San Francisco 49ers .... WTF ????

OMG !!! :eek:

The Bleacher report has SF listed at #7 in the week 4 power rankings and falling like the Hindenburg after opening at #1 ahead of the Broncos and Seahawks.

Oh! The Humanity !!!

Yikes !!!
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I've been trying to make sense of the recent collapse of the 9ers and have concluded I was right about Seattle writing the book on how to deal with Kaepernick and the Niners running game.

Now any team with a decent secondary will have a distinct advantage in a contest with SF if they just blanket Boldin and intimidate all other potential recievers at the LOS.

One of SF's biggest problems at the moment is that on the play where Sherman picked off CK right over VD's outstretched arms Davis pulled a hammy and that injury will not go away soon.

I predict the Rams will make Kaepernick just as inneffective as the Colts did.

St Louis wins 21-12

9ers are 1-3 .. :eek:
Frank Gore yells at Harbaugh. Jimmy gets the point and decides to just depend on Kaepernicks arm for the rest of the season.. :lol:

In other news 9ers players break into Aldon Smiths locker and have a drunken pot party instead of a Tuesday workout.. :lol:

:party: :beer: :cheers2: :rock: :booze:
Frank Gore yells at Harbaugh. Jimmy gets the point and decides to just depend on Kaepernicks arm for the rest of the season.. :lol:

In other news 9ers players break into Aldon Smiths locker and have a drunken pot party instead of a Tuesday workout.. :lol:

:party: :beer: :cheers2: :rock: :booze:

Not too soon at all

WOW ! Just WOW !

I was just over to the official 9ers site and watching the Kaepernick and Harbaugh interviews.

Colin looked and talked catatonic... Harbaugh was as glum as I have ever seen him. "More precision" is all he could pinpoint as to the causes of SF's recent woes. "More precision?" What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean? Kaepernicks last two games QB ratings were like 20 and 40. "Precision?" Ya that's right...just a little touch up in the PRECISION department... Hey Jimbo!!! Da Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.

Damn! How far the mighty have fallen. Now I am starting to feel bad about the whoopin the Hawks laid on these guys. It seems like we just slapped the will to win outta these mofos. It's sad. I couldn't even watch the whole videos. It was mega depressing.
WOW ! Just WOW !

I was just over to the official 9ers site and watching the Kaepernick and Harbaugh interviews.

Colin looked and talked catatonic... Harbaugh was as glum as I have ever seen him. "More precision" is all he could pinpoint as to the causes of SF's recent woes. "More precision?" What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean? Kaepernicks last two games QB ratings were like 20 and 40. "Precision?" Ya that's right...just a little touch up in the PRECISION department... Hey Jimbo!!! Da Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.

Damn! How far the mighty have fallen. Now I am starting to feel bad about the whoopin the Hawks laid on these guys. It seems like we just slapped the will to win outta these mofos. It's sad. I couldn't even watch the whole videos. It was mega depressing.


Like I said,i will laugh my ass off if Kap turns out to another Kordell stewart,a flash in the pan guy.:lol:

btw Huggy,do you agree now,that you made a miste on Cam,that he has rebounded from last year with their convincing thrashing of the Giants? and dont forget,they played your Hawks close as well unlike the niners whom unlike your hawks,also dont even have a homefield advantage.:D
WOW ! Just WOW !

I was just over to the official 9ers site and watching the Kaepernick and Harbaugh interviews.

Colin looked and talked catatonic... Harbaugh was as glum as I have ever seen him. "More precision" is all he could pinpoint as to the causes of SF's recent woes. "More precision?" What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean? Kaepernicks last two games QB ratings were like 20 and 40. "Precision?" Ya that's right...just a little touch up in the PRECISION department... Hey Jimbo!!! Da Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.

Damn! How far the mighty have fallen. Now I am starting to feel bad about the whoopin the Hawks laid on these guys. It seems like we just slapped the will to win outta these mofos. It's sad. I couldn't even watch the whole videos. It was mega depressing.


Like I said,i will laugh my ass off if Kap turns out to another Kordell stewart,a flash in the pan guy.:lol:

btw Huggy,do you agree now,that you made a miste on Cam,that he has rebounded from last year with their convincing thrashing of the Giants? and dont forget,they played your Hawks close as well unlike the niners whom unlike your hawks,also dont even have a homefield advantage.:D

That last statement doesn't make any sense.

