fuck it. Call.them racist if you want. But they're taking real action to fix some shit.
Great message to students. When you cant live within your budget...claim racism and demand the government give you money.

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