saddam and the weapons of mass destruction


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
WMDs Were Found in Iraq CIA Bought 400 Rockets Filled With Sarin Gas -

actually it's beyond me the political weapon this became. i'd like to talk about it here in politics.

i would be shocked if he didn't have WMDs, i'm glad he is gone. he was a monster and a terrorist. and i'm glad he's dead, dead, dead.

One of the biggest knocks against George W Bush is that he lied about WMDs in Iraq. Even today, liberals still spew those lies. Before the Iraq War started under Bush, trailer load after trailer load of what is suspected to have been WMDs were moved from Iraq to Syria. But even with all that movement, large amounts of weapons of mass destructionwere found in Iraq. The CIA was even able to buy 400 Borak rockets filled with pure Sarin gas. And on top of that, our troops found 5,000 WMDs that the Pentagon kept secret until last year.
The truth was kept hidden by much of the media, and replaced with Bush lied. Any agenda there? Of course.

Personally, I wanted Bush to stand up and shout it out but he cared more about our country, than his reputation. A rare quality.

Does that mean I liked everything he did? No, but I feel he cared about our country, and has an incredible amount of integrity.
No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.
Oh, and why do you think this administration almost immediately went after Assad?
Read this portion the the resolution. Note that all forms of wmd are mentioned- not just nuclear. And had he been further along with his nuclear ambitions,and we hadn't gone in? Where would it stand today? Who could have been harmed? And who would be blamed if indeed they had and used one on us? Or sold one or his chemical/biological weapons to our enemies to use on us? AND it was found, even though you probably haven't heard about it, he was working on reconstituting his nuclear program.
From the Iraqi War Resolution-Whereas Iraq both poses a continuing threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations by, among other things, continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations;

No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.
Read this portion the the resolution. Note that all forms of wmd are mentioned- not just nuclear. And had he been further along with his nuclear ambitions,and we hadn't gone in? Where would it stand today? Who could have been harmed? And who would be blamed if indeed they had and used one on us? Or sold one or his chemical/biological weapons to our enemies to use on us? AND it was found, even though you probably haven't heard about it, he was working on reconstituting his nuclear program.
From the Iraqi War Resolution-Whereas Iraq both poses a continuing threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations by, among other things, continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations;

No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.

Cut the crap, we all know the real rationale for starting the Iraq war and occupation and it had nothing to do with any of that.
Nothing the Bush Administration(43) claimed Iraq was producing and stockpiling were ever found. The weapons recovered were made during the Iran\Iraq war. No evidence has surfaced that indicates Iraq had restarted any of it's former chemical, biological or nuclear programs. The whole invasion was a disaster, a historic and monumental strategic blunder.
No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.

The Israelis bombed a nuclear plant in Iraq before they finished building it and that is not bullshit, but an actual fact. The nuclear scientists and technicians were still in Iraq and would have started back up as soon as the sanctions were lifted. This time they would do it in secret and underground. Everybody knew that but you.
No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.

The Israelis bombed a nuclear plant in Iraq before they finished building it and that is not bullshit, but an actual fact. The nuclear scientists and technicians were still in Iraq and would have started back up as soon as the sanctions were lifted. This time they would do it in secret and underground. Everybody knew that but you.
Hardly the dire emergency that Bushco hyped to the max requiring the immediate destruction of a country and there were no plans to lift sanctions, do you have any more ridiculous arguments?
No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.

The Israelis bombed a nuclear plant in Iraq before they finished building it and that is not bullshit, but an actual fact. The nuclear scientists and technicians were still in Iraq and would have started back up as soon as the sanctions were lifted. This time they would do it in secret and underground. Everybody knew that but you.
Hardly the dire emergency that Bushco hyped to the max requiring the immediate destruction of a country and there were no plans to lift sanctions, do you have any more ridiculous arguments?

Bush got approval from the US Congress, a resolution from the UN and gave Saddam several opportunities to come clean before attacking and a dumbass says "requiring the immediate destruction of a country." The Europeans were ready and eager to lift sanctions if the opportunity had presented itself. No argument, just telling you what really happened.
No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.

The Israelis bombed a nuclear plant in Iraq before they finished building it and that is not bullshit, but an actual fact. The nuclear scientists and technicians were still in Iraq and would have started back up as soon as the sanctions were lifted. This time they would do it in secret and underground. Everybody knew that but you.
Hardly the dire emergency that Bushco hyped to the max requiring the immediate destruction of a country and there were no plans to lift sanctions, do you have any more ridiculous arguments?

Bush got approval from the US Congress, a resolution from the UN and gave Saddam several opportunities to come clean before attacking and a dumbass says "requiring the immediate destruction of a country." The Europeans were ready and eager to lift sanctions if the opportunity had presented itself. No argument, just telling you what really happened.
What really happened was that there was nothing to "come clean about". Saddam had none of the capabilities or terrorist collusion he was accused of. Do you not remember the fucking hype? The dire sense of urgency? There was no calm deliberation going on, no rational excuse for invasion, just a bunch of White House stooges running around with hair on fire screaming that we have to go NOW! Saddam was not nearly the threat he was advertised to us as being, there was no need to invade Iraq then and nothing that has come to light since has suggested otherwise.

