San Fransisco Releases Another Illegal Alien Who Murders an American Citizen


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This shit has to come to an end people or it will get much much worse.

San Francisco Releases Another Illegal Under Detainer Who Commits Murder

Perez-Araujo was arrested in May on suspicion of possessing marijuana for sale, was charged in court with a single misdemeanor count of possession of brass knuckles and released shortly thereafter, officials said. The charge does not fit the criteria under which the San Francisco jail would notify ICE.

“Despite the detainer, local authorities made the decision to release him back into the community without providing any notification to ICE, resulting in another arrest that may have been averted had the city chosen to cooperate with ICE,” Schwab said.

The series of events that led to Esquivel’s death began Aug. 12, when Garcia-Pineda and Perez-Araujo stole a silver .38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver and ammunition from a private car that was parked in San Francisco and belonged to city police Officer Marvin Cabuntala, according to a court complaint filed Thursday. The police internal affairs division is probing the theft and whether the officer failed to properly safeguard the weapon.

Garcia-Pineda, Perez-Araujo and Daniel Cruz, 18, then went on a robbery spree in the early-morning hours of Aug. 15, authorities said, ending with Garcia-Pineda shooting Esquivel, a city native and supermarket worker, at 26th Street and South Van Ness Avenue. Data from the ankle monitor is now key evidence in the case.​

Ironically in both cases, Steinle and Esquivel Jr, volunteered their time to help illegal aliens. That would be very ironic were it not so tragic. Unfortunately in the Steinle case, a liberal judge refused to allow her parents to sue the city for wrongful death.

I would like to suggest that we revive an ancient practice that would be an excellent deterrent in this type of case. When a judge or an official would release a prisoner, they then became responsible for that person and would be equally guilty of any crimes committed by that person. Free a murderer and you could face the death penalty. Believe me, you would see many fewer cases like this.​
Sorry but this is what it means to live in a land of law. Americans who spent time in their life to hear the case made that decision. Respect that. You may not agree but this is another case in which the proliferation of guns is as guilty as this illegal moron accidentally firing and killing an innocent person. That happens every day in America, every day, and we are the only nation where that happens too often with tragic consequences. Wake up and smell the reality of a gun infested nation.
Sorry but this is what it means to live in a land of law. Americans who spent time in their life to hear the case made that decision. Respect that. You may not agree but this is another case in which the proliferation of guns is as guilty as this illegal moron accidentally firing and killing an innocent person. That happens every day in America, every day, and we are the only nation where that happens too often with tragic consequences. Wake up and smell the reality of a gun infested nation.

Dont make this about guns when California has among the tightest laws in the nation. Gun restrictions only keep law abiding citizens disarmed, not criminals like Zarate.

The Sanctuary cities are the culprits here when they refuse to turn over felons and repeat offenders to the feds.

Had they done their jobs right, Katie Steinle would still be alive and that wetback would not have been here the fifth time.

Case closed.
I know better than anyone what a vile bag of garbage San Franciscocksucker is, because I was unfortunately born there. I live a mere 2 hour drive from it but I haven't been there in a decade. The deeply, medically psychotic leftists there exhibit EVERY loathsome quality known to man and even discovered a few new ones! The most violently leftist pieces of I-don't-know-what you will ever, ever see in America. It's an insane asylum with 800,000 patients, which really needs some more 1906 therapy.
I know better than anyone what a vile bag of garbage San Franciscocksucker is, because I was unfortunately born there. I live a mere 2 hour drive from it but I haven't been there in a decade. The deeply, medically psychotic leftists there exhibit EVERY loathsome quality known to man and even discovered a few new ones! The most violently leftist pieces of I-don't-know-what you will ever, ever see in America. It's an insane asylum with 800,000 patients, which really needs some more 1906 therapy.

awwwww.... how horrible for you that you used to live in a place where everyone wasn't white, straight Christian and bigoted.
But he was a pothead! Aren't they all loving, peaceful, law abiding?

This is the way the people of San Francisco want it. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave and spread the word.
I know better than anyone what a vile bag of garbage San Franciscocksucker is, because I was unfortunately born there. I live a mere 2 hour drive from it but I haven't been there in a decade. The deeply, medically psychotic leftists there exhibit EVERY loathsome quality known to man and even discovered a few new ones! The most violently leftist pieces of I-don't-know-what you will ever, ever see in America. It's an insane asylum with 800,000 patients, which really needs some more 1906 therapy.

awwwww.... how horrible for you that you used to live in a place where everyone wasn't white, straight Christian and bigoted.

