Democrat Who Bilked Investors Out Of Millions: Charges Dropped!!!

There are instances of rich people getting away with things but this isn’t one of them.

SBF had to be extradited from the Bahamas which complicates things. The Bahamas agreed to extradition based on 8 charges. The Feds later added 5 charges which would potentially violate the extradition agreement without the approval of the Bahamas, which they haven’t given the Feds.

So to smooth things over for now, the Feds are putting the extra charges on hold for now.
It appears the OP got all outraged up before he read his own story. Oh the outrage.
No it doesn't
Yeah, it does. Nancy Pelosi and insider trading. Hillary Clinton and obstruction of justice and evidence tampering. Joe Biden, crime family bribes; insider trading; influence peddling. Adam Schiff and bearing false witness and other crimes. Yes ... being a rich lefty helps raise these criminals above the law.
Yeah, it does. Nancy Pelosi and insider trading. Hillary Clinton and obstruction of justice and evidence tampering. Joe Biden, crime family bribes; insider trading; influence peddling. Adam Schiff and bearing false witness and other crimes. Yes ... being a rich lefty helps raise these criminals above the law.
And Trump, who tried to overthrow the democracy. Just sayin...
Yeah, it does. Nancy Pelosi and insider trading. Hillary Clinton and obstruction of justice and evidence tampering. Joe Biden, crime family bribes; insider trading; influence peddling. Adam Schiff and bearing false witness and other crimes. Yes ... being a rich lefty helps raise these criminals above the law.
No, it does not. The whataboutism, even if all true, is but a drop in a ten gallon drum compared to the criminality and evilness of Trump.
Yeah, it does. Nancy Pelosi and insider trading.

Legal. It's legal for all of Congress.

Hillary Clinton and obstruction of justice and evidence tampering. Joe Biden, crime family bribes; insider trading; influence peddling. Adam Schiff and bearing false witness and other crimes. Yes ... being a rich lefty helps raise these criminals above the law.

All the Trump administration should have charged but did nothing about.
Legal. It's legal for all of Congress.

All the Trump administration should have charged but did nothing about.
But not legal for Martha Stewart. So you're saying that Congress is above the law.
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But no legal for Martha Stewart. So you're saying that Congress is above the law.

No, I am saying there is no law that applies to Congress sadly.

Insider Trading Isn’t Illegal if You Are a Member of Congress | INSIDE COMPLIANCE

Simply put, insider trading is illegal. But, if you are a member of Congress, there is a loophole. Members of Congress and their families are allowed to trade stocks with almost no limitations. There isn’t a limit on lawmakers trading stocks based on classified information nor is there oversight regarding the trades that lawmakers are allowed to make based on other information they are privy to as part of their job. This is in glaring contrast to the strict insider trading laws that ban the same kind of behavior of everyone else in the county.
Yes. It is. I thought AOC and Gatez wrote a bill to end this.
They're puppets too. Birds of a feather and all that. There's no stopping the Deep State--the biggest cartel on earth.

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