Sanders pushes Keith Ellison for DNC chair as Howard Dean plans run

They just don't get it. When you say that all white people are born with privilege you are telling poor white Rust Belt residents who are out of work that they have all the breaks. So DNC is telling whites in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia...Fuck you.
You almost gotta scratch your head over the democrat party's willingness to double down on left wing ideology after their second stunning defeat in modern political history. It's interesting to note that the newly elected senate minority leader senator Chuck Schumer who is Jewish and relies on the liberal orthodox Jewish vote in New York is apparently supporting a radical left wing congressman who advocated the extermination of Israel. What are democrats thinking?
They just don't get it. When you say that all white people are born with privilege you are telling poor white Rust Belt residents who are out of work that they have all the breaks. So DNC is telling whites in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia...Fuck you.
White privilege is just a commie idea invented by these leftists who are jealous whitey dominates.
"Leaderless and Lurching to the Left". Beautiful, the GOP will be in control for 20 years.
They just don't get it. When you say that all white people are born with privilege you are telling poor white Rust Belt residents who are out of work that they have all the breaks. So DNC is telling whites in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia...Fuck you.
White privilege is just a commie idea invented by these leftists who are jealous whitey dominates.
It is meant to guilt and divide. I'm not sure they understand that you must work and earn your lot in life. All the Rust Belt wants ( for white and blacks and all folks of all walks of life) economic opportunity. Get the factory running production again. Get the mill going. Get the mine running overtime. Instead Democrats focus on race and racial divisions.
They just don't get it. When you say that all white people are born with privilege you are telling poor white Rust Belt residents who are out of work that they have all the breaks. So DNC is telling whites in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia...Fuck you.
White privilege is just a commie idea invented by these leftists who are jealous whitey dominates.
It is meant to guilt and divide. I'm not sure they understand that you must work and earn your lot in life. All the Rudy Belt wants ( for white and blacks and all folks of all walks of life) economic opportunity. Get the factory running production again. Get the mill going. Get the mine running overtime. Instead Democrats focus on race and racial divisions.

They do know, its intentional, the students are just morons, but the leaders are scum.
They just don't get it. When you say that all white people are born with privilege you are telling poor white Rust Belt residents who are out of work that they have all the breaks. So DNC is telling whites in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia...Fuck you.
White privilege is just a commie idea invented by these leftists who are jealous whitey dominates.
It is meant to guilt and divide. I'm not sure they understand that you must work and earn your lot in life. All the Rudy Belt wants ( for white and blacks and all folks of all walks of life) economic opportunity. Get the factory running production again. Get the mill going. Get the mine running overtime. Instead Democrats focus on race and racial divisions.

They do know, its intentional, the students are just morons, but the leaders are scum.
I am beginning to think its a combination of organized Marxist and sheep that follow.
Great choices, you DemocRATS have, A TERRORIST MUSLIM LOVER, and a fucking socialist....getting the job done on America!
  • CNN ^ | 11/11 | Eli Watkins, Gregory Krieg and Eugene Scott
    Bernie Sanders -- a registered independent who caucuses with Democrats and fought a lengthy primary battle for the party's nomination this year -- and top allies are touting Rep. Keith Ellison for the job. The Muslim-American congressman from Minnesota currently co-chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus. In an email to supporters late Thursday, the Vermont senator said Ellison was uniquely qualified to take on "the political establishment and billionaire class," and that "his experience and perspective would be key to leading the fight against Trump."
Fucking subversives.
They just don't get it. When you say that all white people are born with privilege you are telling poor white Rust Belt residents who are out of work that they have all the breaks. So DNC is telling whites in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia...Fuck you.
White privilege is just a commie idea invented by these leftists who are jealous whitey dominates.
It is meant to guilt and divide. I'm not sure they understand that you must work and earn your lot in life. All the Rudy Belt wants ( for white and blacks and all folks of all walks of life) economic opportunity. Get the factory running production again. Get the mill going. Get the mine running overtime. Instead Democrats focus on race and racial divisions.

