Salem Witch Trials Fairer than Democrat Impeachment Scam


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?
Well, at least they haven't thrown him into the water to see if he sinks or floats.


More and more it seems a big slice of democrats have truly lost their mind. How in the world does a person allow themselves to become so berzerk and hateful? They are now on the way to wrecking their own party. Even if one of the dozens of dizzy accusations thrown out there happened to stick... I think a lot of people would say you know what you fuckers? A pox on both your nasty houses!

Vote for their plumber or something.
Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

This is all about fighting corruption.

"Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

"Investigators are scrutinizing Giuliani’s efforts to undermine the work of the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, one source familiar with the probe told The New York Times on Friday evening."

Maybe Rudy will follow in the footsteps of Michael Cohen?
The damage the Democrat / Marxist have done to the country is irreparable . The only way to correct this is to split the country the country in 2 or start terminating Democrats . If we do start terminating we could help the planet by eradicating their carbon footprint and we could help an awful lot of turtles by reducing the straw usage in the coastal cities .
Interesting...the new guys sounds like the old guy...ROTF.

If the country would have far more than just two.

You're a turtle guy eh? If you hit a turtle with a he shell-shocked?

The damage the Democrat / Marxist have done to the country is irreparable . The only way to correct this is to split the country the country in 2 or start terminating Democrats . If we do start terminating we could help the planet by eradicating their carbon footprint and we could help an awful lot of turtles by reducing the straw usage in the coastal cities .
Interesting...the new guys sounds like the old guy...ROTF.

If the country would have far more than just two.

You're a turtle guy eh? If you hit a turtle with a he shell-shocked?

Was I supposed to be offended by that ? Cause I think I was
MAN are leftists going to melt down when democrats and media personalities start getting arrested!

I have popcorn put away just waiting for that moment!
The damage the Democrat / Marxist have done to the country is irreparable . The only way to correct this is to split the country the country in 2 or start terminating Democrats . If we do start terminating we could help the planet by eradicating their carbon footprint and we could help an awful lot of turtles by reducing the straw usage in the coastal cities .
Interesting...the new guys sounds like the old guy...ROTF.

If the country would have far more than just two.

You're a turtle guy eh? If you hit a turtle with a he shell-shocked?

Was I supposed to be offended by that ? Cause I think I was

Then my work here is done.....

They aren't going to impeach anybody; they're just making noise and producing fake news again. They're a big yawn, as usual. Their Big Giant Racial Replacement Agenda and universal agreement to wipe out the social safety net for American citizens and give the country away to criminal illegal aliens had tarred them for the next two decades and they now have nothing left but obstruction and treason as Party rallying points. They have so far succeeded in keeping Hillary and Obama from being investigated and prosecuted, and the current plan is to keep Biden out of jail and out there raising bribe money from foreign governments for the DNC. The Clinton 'foundation' is now toast, and they need to replace that cash cow with another, and they can't do it without their media hacks initiating yet another eventual failure of a PR campaign.
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They aren't going to impeach anybody; they're just making noise and producing fake news again.

Democrats work off the "Where There Is Smoke There Must Be Fire" Strategy. They know their base is so gullible and basic that all they need to do is keep throwing up accusations and charges mirrored in all the press for them to say: "Well, there must be something to it, Trump must really be the Beelzebub, otherwise they wouldn't keep saying it!" What they refuse to grasp from 2016 to today is that the more they attack Trump, the stronger and more resolved he gets, the meaner he gets, and the more his voters will like and support him.

The Democrats are painting their own way to another surprise defeat! hehheh

CAN'T WAIT to see the look on their faces the morning after the election!
Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

Rudy is getting in over his head
Well, at least they haven't thrown him into the water to see if he sinks or floats.


More and more it seems a big slice of democrats have truly lost their mind. How in the world does a person allow themselves to become so berzerk and hateful? They are now on the way to wrecking their own party. Even if one of the dozens of dizzy accusations thrown out there happened to stick... I think a lot of people would say you know what you fuckers? A pox on both your nasty houses!

Vote for their plumber or something.
Oh oh ! Those poxes are no f*#king good . Now I need a shot.
Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

This is all about fighting corruption.

"Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

"Investigators are scrutinizing Giuliani’s efforts to undermine the work of the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, one source familiar with the probe told The New York Times on Friday evening."

