Sam Bankman-Fried secretly funneled more than $100 million stolen from his customers into the U.S. political system


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Ex-crypto executive Sam Bankman-Fried secretly funneled more than $100 million stolen from his customers into the U.S. political system to bend crypto legislation to his will, Federal prosecutors said Monday in a revised indictment.

The embattled former billionaire — in custody at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center since a judge revoked his $250 million bond Friday for alleged witness tampering — was accused anew of campaign finance corruption in a superseding indictment in his Manhattan case.

Prosecutors dropped a campaign contribution charge against Bankman-Fried to respect an extradition treaty with The Bahamas, where his company FTX was based. The Caribbean government had not agreed to it when it handed Bankman-Fried off to the feds following his stateside indictment in December.

Weaving the scheme into the original money laundering and wire fraud charges that the Bahamas signed off on, the feds said Bankman-Fried donated generously outside legal limits through straw donors to politicians in both parties ahead of the 2022 midterms.

“[The] fact that the defendant engaged not in lawful giving on behalf of FTX but instead used straw donors to hide the true source of funds and deceptively increase his influence on policy making demonstrates the strength of his desire to purchase political clout — a desire so great that he stole customer funds to satisfy it,” prosecutors wrote in pretrial filings.

The 31-year-old from Palo Alto, Calif., has pleaded not guilty to a series of interconnected fraud schemes that saw him siphon over a billion dollars from his global cryptocurrency exchange, partly to pay off his hedge fund Alameda Research’s debts. He could face over a century in prison if convicted.

Another Left Wing crook caught.
The dumb Democrats treated this swindler like an investment genius.
I hope that they invested with him.
Now he will be sweeping the jail house floor for decades.
This guy proves our election system is a fraud. How does this little weasel give enormous sums to the uniparty (mostly to Ds)? Yet he wasn’t the top donor. When will Americans realize the system is rigged by and for the benefit of the ultra wealthy?

The 30-year-old Bankman-Fried has been a major force in Democratic politics, ranking as the party’s second-biggest individual donor in the 2021–2022 election cycle, according to Open Secrets, with donations totaling $39.8 million. That ranks only behind George Soros (about $128 million) but ahead of many other big names, including Michael Bloomberg ($28.3 million).

Oops. Sam Bankman-Fried's implosion took down Democrats'› 2022 › 11 › 10 › sam-bankman-fried-ftx-joe-bide
This guy proves our election system is a fraud. How does this little weasel give enormous sums to the uniparty (mostly to Ds)? Yet he wasn’t the top donor. When will Americans realize the system is rigged by and for the benefit of the ultra wealthy?

The 30-year-old Bankman-Fried has been a major force in Democratic politics, ranking as the party’s second-biggest individual donor in the 2021–2022 election cycle, according to Open Secrets, with donations totaling $39.8 million. That ranks only behind George Soros (about $128 million) but ahead of many other big names, including Michael Bloomberg ($28.3 million).

Oops. Sam Bankman-Fried's implosion took down Democrats'› 2022 › 11 › 10 › sam-bankman-fried-ftx-joe-bide
What about his investors? They just got hosed?
This guy proves our election system is a fraud. How does this little weasel give enormous sums to the uniparty (mostly to Ds)? Yet he wasn’t the top donor. When will Americans realize the system is rigged by and for the benefit of the ultra wealthy?

The 30-year-old Bankman-Fried has been a major force in Democratic politics, ranking as the party’s second-biggest individual donor in the 2021–2022 election cycle, according to Open Secrets, with donations totaling $39.8 million. That ranks only behind George Soros (about $128 million) but ahead of many other big names, including Michael Bloomberg ($28.3 million).

Oops. Sam Bankman-Fried's implosion took down Democrats'› 2022 › 11 › 10 › sam-bankman-fried-ftx-joe-bide

Citizens United is how he did it. Most destructive decision the SC has ever made.

They've taken the phrase "a corporation shall have all of the rights of a natural person to buy and hold property, and to mortgage or and sell the same" and chopped off the sentence after the words "natural person" to so it reads "corporations shall have all of the rights of a natural person". Natural persons have the right to donate to and participate in political elections, so corporations have the same right. This basically gives business owners the right to donate double what workers can give.
Citizens United is how he did it. Most destructive decision the SC has ever made.

They've taken the phrase "a corporation shall have all of the rights of a natural person to buy and hold property, and to mortgage or and sell the same" and chopped off the sentence after the words "natural person" to so it reads "corporations shall have all of the rights of a natural person". Natural persons have the right to donate to and participate in political elections, so corporations have the same right. This basically gives business owners the right to donate double what workers can give.