Lady, does your pea brain have the capacity to debate in anything but these childish, elementary-school stereotypes? First of all, I'm white and straight but not religious at all. Second of all, the whites in SF are every bit as degenerate as everyone else, so I'm not concerned about its demographics in the slightest. Why? Because it's ALL bad across the fucking board. Only a liberal would be attracted to a Sanctuary City literally SPLATTERED in homeless piss and shit, epidemic car break-ins and a public sewer system that is CONSTANTLY malfunctioning it sometimes floods the city with smells that feel like nose-rape. Until you've actually been to that train-wreck, would you please just be quiet? Pretty please?
Trump could have put a stop to this a year ago.

The solution is simple.

Flood San Fransisco with federal agents, arresting and deporting ALL illegal aliens , whether they have committed any further crimes or not (which federal law actually calls for, there is noway liberals could stop this) and arrest any and all Americans they find housing them, employing them, or in any other way assisting them.

Within a month the city of San Francisco would cry uncle, and start cooperating with the feds.
Oh, and did I forget SF is the most nightmarish American city in which to drive? Besides bumper-to-bumper traffic, it takes no less than half an hour of driving around to find parking within walking distance of you destination, which is even more expensive than average airport parking. And it's filled with one-way streets with regular signs that say to the effect: "No left turn except on Tuesdays and Fridays, during odd-numbered days of the month, during partially cloudy skies, when Jupiter and Saturn are on the same side of the sun." Any San Fran resident who owns a car is a masochist glutton for punishment.

With the most price-gouged rent on this continent, it costs well over $1000/month to rent even a microscopic spare bedroom. Now what kind of idiot would live in San Fran itself when its surrounding Bay Area cities have rents a portion of that?!
Only good thing that came out of San Fran was Ghirardelli (sp?) chocolate and the late '60s jam-band music. Even the most ultra-conservative woman in America, Ann Coulter, brags that she's a long-time, devout Grateful Dead fan (like me).
The feds will have to station a fed there for pickup on the days they know these perps will be released. A pain but at least they could get them out of the country.
I still live in the SF Bay Area and find San Francisco to be a very enjoyable place to go, unlike anywhere in Nevada or the south. The firearm in question was lost by the cop and found by the mexican on the pier in a towel. The towel was introduced into evidence.
Sorry but this is what it means to live in a land of law. Americans who spent time in their life to hear the case made that decision. Respect that. You may not agree but this is another case in which the proliferation of guns is as guilty as this illegal moron accidentally firing and killing an innocent person. That happens every day in America, every day, and we are the only nation where that happens too often with tragic consequences. Wake up and smell the reality of a gun infested nation.

That cretin should have been convicted of manslaughter. I have no respect, only contempt for the moron jurors that rendered this travesty of a decision.
Yeah well sadly this is what has come to be expected out of San Fran
Oh, and did I forget SF is the most nightmarish American city in which to drive? Besides bumper-to-bumper traffic, it takes no less than half an hour of driving around to find parking within walking distance of you destination, which is even more expensive than average airport parking. And it's filled with one-way streets with regular signs that say to the effect: "No left turn except on Tuesdays and Fridays, during odd-numbered days of the month, during partially cloudy skies, when Jupiter and Saturn are on the same side of the sun." Any San Fran resident who owns a car is a masochist glutton for punishment.

With the most price-gouged rent on this continent, it costs well over $1000/month to rent even a microscopic spare bedroom. Now what kind of idiot would live in San Fran itself when its surrounding Bay Area cities have rents a portion of that?!

It's not a good place for the middle class blue collar types to live, in fact it's nearly impossible to live there due to the expense.
Frisco, like Seattle, Portland, and a few other hotbeds, are liberal elitist utopias. They are all sanctuary, and hopefully this will come back to bite them in the ass. Karma hopefully will get it's revenge.
Sorry but this is what it means to live in a land of law. Americans who spent time in their life to hear the case made that decision. Respect that. You may not agree but this is another case in which the proliferation of guns is as guilty as this illegal moron accidentally firing and killing an innocent person. That happens every day in America, every day, and we are the only nation where that happens too often with tragic consequences. Wake up and smell the reality of a gun infested nation.
Hypocritical bullshit. When verdicts don't go the Liberal way riots and destruction of property occur. There are no gun laws that will stop a criminal from getting a gun by there very nature they do not follow the law, however if immigration laws had been observed this tragedy would not have occurred. You Liberals own this shit.
The horror show of driving in San Fran also involves the visual distraction of the streets being constantly criss-crossed with cable car tracks and the clutch-incinerating 50 degree hills (I'm too macho to drive an automatic).

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