The first game the Hawks played had many levels of adversity. The heat and humidity..TV timouts that sucked the life out of any momentum the Hawks could muster. Wilson had a bad game. Seattle played minus half a dozen key players. Even so Seattle made Newton look like a blowup doll. He only threw for 120 home. It was a stinker of a game and Seattle was lucky/talented enough to escape with a win. ANY win on the road is a keeper.
Tonight we find out if SF is all in or all done.

It is hard to wrap one's mind around how this crazy NFL season is unfolding.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be a battle....tooth and nail..back and forth...two megatron transformers going at it.

What it is one team, Seattle, getting better every play..every day...every way growing into an unbeatable unstoppable jaugernaut...and

Then there are the San Francisco 49ers.....

Who were supposed to be Seattle's arch enemy..nemesis against nemesis....Super Team vs Super Team. Instead tonight we may find SF is not holding up it's end of the bargain. Tonight, in only the 4th game of a 16 game season, SF may be knocked out of any reasonable chance to catch Seattle in the NFC West.

If the St Louis Rams hold serve at home against the 9ers there is little chance the boys from the bay can recover.

WOW ! Just WOW !

I was just over to the official 9ers site and watching the Kaepernick and Harbaugh interviews.

Colin looked and talked catatonic... Harbaugh was as glum as I have ever seen him. "More precision" is all he could pinpoint as to the causes of SF's recent woes. "More precision?" What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean? Kaepernicks last two games QB ratings were like 20 and 40. "Precision?" Ya that's right...just a little touch up in the PRECISION department... Hey Jimbo!!! Da Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.

Damn! How far the mighty have fallen. Now I am starting to feel bad about the whoopin the Hawks laid on these guys. It seems like we just slapped the will to win outta these mofos. It's sad. I couldn't even watch the whole videos. It was mega depressing.


Like I said,i will laugh my ass off if Kap turns out to another Kordell stewart,a flash in the pan guy.:lol:

btw Huggy,do you agree now,that you made a miste on Cam,that he has rebounded from last year with their convincing thrashing of the Giants? and dont forget,they played your Hawks close as well unlike the niners whom unlike your hawks,also dont even have a homefield advantage.:D

That last statement doesn't make any sense.

The first game the Hawks played had many levels of adversity. The heat and humidity..TV timouts that sucked the life out of any momentum the Hawks could muster. Wilson had a bad game. Seattle played minus half a dozen key players. Even so Seattle made Newton look like a blowup doll. He only threw for 120 home. It was a stinker of a game and Seattle was lucky/talented enough to escape with a win. ANY win on the road is a keeper.

well your hawks have an amazing defense is why cam played so bad.with the threashing of the Giants,I think his confidence is now restored and he just had a bad year last year.CAM I think WILL be okay.Its kappy that I have doubts about now.:lol:
One minute left in the first qtr and it's 3-0 St Louis. This is not looking good for SF at all. I can't believe how badly the 9ers are playing(HUGGY says with heavy sarcasm). :lol:
Well it appears that the Rams are worse than last season. Thier defense USED to be good against the run. When tired OLD Gore shreds a D you pretty much suck. Looks like SF has found the key to winning in St.L with a halftime score of 14-3.

I guess the good news is that the Rams will be a doormat for the Seahawks also.
This is the team the 49ers need to be. Power running to set up the pass, don't try and be a passing team! Be a running team first and the passing will come.

Admittedly, it is the Rams...but after they were so good against the Niners last year, doing this to them at their home is nice.
SF needed this win desperately. Fortunately for them the Rams stunk up thier own stadium. I wouldn't call this a turn around for the 9ers but it temporarily saved thier season from certain oblivion.
I wonder what the deal is with Kaepernick. How did he get from what he was in game one against GB to what he has become since game two in Seattle? Harbaugh was a dummy for putting all his eggs in one basketcase. I can't believe he didn't get an experienced #2 QB to step in once in a while as his very inexperienced QB was getting settled in. Colin's implosion seems too drastic to just call it a slump or "just a bad game".
Something seems to be missing as to why he has become so shakey recently.
SF needed this win desperately. Fortunately for them the Rams stunk up thier own stadium. I wouldn't call this a turn around for the 9ers but it temporarily saved thier season from certain oblivion.