The real reason we went there was advertised loud and clear when the first place we occupied in Baghdad was the oil ministry, there was a battalion guarding that and we couldn't spare a platoon to prevent the looting of the museum. We went to get Iraqi oil on the open market and trading in dollars, there was no other reason.
Cut the crap? I have no crap to cut.
You've been fed a propaganda line and because it fits your idealogy are not going to drop it, even it we had found a nuclear weapon and had set it in your lap, you wouldn't let it go. That is really sad.
Read this portion the the resolution. Note that all forms of wmd are mentioned- not just nuclear. And had he been further along with his nuclear ambitions,and we hadn't gone in? Where would it stand today? Who could have been harmed? And who would be blamed if indeed they had and used one on us? Or sold one or his chemical/biological weapons to our enemies to use on us? AND it was found, even though you probably haven't heard about it, he was working on reconstituting his nuclear program.
From the Iraqi War Resolution-Whereas Iraq both poses a continuing threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations by, among other things, continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations;

No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.

Cut the crap, we all know the real rationale for starting the Iraq war and occupation and it had nothing to do with any of that.
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Yeah, Saddam was a bad guy, no doubt about it. And what are we contending with now that he is gone? ISIS. Brilliant move. Or not.
The rule of nature and human behavior abhors vacuums, unfortunately the resolve of this administration lacked conviction to finish the mission. Afghanistan is currently stumbling down the same path. The central problem, theory and reality are polar opposites, separated by historical truths and examples that were neglected as a mater of convenience, or should we say politics. Now the administration refuses to admit terrorism exists, turns a blind eye toward the pending danger, is reluctant to admit absolute failure in foreign policy, and remains steadfast in the belief that if we don't act and make small sacrifices we will be loved and admired by all. One has to admit the Nobel Peace prize for the pure naive rookie proved to be a bust.
The rule of nature and human behavior abhors vacuums, unfortunately the resolve of this administration lacked conviction to finish the mission. Afghanistan is currently stumbling down the same path. The central problem, theory and reality are polar opposites, separated by historical truths and examples that were neglected as a mater of convenience, or should we say politics. Now the administration refuses to admit terrorism exists, turns a blind eye toward the pending danger, is reluctant to admit absolute failure in foreign policy, and remains steadfast in the belief that if we don't act and make small sacrifices we will be loved and admired by all. One has to admit the Nobel Peace prize for the pure naive rookie proved to be a bust.
Neither of our terror wars was winnable in any sense of the word because neither had a clear objective other than to hold territory and kill people until they like us.
No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.

The Israelis bombed a nuclear plant in Iraq before they finished building it and that is not bullshit, but an actual fact. The nuclear scientists and technicians were still in Iraq and would have started back up as soon as the sanctions were lifted. This time they would do it in secret and underground. Everybody knew that but you.
Hardly the dire emergency that Bushco hyped to the max requiring the immediate destruction of a country and there were no plans to lift sanctions, do you have any more ridiculous arguments?

Bush got approval from the US Congress, a resolution from the UN and gave Saddam several opportunities to come clean before attacking and a dumbass says "requiring the immediate destruction of a country." The Europeans were ready and eager to lift sanctions if the opportunity had presented itself. No argument, just telling you what really happened.
What really happened was that there was nothing to "come clean about". Saddam had none of the capabilities or terrorist collusion he was accused of. Do you not remember the fucking hype? The dire sense of urgency? There was no calm deliberation going on, no rational excuse for invasion, just a bunch of White House stooges running around with hair on fire screaming that we have to go NOW! Saddam was not nearly the threat he was advertised to us as being, there was no need to invade Iraq then and nothing that has come to light since has suggested otherwise.

The real reason we went there was advertised loud and clear when the first place we occupied in Baghdad was the oil ministry, there was a battalion guarding that and we couldn't spare a platoon to prevent the looting of the museum. We went to get Iraqi oil on the open market and trading in dollars, there was no other reason.
Libtards delusional pipe dream. The real reason libtards hate the invasion of Iraq is it took out one of their heros, Saddam.
No one ever denied He had nerve gas munitions, he gassed the Kurds after all and we found significant stockpiles, it's the Anthrax and the eminent nuclear bombs that scared people into going along with that fool's errand and were shown to be utter bullshit.

The Israelis bombed a nuclear plant in Iraq before they finished building it and that is not bullshit, but an actual fact. The nuclear scientists and technicians were still in Iraq and would have started back up as soon as the sanctions were lifted. This time they would do it in secret and underground. Everybody knew that but you.
Hardly the dire emergency that Bushco hyped to the max requiring the immediate destruction of a country and there were no plans to lift sanctions, do you have any more ridiculous arguments?

Bush got approval from the US Congress, a resolution from the UN and gave Saddam several opportunities to come clean before attacking and a dumbass says "requiring the immediate destruction of a country." The Europeans were ready and eager to lift sanctions if the opportunity had presented itself. No argument, just telling you what really happened.
What really happened was that there was nothing to "come clean about". Saddam had none of the capabilities or terrorist collusion he was accused of. Do you not remember the fucking hype? The dire sense of urgency? There was no calm deliberation going on, no rational excuse for invasion, just a bunch of White House stooges running around with hair on fire screaming that we have to go NOW! Saddam was not nearly the threat he was advertised to us as being, there was no need to invade Iraq then and nothing that has come to light since has suggested otherwise.

The real reason we went there was advertised loud and clear when the first place we occupied in Baghdad was the oil ministry, there was a battalion guarding that and we couldn't spare a platoon to prevent the looting of the museum. We went to get Iraqi oil on the open market and trading in dollars, there was no other reason.
Libtards delusional pipe dream. The real reason libtards hate the invasion of Iraq is it took out one of their heros, Saddam.
I hate it because it wasted thousands of lives and billions of dollars for no good reason but the defense contractors made a killing so I guess the capitalists thought it was worth it .
Cut the crap, we all know the real rationale for starting the Iraq war and occupation and it had nothing to do with any of that.

Translation: I am going to believe what I want to believe, and no fact or logic is going to change that.

I appreciate your honesty.

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