They do know, its intentional, the students are just morons, but the leaders are scum.
I am beginning to think its a combination of organized Marxist and sheep that follow.
Fuck it...I know it's organized Marxist and the sheep thst follow.
you DemocRATS have, A TERRORIST MUSLIM LOVER, and a fucking socialist....getting the job done on America!
Now that covers Obama now they want another for the DNC chair...... They never learn.
Could A Radical Israel Basher Soon Head The Democratic Party?
Boycott Israel movement ally Keith Ellison gets closer to leading the DNC.
November 16, 2016
Joseph Klein



When Ellison first ran for Congress, Nihad Awad, executive director of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), provided his support at a fund raiser in Minneapolis for Ellison. Ellison in turn has spoken at CAIR fundraising events. He also defended CAIR against credible charges that CAIR was trying to infiltrate staff offices tied to committees on the judiciary, homeland security and intelligence. At CAIR banquets in late 2008, Ellison urged CAIR supporters to seek jobs in the then incoming Obama administration.

Some of Ellison’s donors have “a history of Muslim Brotherhood connections,” according to Campus Watch. The Minneapolis branch of the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Muslim American Society reportedly paid for Ellison’s pilgrimage to Mecca for the Hajj in 2008.

Ellison is not interested in hearing a diversity of views from moderate Muslims such as M. Zuhdi Jasser, founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, who believe that reform is needed within Islam today. Indeed, Ellison accused Jasser of speaking like those allegedly turncoat blacks “who would seek to ingratiate themselves with powerful people in the white community and would there turn them on the rest of us and give license to attack us all. Now is somebody going to snatch my 13-year-old daughter's hijab off, call her a horrible name, spit on her because of something that you said, Dr. Jasser, I worry about that.”

Ellison’s example of a good role model for a dedicated Islamist appears to be Hamza Yusuf, president and chairman of the Zaytuna Institute in California. Ellison lauded Yusuf as a respected religious authority who had converted to Islam. Ellison’s role model called Judaism a "most racist religion," and said just two days before the September 11, 2001 attacks on our homeland, “This country [America] unfortunately has a great…tribulation coming to it. And much of it is already here, yet people are too illiterate to read the writing on the wall."


Ellison has also made himself an ally of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement against Israel, and he has helped legitimize them through participating in their programming. For example, in July 2016, Ellison participated in a panel discussion co-sponsored by The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, one of the largest BDS operations in the US. Ellison has been at the top of that anti-Israel organization’s “House Hall of Fame.” It should be no surprise that, as Salon reported on June 2, 2016, “Rep. Keith Ellison shared a photo on Twitter…that refers to Israel’s illegal military occupation of the Palestinian territories as apartheid.”

Finally, with respect to the issue of Syrian refugees, Ellison did not think that President Obama’s decision to admit 10,000 Syrians during the last fiscal year was good enough. Shortly before Obama announced his ramp up decision, Ellison had written a letter to the president stating, “Now, more than ever, we need to live up to our history by increasing the number of Syrian refugees allowed to resettle in the United States.” After the president announced his decision to admit 10,000 more Syrian refugees in just one year, Ellison commented, “Ten thousand is not enough. Aren’t we the people who say, ‘give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses’? We must do more for families who are not safe in their own homeland.”


If the Democrats do end up selecting Rep. Keith Ellison as the new chair of the Democratic National Committee, they will be elevating a radical Islamist and Israel basher. Contrary to his pitch on Meet the Press last Sunday, his record does not demonstrate how he would successfully lead his party’s effort to “make working America know that the Democratic party is absolutely on their side.” To the contrary, his selection will risk further alienation of a vast portion of Americans who are convinced – correctly so – that the party they had once supported has abandoned them.

Could A Radical Israel Basher Soon Head The Democratic Party?
Sanders isn't a "Democrat", stupid.
He's just a republican turned inside out...correct?

Uhhhhh.... nnnnnno Chuckles, incorrect.

Sanders has never had a political party other than running with the local "Liberty Union" party decades ago. He joined up in 2015 to use the machine for a run, and when the machine threw him off he quit.
Democrats would be wise to move more center if they want to win. The Republican Party is a joke yet it yawned itself through the '14-'16 Election Cycle to take both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, not mention the Governorships and seats in Legislatures throughout the US. The Democrats came up with nothing and they refuse to admit that this Election was a referendum on what has been tried since 2007.

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