Maybe Rudy will follow in the footsteps of Michael Cohen?

georgie sez: "Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine"....​
Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
Don't tell me, Georgie, your own party lied their asses off to you about Rudy Giuliani doing hush-hush stuff with 2 Ukrainian citizens, and they wanted you and your fellow posters to be bald-faced propaganda scammers. I'd sure be mad at those turdbirds down at headquarters if I were you for expecting you to come here to USMB and pass along their false narratives to people who know better. How can you stand to go there and find out stuff to countermand what we say as truthfully as we can, only to get ourselves smeared with you as the smearer for people who just handed you lies to smear people like me with. How can you stand being lied to? Is it gonna be "Oh, they made a mistake." or are you gonna WALK AWAY while you still have a little pride in truth left? Get out now, George. Here's a link:

Oh, and those two badass "Ukranian citizens?" They were photographed with Giuliani who had a long line of people wanting to be photographed with the wonderful man who ended the murdering for fun streak in New York Cities when he was elected to be Mayor on a platform that he would reduce crimes across the board in New York City, and as Mayor, Giuliani did just that. He's a great man who started out as an overworked prosecutor, and decided it was corruption keeping the murder, theft, and major crimes rate at an all-time high in New York City.

He's a man who made his life count, and due to the cutoff of masses of criminal murders, there are a lot of people who are alive today in New York, because Giuliani did something about the murder rate, and it was spectacular. Yet, the Democrat Party is afraid of losing their job due to President Trump's success in employing more people and having a stellar adviser around him named Rudy Giuliani, the Good Guy of New York politics who did something good about a bad situation that his good ended.

Walk Away from those liars. They're creating crime in the streets to create chaos, george. You don't want to be part of a crime wave because you did nothing to stop the liars in your own party from lying to you? Please jump ship. You won't get lied to on our side. You'll get results and be part of the team that raised the standard of living for ethnic minorities through Donald Trump's stimulation of businesses to hire more workers, and he's got companies who spread out to have their products produced elsewhere back in the states employing OUR workers for the inventions OUR SCIENCE GUYS MADE, and President Trump's the one who's making jobs happen over here for prosperity and people being able to afford a good life.

Save yourself. WALK AWAY!!! Join the movement!

Free yourself from them Demmie lians who make you one too. You'll be happier a free man from the lying game. :woohoo:
Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

The impeachment inquiry of Trump is perfectly appropriate and warranted – there is ample objective, documented evidence of alleged wrongdoing on the part of Trump that merits his removal from office.

Conservatives know this – which is why they contrive ridiculous lies about House Democrats and attack Congress’ lawful, Constitutional authority to check the executive; this thread and its failed attempt to deflect from this fact is yet another reprehensible example.
MAN are leftists going to melt down when democrats and media personalities start getting arrested!

I have popcorn put away just waiting for that moment!
Well, I heard it on the grapevine that AG Barr is making great headway in routing the paths of corruption to their source. Our founders loved the principle of swift justice, and so do I. But the nuances and ins and outs of corruption in the Deep State are so profuse, it takes a very patient jurist to sift through all the detritus left in the wake of massive fiscal frauds that seem to court the Democrats like an opium cloud.I'm putting the Justice Department on my prayer list tonight, so that the Attorney General will relieve the President of his burden of political chicanery that has gone on long enough, Thunk. I believe prayer works in our favor when our rivals set intentional bear traps for our leaders on trodden pathways. May our President's feet have wings after Attorney General Barr looks through the new glasses the Lord will provide him for seeing corruption and cleaning up the swamp that is bogging down America.

To quote Dickens' Tiny Tim on Christmas Day, "May God bless us every one."

I have to get a good night's sleep tonight. Night, folks. :) :sleep:
]The damage the Democrat / Marxist have done to the country is irreparable . The only way to correct this is to split the country the country in 2 or start terminating Democrats .

The Founder of their Party would have just deported the vermin.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816
Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

This is all about fighting corruption.

"Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

"Investigators are scrutinizing Giuliani’s efforts to undermine the work of the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, one source familiar with the probe told The New York Times on Friday evening."