Naw its not a turnaround by any means at all for them.Next week when they play a GREAT defense in the Texans,i expect Kappy to go back to playing like a deer with the headlights on him again.:lol: its just a reprive and they caught a break playiong one of the worst eams in the NFL.
Well it appears that the Rams are worse than last season. Thier defense USED to be good against the run. When tired OLD Gore shreds a D you pretty much suck. Looks like SF has found the key to winning in St.L with a halftime score of 14-3.

I guess the good news is that the Rams will be a doormat for the Seahawks also.

I told you kappy would bounce back in this game Hug.remember I said they really are the lambs? this kurt warner they are playing now you know? hee hee.

You seem to forger Hug,I know what a bunhc of idiots the shottenhimers are living in kc like i do.this is why I knew the niners would win this game.Rememebr when I said this below?:lol:

dont be so sure Hug.You got to remember this is the Lambs we are talking about.Jeff Fisher is an idiot.He got senile at the end in Tennesse which is why he got fired.The guy was an idiot enough to pick up Brian Schottenheimer as their offensive coordinater.the son of a father whose mind would freeze up in the playoffs and would make so many costly stupid decisons where he would get the nickname one and done in kc which he continued with in san diego where chargers fans were stunned that they were stupid enough to hire him there as well.

If not for martys mind freezing up in the playoffs with meltdowns making costly coaching decisions that cost them both games going one and done agaisnt the colts and the Broncos in the 90's,they would have made it back to the superbowl for the first time since the late 60's when they had Lynn Dawson.

and his son is everybit as stupid as marty.he only got that job cause of Martys connection in the NFL.The Ny jets in a game against kc when he was still their offensive coordinater were chanting in the stands=Shotty sucks because his conservative style of offense made Sanchez regress and he is now on the verge of being a career backup now cause of him.He has now taken his conservative offense to st louis and is now impeding the progress of Bradford there as well.
Well it appears that the Rams are worse than last season. Thier defense USED to be good against the run. When tired OLD Gore shreds a D you pretty much suck. Looks like SF has found the key to winning in St.L with a halftime score of 14-3.

I guess the good news is that the Rams will be a doormat for the Seahawks also.

I told you kappy would bounce back in this game Hug.remember I said they really are the lambs? this kurt warner they are playing now you know? hee hee.

You seem to forger Hug,I know what a bunhc of idiots the shottenhimers are living in kc like i do.this is why I knew the niners would win this game.Rememebr when I said this below?:lol:

dont be so sure Hug.You got to remember this is the Lambs we are talking about.Jeff Fisher is an idiot.He got senile at the end in Tennesse which is why he got fired.The guy was an idiot enough to pick up Brian Schottenheimer as their offensive coordinater.the son of a father whose mind would freeze up in the playoffs and would make so many costly stupid decisons where he would get the nickname one and done in kc which he continued with in san diego where chargers fans were stunned that they were stupid enough to hire him there as well.

If not for martys mind freezing up in the playoffs with meltdowns making costly coaching decisions that cost them both games going one and done agaisnt the colts and the Broncos in the 90's,they would have made it back to the superbowl for the first time since the late 60's when they had Lynn Dawson.

and his son is everybit as stupid as marty.he only got that job cause of Martys connection in the NFL.The Ny jets in a game against kc when he was still their offensive coordinater were chanting in the stands=Shotty sucks because his conservative style of offense made Sanchez regress and he is now on the verge of being a career backup now cause of him.He has now taken his conservative offense to st louis and is now impeding the progress of Bradford there as well.

The Rams were a lot better team last season. I'm Jiggy with it. They played the Seahawks tough last year also. It's good to know how soft they have gotten.
Well it appears that the Rams are worse than last season. Thier defense USED to be good against the run. When tired OLD Gore shreds a D you pretty much suck. Looks like SF has found the key to winning in St.L with a halftime score of 14-3.

I guess the good news is that the Rams will be a doormat for the Seahawks also.

I told you kappy would bounce back in this game Hug.remember I said they really are the lambs? this kurt warner they are playing now you know? hee hee.

You seem to forger Hug,I know what a bunhc of idiots the shottenhimers are living in kc like i do.this is why I knew the niners would win this game.Rememebr when I said this below?:lol:

dont be so sure Hug.You got to remember this is the Lambs we are talking about.Jeff Fisher is an idiot.He got senile at the end in Tennesse which is why he got fired.The guy was an idiot enough to pick up Brian Schottenheimer as their offensive coordinater.the son of a father whose mind would freeze up in the playoffs and would make so many costly stupid decisons where he would get the nickname one and done in kc which he continued with in san diego where chargers fans were stunned that they were stupid enough to hire him there as well.