I’m not sure you and I have ever agreed on anything before.
I would be surprised if he is not another CIA dupe and has fronted for them with funds going mainly elsewhere . He could not organise an omelette so you know the narrative is only for Gullibles .imho .
Lol. Except I’m not a partisan of the criminal uniparty. You should know that after 11 years.

It doesn't matter whether you're a Republican or not, you still spout the same proveable lies of the Republican Party. And you seem to support their white nationalist authoritarian agenda. Do you really want to live under Dictator Trump????

And you still spout their lies about senior Democrats - none of whom have ever been indicted, much less convicted of a single crime since Clinton was in office, which implies a complete lack of intellectual curiosity, on your part.

I don't believe any of these ashholes on either side, and I fact check everything. EVERYTHING. As a law clerk, I did the "due diligence". I was given agreements and basically required to find the evidence to support/contest every claim made. Navigating government websites, and finding reports, data and facts to confirm that our clients were getting what they paid for.

Comparatively speaking, Republicans cannot be believed on ANYTHING. They lie as naturally as breathing, and they've replaced platforms and ideas, with conspiracy theories, and lies about Democrats. That's because their policies aren't working, and people aren't voting for tax cuts and economic crashes.

Billionaire owned Republican websites exist to support those lies and conspiracy theories and keep their voters in a perpetual state of outrage, so they don't realize that all of their economic woes are the result of Republican economic policies.

But they went too far with abortion rights. If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one, but women need the option for prenatal care. Ectopic pregnancies are a death sentence for the mother, unless she is in hospital when her tube bursts. Not "if". Once it implants in the tube, the burst tube is inevitable unless the zygote is removed from the fallopian tube before it bursts. When it bursts, the woman has less than 10 minutes before she bleeds to death from internal hemoraging. There is no other possible outcome unless the pregnancy is terminate.

I had two miscarriages, neither one of which I would have received treatment for under today's laws in Texas or Florida. In the case of my second pregnancy, I carried a dead fetus for 2 weeks before having a D&C. In Texas, I would have had to wait until I had sepsis before they would have done the surgery. In which case I could have died from the infection, or been rendered infertile due to scarring from the infection.

Even pro-life women are opposed to these laws.
It doesn't matter whether you're a Republican or not, you still spout the same proveable lies of the Republican Party. And you seem to support their white nationalist authoritarian agenda. Do you really want to live under Dictator Trump????

And you still spout their lies about senior Democrats - none of whom have ever been indicted, much less convicted of a single crime since Clinton was in office, which implies a complete lack of intellectual curiosity, on your part.

I don't believe any of these ashholes on either side, and I fact check everything. EVERYTHING. As a law clerk, I did the "due diligence". I was given agreements and basically required to find the evidence to support/contest every claim made. Navigating government websites, and finding reports, data and facts to confirm that our clients were getting what they paid for.

Comparatively speaking, Republicans cannot be believed on ANYTHING. They lie as naturally as breathing, and they've replaced platforms and ideas, with conspiracy theories, and lies about Democrats. That's because their policies aren't working, and people aren't voting for tax cuts and economic crashes.

Billionaire owned Republican websites exist to support those lies and conspiracy theories and keep their voters in a perpetual state of outrage, so they don't realize that all of their economic woes are the result of Republican economic policies.

But they went too far with abortion rights. If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one, but women need the option for prenatal care. Ectopic pregnancies are a death sentence for the mother, unless she is in hospital when her tube bursts. Not "if". Once it implants in the tube, the burst tube is inevitable unless the zygote is removed from the fallopian tube before it bursts. When it bursts, the woman has less than 10 minutes before she bleeds to death from internal hemoraging. There is no other possible outcome unless the pregnancy is terminate.

I had two miscarriages, neither one of which I would have received treatment for under today's laws in Texas or Florida. In the case of my second pregnancy, I carried a dead fetus for 2 weeks before having a D&C. In Texas, I would have had to wait until I had sepsis before they would have done the surgery. In which case I could have died from the infection, or been rendered infertile due to scarring from the infection.

Even pro-life women are opposed to these laws.
I dont support the R Party in any way. I want both parties terminated. And besides, there is little difference between both. In fact, both are right wing parties. Joe is a fucking right winger and always has been.

The D Party is the party of the billionaires (establishment) and the R Party is trying hard to unseat them.

I support a woman’s right to choose, but with limitations. I’m sorry you had miscarriages.
I would be surprised if he is not another CIA dupe and has fronted for them with funds going mainly elsewhere . He could not organise an omelette so you know the narrative is only for Gullibles .imho .

