Safe And Effective ®: Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose

Of course not.

Far too many questions out there to even consider getting jabbed

I told the Wife there was something hinky going with the vaccines and I didnt trust them.
When she told me she got her first shot I was pissed!!! I told Her to do some research and now she sees the light and wont be getting anymore shots.
She really had no choice due to Her job.
I thank God I never got them, but I have many loved ones that did, so I've been hopeful that I was wrong about them. :confused:
I told the Wife there was something hinky going with the vaccines and I didnt trust them.
When she told me she got her first shot I was pissed!!! I told Her to do some research and now she sees the light and wont be getting anymore shots.
She really had no choice due to Her job.

I talked to our children's pediatric doctors.

They told me the risks outweigh the benefits. Basically children will tolerate Covid like a flu or cold
If the jab was safe and effective, Democrats wouldn't need to force it on people. People would get it themselves.

If the jab was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose its use. It's really that simple.

Does anyone here actually believe Democrats want to save American lives? Democrats hate Americans and say things like racism won't end till all the old white Americans are dead.
I've had my booster and will have another if our medical professionals advise it and government follows their advice.

It might or might not be necessary and so let's all be optimistic at least!

Why wouldn't they advise it, the so called protection from shots only lasts a few months?
I told the Wife there was something hinky going with the vaccines and I didnt [sic] trust them.
When she told me she got her first shot I was pissed!!! I told Her to do some research and now she sees the light and wont be getting anymore shots.
She really had no choice due to Her job.

I thank God I never got them, but I have many loved ones that did, so I've been hopeful that I was wrong about them. :confused:

I'm in a similar boat. My wife and I very much disagree on this. I think there is very good reason to distrust this new mRNA shit. I do not think it is safe, and I think it is damn stupid for anyone to allow themselves to be injected with it. My wife thinks I'm being paranoid, and has so far had the original shot and two boosters.

I am afraid for my wife's long-term health. I think there is very good reason to fear that a substantial portion of those who allow themselves to be injected with this poison will suffer serious health effects as a result, that may not show up for years, yet.
Democrats are liars. Most aren't vaxxed. If they were, a lot more than 20% of kids would be jabbed.
If the jab was safe and effective, Democrats wouldn't need to force it on people. People would get it themselves.

If the jab was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose its use. It's really that simple.

Does anyone here actually believe Democrats want to save American lives? Democrats hate Americans and say things like racism won't end till all the old white Americans are dead.

Where issues of political controversy line up with issues of good vs evil, reason vs, madness; Democraps are nearly always found on the side of evil and madness.

Putting aside what genuine science seems to be telling us so far, we are still left with a huge red flag in the form of the desperation that Democraps have to force this mRNA shit on everyone. Exactly as you said, if it was good for us, they wouldn't need to force it, and if it was good for us, they would very likely be opposed to it.

I'm in a similar boat. My wife and I very much disagree on this. I think there is very good reason to distrust this new mRNA shit. I do not think it is safe, and I think it is damn stupid for anyone to allow themselves to be injected with it. My wife thinks I'm being paranoid, and has so far had the original shot and two boosters.

I am afraid for my wife's long-term health. I think there is very good reason to fear that a substantial portion of those who allow themselves to be injected with this poison will suffer serious health effects as a result, that may not show up for years, yet.

My husband and I and most of my extended family have not gotten them, my sister did J&J early on in order to not have to wear a mask at work. But my daughter and my son and their two significant others have gotten them, plus the boosters, they just don't have the life experience to understand the distrust. Altho two of them are PA's so they are both in the medical field and would not have had the option other than losing their jobs, and they bought into all of the so called medical advice that pushed them. I also have a 5 year old step grand daughter who's parents are also vaccinated and got her vaccinated as well, when there was really no reason for her to get it at all. It's just a shame what has happened in our country and the choices people have been coerced into taking. I pray every day that there are no bad side effects from them.

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