San Francisco schools ban 'chief' from occupational titles after Native American concerns

San Francisco schools ban 'chief' from occupational titles after Native American concerns​


:21: :rofl::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I’m guessing the next woke office to bend to the mindless will of the woke brownshirts will be a DA’s office. No more bureau chiefs.

Partly Native American. Probably far more than Elizabeth Warren.

What the fuck difference does it make? And why the fuck are you capitalizing Native American, as in "NATIVE AMERICAN"? Are you yelling or something?
Half the names of rivers and cities and streets in the USA are based after First Nation (nobody is "native" American) names. It is a sign of respect regardless of the history which was a mix of being allies and enemies just like everything in human history. Are they destined to be renamed after pieces of sheet like George Floyd (a native African)?
Woke idiocy. "Chief" is a 1300's French word that has it's roots in Latin.

chief | Etymology, origin and meaning of chief by etymonline

The word doesn't have a single fucking thing to do with native Americans.
A guy was actually fired for using the word "niggardly" during a meeting. Some of the imbeciles attending the meeting were offended, out of sheer ignorance.

"Niggardly" is another well-oiled word that originated in about the 14th century.

If these ignorant "woke" baboons keep destroying our language and history we'll soon find it impossible to communicate with one another. Lol...
Cool, so only white sounding names and images can be used to either sell products or use as mascots for teams and titles given to firefighters etc.

The left have also managed to successfully bring back segregation.

The English word "Chief" is derived from the Latin "Caput" meaning "head".

Why would Native Americans be offended by Latin?
I'm 47 years old and not once have I ever heard the word chief used as a derogatory term. Even the sports team the chiefs wasn't intended or used an insult, even the braves team was used as a positive.

Our country is becoming fucking ridiculous. Everyday it's another dent in the armor making us just a tiny bit weaker and dumber.
N word


Funny how we are. N WORD means the WORD that is the worst word to ever be used in the history of all man kind.

When will N WORD be banned? Maybe we can replace N WORD with like some sort of symbol like an octagon.

Wait, that won't work. Cause then octagon shapes will need to be banned.

Ok, so we all know pronouns being used wrong will get you charged with sexual harassment.

We have anyone and everyone that isn't white not allowed to be used to sell products. Makes me wonder though. Was it racist for Nike to pay commie kaepernick $50 million dollars to sell their Sneakers being made by slave labor in Vietnam and Pakistan while pretending to be a poor victim of whites while the white -CHIEF executive officer gets paid billions of the great "suffering" of commie kaepernick?

I already ask and of course never get an answer from the hypocritical left. If the Confederate statues and flags and Confederate works like Dixie need to be banned, then why shouldn't memories of Cherokee tribe since they fought for the confederacy and owned slaves?

Should elizabeth Warren be removed from office since she proudly declares her people were slave owners and fought for the confederacy?

Cause the Cherokee were one of at least 5 native American tribes that fought for the confederacy and owned slaves.

Should, they all be banned and cursed forever? Please explain why not?

Lol yeah right. We'll get an explanation.

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