Anyone who thinks a billionaire grifter is a "CIA Dupe", is a card carrying "Gullible" in my book.
Anyone who thinks a billionaire grifter is a "CIA Dupe", is a card carrying "Gullible" in my book.
Relatively true…
We have become a people who are under complete & total control of big corporations and sociopathic billionaires who exploit our labor, plunder our wealth, bribe our politicians, and destroy our planet all under the guise of “freedom.” This is what capitalism has done to humanity.
I dont support the R Party in any way. I want both parties terminated. And besides, there is little difference between both. In fact, both are right wing parties. Joe is a fucking right winger and always has been.

The D Party is the party of the billionaires (establishment) and the R Party is trying hard to unseat them.

I support a woman’s right to choose, but with limitations. I’m sorry you had miscarriages.

Thank you. One in three pregnancies end in miscarriage. It's why women don't announce their pregnancies until the second trimester. In both cases, I swore I'd be pregnant again before the lost child's due date, and I was, and I had three healthy children. But without quick and proper care on the second miscarriage, I would never had had another opportunity.

I hear the stories of these women who just wanted to have a baby, and everything they were put through and it's just a cruelty what they're suffering. And it's so unnecessary. I'm sobbing at the end of every interview, because I realize my story is in no way like that, and I went on to have a healthy pregnancy.

While I do agree that both parties are very right wing, I strongly disagree that both parties are the same. Republicans are just flat out inventing bullshit about the "Biden Crime Family", even as Donald Trump and his associates are indicted on RICO charges. They've stopped even having a platform, and their corruption is absolute.

Republicans have gone completely batshit crazy since Trump came along. We're horrified by the crap they're pulling and their refusal to just stand up and tell the truth about Trump. They parrot his every lie, and they'll basically say or do ANYTHING to stay in power, even though they have no agenda or platform.

If I were an American, I'd vote Democrat as the lesser of two evils, but they are far too beholding to big business as well. I'd like to see workers sitting on corporate Boards of Directors as they do in Gerrmany. Workers definitely have a huge stake in corporate governance and direction, and yet they have no say at all. Especially since few private sector workers have unions these days.

Relatively true…
We have become a people who are under complete & total control of big corporations and sociopathic billionaires who exploit our labor, plunder our wealth, bribe our politicians, and destroy our planet all under the guise of “freedom.” This is what capitalism has done to humanity.

The worst of it is their billionaire owned media keeps Republicans in a perpetual state of rage against Democrats in order to keep them from realizing that the Republicans are the ones destroying the American Dream.

This is why teaching and learning history is important. When plantation owners stopped using indentured servants and started importing slaves. They told the poor white sharecroppers, that the slaves were "stealing their jobs", to keep them from uniting against their overlords.

Today, Republicans tell poor white voters that "illegals are stealing your jobs". Or the Chinese are stealing their jobs. No they're not. American corporations are GIVING these people your jobs. And they're doing it to keep American workers compliant and willing to work for peanuts, while corporate profits have never been higher.
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Thank you. One in three pregnancies end in miscarriage. It's why women don't announce their pregnancies until the second trimester. In both cases, I swore I'd be pregnant again before the lost child's due date, and I was, and I had three healthy children. But without quick and proper care on the second miscarriage, I would never had had another opportunity.

I hear the stories of these women who just wanted to have a baby, and everything they were put through and it's just a cruelty what they're suffering. And it's so unnecessary.

While I do agree that both parties are very right wing, I strongly disagree that both parties are the same. Republicans are just flat out inventing bullshit about the "Biden Crime Family", even as Donald Trump and his associates are indicted on RICO charges. They've stopped even having a platform, and their corruption is absolute.

Republicans have gone completely batshit crazy since Trump came along. We're horrified by the crap they're pulling and their refusal to just stand up and tell the truth about Trump. They parrot his every lie, and they'll basically say or do ANYTHING to stay in power, even though they have no agenda or platform.

If I were an American, I'd vote Democrat as the lesser of two evils, but they are far too beholding to big business as well. I'd like to see workers sitting on corporate Boards of Directors as they do in Gerrmany. Workers definitely have a huge stake in corporate governance and direction, and yet they have no say at all. Especially since few private sector workers have unions these days.

The worst of it is their billionaire owned media keeps Republicans in a perpetual state of rage against Democrats in order to keep them from realizing that the Republicans are the ones destroying the US economy.
While I agree with most of that, you’re wrong about Biden. He’s terribly corrupt, as are nearly all our politicians.
While I agree with most of that, you’re wrong about Biden. He’s terribly corrupt, as are nearly all our politicians.

Biden was the "most honest man in Washington", until he ran for President. A man doesn't lead an honest life for 60 years and suddenly "break bad". And there is no evidence of corruption whatsoever. This is yet another case of Republicans making up shit about Democrats and then investigating the shit they make up. That's why they never find anything.

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