If not for martys mind freezing up in the playoffs with meltdowns making costly coaching decisions that cost them both games going one and done agaisnt the colts and the Broncos in the 90's,they would have made it back to the superbowl for the first time since the late 60's when they had Lynn Dawson.

and his son is everybit as stupid as marty.he only got that job cause of Martys connection in the NFL.The Ny jets in a game against kc when he was still their offensive coordinater were chanting in the stands=Shotty sucks because his conservative style of offense made Sanchez regress and he is now on the verge of being a career backup now cause of him.He has now taken his conservative offense to st louis and is now impeding the progress of Bradford there as well.

The Rams were a lot better team last season. I'm Jiggy with it. They played the Seahawks tough last year also. It's good to know how soft they have gotten.

thats cause they had stephen jackson,they are no longer a theat now without that they have year under fisher,they have alreayd lost confidence in him and shittenheimer.:lol:
I told you kappy would bounce back in this game Hug.remember I said they really are the lambs? this kurt warner they are playing now you know? hee hee.

You seem to forger Hug,I know what a bunhc of idiots the shottenhimers are living in kc like i do.this is why I knew the niners would win this game.Rememebr when I said this below?:lol:

dont be so sure Hug.You got to remember this is the Lambs we are talking about.Jeff Fisher is an idiot.He got senile at the end in Tennesse which is why he got fired.The guy was an idiot enough to pick up Brian Schottenheimer as their offensive coordinater.the son of a father whose mind would freeze up in the playoffs and would make so many costly stupid decisons where he would get the nickname one and done in kc which he continued with in san diego where chargers fans were stunned that they were stupid enough to hire him there as well.

If not for martys mind freezing up in the playoffs with meltdowns making costly coaching decisions that cost them both games going one and done agaisnt the colts and the Broncos in the 90's,they would have made it back to the superbowl for the first time since the late 60's when they had Lynn Dawson.

and his son is everybit as stupid as marty.he only got that job cause of Martys connection in the NFL.The Ny jets in a game against kc when he was still their offensive coordinater were chanting in the stands=Shotty sucks because his conservative style of offense made Sanchez regress and he is now on the verge of being a career backup now cause of him.He has now taken his conservative offense to st louis and is now impeding the progress of Bradford there as well.

The Rams were a lot better team last season. I'm Jiggy with it. They played the Seahawks tough last year also. It's good to know how soft they have gotten.

thats cause they had stephen jackson,they are no longer a theat now without that they have year under fisher,they have alreayd lost confidence in him and shittenheimer.:lol:

that again Hug is why the Lams are playing like the LAMBs cause they have no running game now and because they have already lost faith in Fisher and Shittenheimer.:lol: dont be surprised if Fisher gets the ax the edn of the year next year in St Louis and shittenheimer as well.:lol: and that shittenheimer never gets another NFL job again either.:lol:

seeing the way the Texans alsmot beat up on your hawks,I think once Kappy has to face this great defense next week,he will choke agains the texans and they will lose again big time AGAIN.:lol:
The Rams were a lot better team last season. I'm Jiggy with it. They played the Seahawks tough last year also. It's good to know how soft they have gotten.

thats cause they had stephen jackson,they are no longer a theat now without that they have year under fisher,they have alreayd lost confidence in him and shittenheimer.:lol:

that again Hug is why the Lams are playing like the LAMBs cause they have no running game now and because they have already lost faith in Fisher and Shittenheimer.:lol: dont be surprised if Fisher gets the ax the edn of the year next year in St Louis and shittenheimer as well.:lol: and that shittenheimer never gets another NFL job again either.:lol:

seeing the way the Texans alsmot beat up on your hawks,I think once Kappy has to face this great defense next week,he will choke agains the texans and they will lose again big time AGAIN.:lol:

Don't be surprised if the Texans kick the 9ers ass. I predict a very low scoring game as SF does/used to have a pretty good defense. I'm not so sure any more after the Colts laid 27 on them at home. If they do lose to the Texans don't be shocked if there is serious talk about Harbaugh getting axed. That would be two huge losses at home with another Seattle ass kicking on the horizon in SF. With the addition of Harvin to the Seattle recieving corps and a healthy O-lineI can almost gaurantee a Seattle win.

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