Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich? all he had to do to take over the GOP was b white and parrot the garbage propaganda

There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!

YOur assumption that I am unaware of Trump's personal failings is just you being confused.

Do you have a problem with me calling the race baiting Fraco, an asshole? Do you think he claim that all Trump had to do with win the primaries was spout the party line?
Not the GOP party line at least at the time, the GOP garbage propaganda of phony scandals and conspiracy theories and misinformation....
There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!

YOur assumption that I am unaware of Trump's personal failings is just you being confused.

Do you have a problem with me calling the race baiting Fraco, an asshole? Do you think he claim that all Trump had to do with win the primaries was spout the party line?
Not the GOP party line at least at the time, the GOP garbage propaganda of phony scandals and conspiracy theories and misinformation....

Dude. The republican primary was a firestorm of policy based fighting. Yes there was a lot of personality shit too. But the policy debate was real. And the man with the better policies won, vs the Establishment picked cronies.

It was a good primary.

For you to dismiss it, is just you showing that you lack the character to give your enemy his due.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Oh yeah he was also great at insulting all the other schmucks who were running....

The insults were there. He was good at them. But what really attracted me, was the policies.

Trade and Immigration.
too bad he is still like he was in business, the worst deal maker in America. He has only caused misery for American farmers and businesses. On immigration the stupidest most hateful garbage ever. Pass the 2010 democratic comprehensive immigration bill with and ID card and end this GOP long-running scam. The wall is ridiculously expensive and ridiculously dumb because it won't do a damn thing. He doesn't care he just wanted to get elected and take over the GOP so we could have more tax cuts for himself and his cronies....

Too early to tell with Trade. Though our policies over the last couple of decades have been so bad that the bar for "better" is so low as to be laughable.

Our immigration is still way to generous. We need to shut it down for a generation, to absorb what we already have. IF we can at all.
Almost everyone the last few years has been asking for asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zone of Central America. Not to mention the gop-led war on the climate that has destroyed agriculture in their home. Tiny numbers that are not a crisis at all. Despite all the talk of invasion and caravans supposedly paid for by Soros or some other ridiculous conspiracy theory. It's about time we did something for Latin America instead of overturning Democratic elections and putting bought off corporate American figurehead dictators in charge. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes. We still have about 12 million illegals who do not get welfare do not vote like your ridiculous propaganda and Republican voters believe. They work like hell and are not murderers and rapists any more than anyone else is here. Pass an ID card and amnesty for the worthy of some kind so we can get this organized and end more illegals coming in.that is the only solution that will work as already done in other modern countries with this problem.
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1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Oh yeah he was also great at insulting all the other schmucks who were running....

The insults were there. He was good at them. But what really attracted me, was the policies.

Trade and Immigration.
too bad he is still like he was in business, the worst deal maker in America. He has only caused misery for American farmers and businesses. On immigration the stupidest most hateful garbage ever. Pass the 2010 democratic comprehensive immigration bill with and ID card and end this GOP long-running scam. The wall is ridiculously expensive and ridiculously dumb because it won't do a damn thing. He doesn't care he just wanted to get elected and take over the GOP so we could have more tax cuts for himself and his cronies....

Too early to tell with Trade. Though our policies over the last couple of decades have been so bad that the bar for "better" is so low as to be laughable.

Our immigration is still way to generous. We need to shut it down for a generation, to absorb what we already have. IF we can at all.
Almost everyone the last few years has been asking for asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zone of Central America. Not to mention the gop-led war on the climate that has destroyed agriculture in their home. Tiny numbers that are not a crisis at all. Despite all the talk of invasion and caravans supposedly paid for by Soros or some other ridiculous conspiracy theory. It's about time we did something for Latin America instead of overturning Democratic elections and putting bought off corporate American figurehead dictators in charge. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes. We still have about 12 million illegals who do not get welfare do not vote like your ridiculous propaganda and Republican voters believe. They work like hell and are not murderers and rapists any more than anyone else is here. Pass and ID card and amnesty for the worthy of some kind so we can get this organized and end more illegals coming in.that is the only solution that will work as already done and other modern countries with this problem

Oh, so, we're done talking about trade? Cause a second ago, you seemed really fired up about it.