Maybe Rudy will follow in the footsteps of Michael Cohen?

georgie sez: "Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine"....​
Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
Don't tell me, Georgie, your own party lied their asses off to you about Rudy Giuliani doing hush-hush stuff with 2 Ukrainian citizens, and they wanted you and your fellow posters to be bald-faced propaganda scammers. I'd sure be mad at those turdbirds down at headquarters if I were you for expecting you to come here to USMB and pass along their false narratives to people who know better. How can you stand to go there and find out stuff to countermand what we say as truthfully as we can, only to get ourselves smeared with you as the smearer for people who just handed you lies to smear people like me with. How can you stand being lied to? Is it gonna be "Oh, they made a mistake." or are you gonna WALK AWAY while you still have a little pride in truth left? Get out now, George. Here's a link:

Oh, and those two badass "Ukranian citizens?" They were photographed with Giuliani who had a long line of people wanting to be photographed with the wonderful man who ended the murdering for fun streak in New York Cities when he was elected to be Mayor on a platform that he would reduce crimes across the board in New York City, and as Mayor, Giuliani did just that. He's a great man who started out as an overworked prosecutor, and decided it was corruption keeping the murder, theft, and major crimes rate at an all-time high in New York City.

He's a man who made his life count, and due to the cutoff of masses of criminal murders, there are a lot of people who are alive today in New York, because Giuliani did something about the murder rate, and it was spectacular. Yet, the Democrat Party is afraid of losing their job due to President Trump's success in employing more people and having a stellar adviser around him named Rudy Giuliani, the Good Guy of New York politics who did something good about a bad situation that his good ended.

Walk Away from those liars. They're creating crime in the streets to create chaos, george. You don't want to be part of a crime wave because you did nothing to stop the liars in your own party from lying to you? Please jump ship. You won't get lied to on our side. You'll get results and be part of the team that raised the standard of living for ethnic minorities through Donald Trump's stimulation of businesses to hire more workers, and he's got companies who spread out to have their products produced elsewhere back in the states employing OUR workers for the inventions OUR SCIENCE GUYS MADE, and President Trump's the one who's making jobs happen over here for prosperity and people being able to afford a good life.

Save yourself. WALK AWAY!!! Join the movement!

Free yourself from them Demmie lians who make you one too. You'll be happier a free man from the lying game. :woohoo:

Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
So what?
They were funneling Russian money to Trump's 2020 campaign.
Do you have a problem with that?

Senators: Probe into possible Trump-Russia collusion ongoing
Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

This is all about fighting corruption.

"Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

"Investigators are scrutinizing Giuliani’s efforts to undermine the work of the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, one source familiar with the probe told The New York Times on Friday evening."

Maybe Rudy will follow in the footsteps of Michael Cohen?

georgie sez: "Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine"....​
Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
Don't tell me, Georgie, your own party lied their asses off to you about Rudy Giuliani doing hush-hush stuff with 2 Ukrainian citizens, and they wanted you and your fellow posters to be bald-faced propaganda scammers. I'd sure be mad at those turdbirds down at headquarters if I were you for expecting you to come here to USMB and pass along their false narratives to people who know better. How can you stand to go there and find out stuff to countermand what we say as truthfully as we can, only to get ourselves smeared with you as the smearer for people who just handed you lies to smear people like me with. How can you stand being lied to? Is it gonna be "Oh, they made a mistake." or are you gonna WALK AWAY while you still have a little pride in truth left? Get out now, George. Here's a link:

Oh, and those two badass "Ukranian citizens?" They were photographed with Giuliani who had a long line of people wanting to be photographed with the wonderful man who ended the murdering for fun streak in New York Cities when he was elected to be Mayor on a platform that he would reduce crimes across the board in New York City, and as Mayor, Giuliani did just that. He's a great man who started out as an overworked prosecutor, and decided it was corruption keeping the murder, theft, and major crimes rate at an all-time high in New York City.

He's a man who made his life count, and due to the cutoff of masses of criminal murders, there are a lot of people who are alive today in New York, because Giuliani did something about the murder rate, and it was spectacular. Yet, the Democrat Party is afraid of losing their job due to President Trump's success in employing more people and having a stellar adviser around him named Rudy Giuliani, the Good Guy of New York politics who did something good about a bad situation that his good ended.

Walk Away from those liars. They're creating crime in the streets to create chaos, george. You don't want to be part of a crime wave because you did nothing to stop the liars in your own party from lying to you? Please jump ship. You won't get lied to on our side. You'll get results and be part of the team that raised the standard of living for ethnic minorities through Donald Trump's stimulation of businesses to hire more workers, and he's got companies who spread out to have their products produced elsewhere back in the states employing OUR workers for the inventions OUR SCIENCE GUYS MADE, and President Trump's the one who's making jobs happen over here for prosperity and people being able to afford a good life.

Save yourself. WALK AWAY!!! Join the movement!

Free yourself from them Demmie lians who make you one too. You'll be happier a free man from the lying game. :woohoo:

Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

This is all about fighting corruption.

"Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

"Investigators are scrutinizing Giuliani’s efforts to undermine the work of the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, one source familiar with the probe told The New York Times on Friday evening."

Maybe Rudy will follow in the footsteps of Michael Cohen?

georgie sez: "Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine"....​
Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
Don't tell me, Georgie, your own party lied their asses off to you about Rudy Giuliani doing hush-hush stuff with 2 Ukrainian citizens, and they wanted you and your fellow posters to be bald-faced propaganda scammers. I'd sure be mad at those turdbirds down at headquarters if I were you for expecting you to come here to USMB and pass along their false narratives to people who know better. How can you stand to go there and find out stuff to countermand what we say as truthfully as we can, only to get ourselves smeared with you as the smearer for people who just handed you lies to smear people like me with. How can you stand being lied to? Is it gonna be "Oh, they made a mistake." or are you gonna WALK AWAY while you still have a little pride in truth left? Get out now, George. Here's a link:

Oh, and those two badass "Ukranian citizens?" They were photographed with Giuliani who had a long line of people wanting to be photographed with the wonderful man who ended the murdering for fun streak in New York Cities when he was elected to be Mayor on a platform that he would reduce crimes across the board in New York City, and as Mayor, Giuliani did just that. He's a great man who started out as an overworked prosecutor, and decided it was corruption keeping the murder, theft, and major crimes rate at an all-time high in New York City.

He's a man who made his life count, and due to the cutoff of masses of criminal murders, there are a lot of people who are alive today in New York, because Giuliani did something about the murder rate, and it was spectacular. Yet, the Democrat Party is afraid of losing their job due to President Trump's success in employing more people and having a stellar adviser around him named Rudy Giuliani, the Good Guy of New York politics who did something good about a bad situation that his good ended.

Walk Away from those liars. They're creating crime in the streets to create chaos, george. You don't want to be part of a crime wave because you did nothing to stop the liars in your own party from lying to you? Please jump ship. You won't get lied to on our side. You'll get results and be part of the team that raised the standard of living for ethnic minorities through Donald Trump's stimulation of businesses to hire more workers, and he's got companies who spread out to have their products produced elsewhere back in the states employing OUR workers for the inventions OUR SCIENCE GUYS MADE, and President Trump's the one who's making jobs happen over here for prosperity and people being able to afford a good life.

Save yourself. WALK AWAY!!! Join the movement!

Free yourself from them Demmie lians who make you one too. You'll be happier a free man from the lying game. :woohoo:

Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
So what?
They were funneling Russian money to Trump's 2020 campaign.
Do you have a problem with that?

Senators: Probe into possible Trump-Russia collusion ongoing
Wanting them to become reasonable is useless beautress . These are the shameless people that find nothing wrong with Antifa and beating on old white women , these are the people that throw urine on our police , these are the people that let their kids kill police while they stand behind a BLM flag and these are the chumps that put their kids in hock by advising them to a ivy league socialist training ground for 4 years to learn the mating habits of lesbians .
There's no reasoning anymore , there can be no tolerance any more , so we need to accept the fact that it's now a full blown war and we need to weed out the enemy . This is what the Marxist Democrats want as long as it's not them on the end of our pikes . My only answer now is to make a list and knock off the big mouths first than work out way down . Whatever we do - it's got to be a complete removal of the cancer . We need to become what they actually accuse us of being - and I'm fine with that if it corrects the problem We inherited a civil society from my parents and it's our duty to leave one that's just as civil . We're morally obligated to protect the vision and founding of this country or we failed.
Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

This is all about fighting corruption.

"Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

"Investigators are scrutinizing Giuliani’s efforts to undermine the work of the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, one source familiar with the probe told The New York Times on Friday evening."

Maybe Rudy will follow in the footsteps of Michael Cohen?

georgie sez: "Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine"....​
Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
Don't tell me, Georgie, your own party lied their asses off to you about Rudy Giuliani doing hush-hush stuff with 2 Ukrainian citizens, and they wanted you and your fellow posters to be bald-faced propaganda scammers. I'd sure be mad at those turdbirds down at headquarters if I were you for expecting you to come here to USMB and pass along their false narratives to people who know better. How can you stand to go there and find out stuff to countermand what we say as truthfully as we can, only to get ourselves smeared with you as the smearer for people who just handed you lies to smear people like me with. How can you stand being lied to? Is it gonna be "Oh, they made a mistake." or are you gonna WALK AWAY while you still have a little pride in truth left? Get out now, George. Here's a link:

Oh, and those two badass "Ukranian citizens?" They were photographed with Giuliani who had a long line of people wanting to be photographed with the wonderful man who ended the murdering for fun streak in New York Cities when he was elected to be Mayor on a platform that he would reduce crimes across the board in New York City, and as Mayor, Giuliani did just that. He's a great man who started out as an overworked prosecutor, and decided it was corruption keeping the murder, theft, and major crimes rate at an all-time high in New York City.

