San Francisco Too Expensive for Socialists to Live There


So you can't answer my question?

Oh I can answer it just fine. Just like you can.
I'm just sick and tired of liberals playing the same game you're playing right now. Pretending you dont understand is a pretty weak debate technique thats preschool level at best.
If a city is so expensive only the rich can live there thats the epitomy of income inequality.


I'm getting the impression that you don't understand what the term "income inequality" means.

Hint: it has to do with income, not cost of living.

So how do you pay your bills? The barter system?


You seem pretty lost in this discussion. What are you trying to say?

You seem to be dense as cheese turd.


You're arguing that I should be "ashamed" because of San Francisco's high cost of living and "income inequality", and in your head I'm the one being "dense".

I could write a fucking book on you guys and your cognative dissonance.
Oh I can answer it just fine. Just like you can.
I'm just sick and tired of liberals playing the same game you're playing right now. Pretending you dont understand is a pretty weak debate technique thats preschool level at best.
If a city is so expensive only the rich can live there thats the epitomy of income inequality.


I'm getting the impression that you don't understand what the term "income inequality" means.

Hint: it has to do with income, not cost of living.

So how do you pay your bills? The barter system?


You seem pretty lost in this discussion. What are you trying to say?

You seem to be dense as cheese turd.


You're arguing that I should be "ashamed" because of San Francisco's high cost of living and "income inequality", and in your head I'm the one being "dense".

I could write a fucking book on you guys and your cognative dissonance.

Funny you should use that phrase....
Coming from someone who doesnt understand that it takes a large income that is in no way equal to the poor mans income to live there.
Yep...dense as a cheese turd.

I'm getting the impression that you don't understand what the term "income inequality" means.

Hint: it has to do with income, not cost of living.

So how do you pay your bills? The barter system?


You seem pretty lost in this discussion. What are you trying to say?

You seem to be dense as cheese turd.


You're arguing that I should be "ashamed" because of San Francisco's high cost of living and "income inequality", and in your head I'm the one being "dense".

I could write a fucking book on you guys and your cognative dissonance.

Funny you should use that phrase....
Coming from someone who doesnt understand that it takes a large income that is in no way equal to the poor mans income to live there.
Yep...dense as a cheese turd.

Oh, I'm well aware of the level of income required to afford living in San Francisco.

What I'm not getting is why I should be "ashamed", or how San Francisco's cost of living is the "epitome" of "income inequality".
So how do you pay your bills? The barter system?


You seem pretty lost in this discussion. What are you trying to say?

You seem to be dense as cheese turd.


You're arguing that I should be "ashamed" because of San Francisco's high cost of living and "income inequality", and in your head I'm the one being "dense".

I could write a fucking book on you guys and your cognative dissonance.

Funny you should use that phrase....
Coming from someone who doesnt understand that it takes a large income that is in no way equal to the poor mans income to live there.
Yep...dense as a cheese turd.

Oh, I'm well aware of the level of income required to afford living in San Francisco.

What I'm not getting is why I should be "ashamed", or how San Francisco's cost of living is the "epitome" of "income inequality".

You truly are dense as a cheese turd if you cant recognize a somewhat tongue in cheek jab at liberals and there ridiculous views on income equality.

You seem pretty lost in this discussion. What are you trying to say?

You seem to be dense as cheese turd.


You're arguing that I should be "ashamed" because of San Francisco's high cost of living and "income inequality", and in your head I'm the one being "dense".

I could write a fucking book on you guys and your cognative dissonance.

Funny you should use that phrase....
Coming from someone who doesnt understand that it takes a large income that is in no way equal to the poor mans income to live there.
Yep...dense as a cheese turd.

Oh, I'm well aware of the level of income required to afford living in San Francisco.

What I'm not getting is why I should be "ashamed", or how San Francisco's cost of living is the "epitome" of "income inequality".

You truly are dense as a cheese turd if you cant recogonize a somewhat tongue in cheek jab at liberals and there ridiculous views on income equality.

You mean your ridiculous views on what you think liberals believe about income inequality.

That's the point, which seems to have flown right over your head.
You seem to be dense as cheese turd.


You're arguing that I should be "ashamed" because of San Francisco's high cost of living and "income inequality", and in your head I'm the one being "dense".

I could write a fucking book on you guys and your cognative dissonance.

Funny you should use that phrase....
Coming from someone who doesnt understand that it takes a large income that is in no way equal to the poor mans income to live there.
Yep...dense as a cheese turd.

Oh, I'm well aware of the level of income required to afford living in San Francisco.

What I'm not getting is why I should be "ashamed", or how San Francisco's cost of living is the "epitome" of "income inequality".

You truly are dense as a cheese turd if you cant recogonize a somewhat tongue in cheek jab at liberals and there ridiculous views on income equality.

You mean your ridiculous views on what you think liberals believe about income inequality.

That's the point, which seems to have flown right over your head.

You seam to be unable to connect the ability to live in a safe crime free neighborhood with income.
Yeah thats dense.

You're arguing that I should be "ashamed" because of San Francisco's high cost of living and "income inequality", and in your head I'm the one being "dense".

I could write a fucking book on you guys and your cognative dissonance.

Funny you should use that phrase....
Coming from someone who doesnt understand that it takes a large income that is in no way equal to the poor mans income to live there.
Yep...dense as a cheese turd.

Oh, I'm well aware of the level of income required to afford living in San Francisco.

What I'm not getting is why I should be "ashamed", or how San Francisco's cost of living is the "epitome" of "income inequality".

You truly are dense as a cheese turd if you cant recogonize a somewhat tongue in cheek jab at liberals and there ridiculous views on income equality.

You mean your ridiculous views on what you think liberals believe about income inequality.

That's the point, which seems to have flown right over your head.

You seam to be unable to connect the ability to live in a safe crime free neighborhood with income.
Yeah thats dense.

No, actually I have no problem making that connection. Do you have any more non sequiturs that you'd like to try?
Funny you should use that phrase....
Coming from someone who doesnt understand that it takes a large income that is in no way equal to the poor mans income to live there.
Yep...dense as a cheese turd.

Oh, I'm well aware of the level of income required to afford living in San Francisco.

What I'm not getting is why I should be "ashamed", or how San Francisco's cost of living is the "epitome" of "income inequality".

You truly are dense as a cheese turd if you cant recogonize a somewhat tongue in cheek jab at liberals and there ridiculous views on income equality.

You mean your ridiculous views on what you think liberals believe about income inequality.

That's the point, which seems to have flown right over your head.

You seam to be unable to connect the ability to live in a safe crime free neighborhood with income.
Yeah thats dense.

No, actually I have no problem making that connection. Do you have any more non sequiturs that you'd like to try?

So you dont have a problem with the poor living in dangerous neighborhoods.
Glad we cleared that up.
Personally I'm all for income equality.
It keeps the riff raff out of my neighborhood and the crime that comes with them.
I can't imagine WANTING to live in commiefornia at all, but San Fransicko?

You could not force me to even visit the place let alone pay me enough to live there.

I actually enjoyed my time in Frisco. There was a great bar just outside one gate that served steam beer, the only American beer I've ever enjoyed.

Some great eateries in the Marina district and Chinatown. Baker Beach a great getaway. And, Muir Woods = God's true cathedral.

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