He's a man who made his life count, and due to the cutoff of masses of criminal murders, there are a lot of people who are alive today in New York, because Giuliani did something about the murder rate, and it was spectacular. Yet, the Democrat Party is afraid of losing their job due to President Trump's success in employing more people and having a stellar adviser around him named Rudy Giuliani, the Good Guy of New York politics who did something good about a bad situation that his good ended.

Walk Away from those liars. They're creating crime in the streets to create chaos, george. You don't want to be part of a crime wave because you did nothing to stop the liars in your own party from lying to you? Please jump ship. You won't get lied to on our side. You'll get results and be part of the team that raised the standard of living for ethnic minorities through Donald Trump's stimulation of businesses to hire more workers, and he's got companies who spread out to have their products produced elsewhere back in the states employing OUR workers for the inventions OUR SCIENCE GUYS MADE, and President Trump's the one who's making jobs happen over here for prosperity and people being able to afford a good life.

Save yourself. WALK AWAY!!! Join the movement!

Free yourself from them Demmie lians who make you one too. You'll be happier a free man from the lying game. :woohoo:

Interview with President Trump's Attorney

This is all about running a political scam on their way to winning next year's election than either fairnes, reality, and a dearth of any crime justifying this unfair and partisan attempting to revote the American people's votes.
What say you?

This is all about fighting corruption.

"Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

"Investigators are scrutinizing Giuliani’s efforts to undermine the work of the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, one source familiar with the probe told The New York Times on Friday evening."

Maybe Rudy will follow in the footsteps of Michael Cohen?

georgie sez: "Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine"....​
Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
Don't tell me, Georgie, your own party lied their asses off to you about Rudy Giuliani doing hush-hush stuff with 2 Ukrainian citizens, and they wanted you and your fellow posters to be bald-faced propaganda scammers. I'd sure be mad at those turdbirds down at headquarters if I were you for expecting you to come here to USMB and pass along their false narratives to people who know better. How can you stand to go there and find out stuff to countermand what we say as truthfully as we can, only to get ourselves smeared with you as the smearer for people who just handed you lies to smear people like me with. How can you stand being lied to? Is it gonna be "Oh, they made a mistake." or are you gonna WALK AWAY while you still have a little pride in truth left? Get out now, George. Here's a link:

Oh, and those two badass "Ukranian citizens?" They were photographed with Giuliani who had a long line of people wanting to be photographed with the wonderful man who ended the murdering for fun streak in New York Cities when he was elected to be Mayor on a platform that he would reduce crimes across the board in New York City, and as Mayor, Giuliani did just that. He's a great man who started out as an overworked prosecutor, and decided it was corruption keeping the murder, theft, and major crimes rate at an all-time high in New York City.

He's a man who made his life count, and due to the cutoff of masses of criminal murders, there are a lot of people who are alive today in New York, because Giuliani did something about the murder rate, and it was spectacular. Yet, the Democrat Party is afraid of losing their job due to President Trump's success in employing more people and having a stellar adviser around him named Rudy Giuliani, the Good Guy of New York politics who did something good about a bad situation that his good ended.

Walk Away from those liars. They're creating crime in the streets to create chaos, george. You don't want to be part of a crime wave because you did nothing to stop the liars in your own party from lying to you? Please jump ship. You won't get lied to on our side. You'll get results and be part of the team that raised the standard of living for ethnic minorities through Donald Trump's stimulation of businesses to hire more workers, and he's got companies who spread out to have their products produced elsewhere back in the states employing OUR workers for the inventions OUR SCIENCE GUYS MADE, and President Trump's the one who's making jobs happen over here for prosperity and people being able to afford a good life.

Save yourself. WALK AWAY!!! Join the movement!

Free yourself from them Demmie lians who make you one too. You'll be happier a free man from the lying game. :woohoo:

Both of the "Ukrainian citizens" were later found out to be "AMERICAN CITIZENS"
So what?
They were funneling Russian money to Trump's 2020 campaign.
Do you have a problem with that?

Senators: Probe into possible Trump-Russia collusion ongoing


Putin and the Ritz: This hilarious Randy Rainbow video will make your day

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