Was that just pretend?
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!

YOur assumption that I am unaware of Trump's personal failings is just you being confused.

Do you have a problem with me calling the race baiting Fraco, an asshole? Do you think he claim that all Trump had to do with win the primaries was spout the party line?
Not the GOP party line at least at the time, the GOP garbage propaganda of phony scandals and conspiracy theories and misinformation....

Dude. The republican primary was a firestorm of policy based fighting. Yes there was a lot of personality shit too. But the policy debate was real. And the man with the better policies won, vs the Establishment picked cronies.

It was a good primary.

For you to dismiss it, is just you showing that you lack the character to give your enemy his due.
When he does something that actually works I will. Actually I did like he did something about transparency in hospital costs that was good. I don't know what is wrong with it yet.... Probably absolutely toothless and another con job. He is all hat and no cattle excepting giving tax cuts to the rich. His big success is not ruining Obama's recovery. And it only cost a couple trillion in debt
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Oh yeah he was also great at insulting all the other schmucks who were running....

The insults were there. He was good at them. But what really attracted me, was the policies.

Trade and Immigration.
too bad he is still like he was in business, the worst deal maker in America. He has only caused misery for American farmers and businesses. On immigration the stupidest most hateful garbage ever. Pass the 2010 democratic comprehensive immigration bill with and ID card and end this GOP long-running scam. The wall is ridiculously expensive and ridiculously dumb because it won't do a damn thing. He doesn't care he just wanted to get elected and take over the GOP so we could have more tax cuts for himself and his cronies....

Too early to tell with Trade. Though our policies over the last couple of decades have been so bad that the bar for "better" is so low as to be laughable.

Our immigration is still way to generous. We need to shut it down for a generation, to absorb what we already have. IF we can at all.
Almost everyone the last few years has been asking for asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zone of Central America. Not to mention the gop-led war on the climate that has destroyed agriculture in their home. Tiny numbers that are not a crisis at all. Despite all the talk of invasion and caravans supposedly paid for by Soros or some other ridiculous conspiracy theory. It's about time we did something for Latin America instead of overturning Democratic elections and putting bought off corporate American figurehead dictators in charge. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes. We still have about 12 million illegals who do not get welfare do not vote like your ridiculous propaganda and Republican voters believe. They work like hell and are not murderers and rapists any more than anyone else is here. Pass and ID card and amnesty for the worthy of some kind so we can get this organized and end more illegals coming in.that is the only solution that will work as already done and other modern countries with this problem

Oh, so, we're done talking about trade? Cause a second ago, you seemed really fired up about it.

Was that just pretend?
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG
1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!

YOur assumption that I am unaware of Trump's personal failings is just you being confused.

Do you have a problem with me calling the race baiting Fraco, an asshole? Do you think he claim that all Trump had to do with win the primaries was spout the party line?
Not the GOP party line at least at the time, the GOP garbage propaganda of phony scandals and conspiracy theories and misinformation....

Dude. The republican primary was a firestorm of policy based fighting. Yes there was a lot of personality shit too. But the policy debate was real. And the man with the better policies won, vs the Establishment picked cronies.

It was a good primary.

For you to dismiss it, is just you showing that you lack the character to give your enemy his due.
When he does something that actually works I will.....

We are just talking about the primaries. He won those, so his campaigning worked. Yet you can't give him anything.

That is just you, telling everyone, that you are not credible.
The insults were there. He was good at them. But what really attracted me, was the policies.

Trade and Immigration.
too bad he is still like he was in business, the worst deal maker in America. He has only caused misery for American farmers and businesses. On immigration the stupidest most hateful garbage ever. Pass the 2010 democratic comprehensive immigration bill with and ID card and end this GOP long-running scam. The wall is ridiculously expensive and ridiculously dumb because it won't do a damn thing. He doesn't care he just wanted to get elected and take over the GOP so we could have more tax cuts for himself and his cronies....

Too early to tell with Trade. Though our policies over the last couple of decades have been so bad that the bar for "better" is so low as to be laughable.

Our immigration is still way to generous. We need to shut it down for a generation, to absorb what we already have. IF we can at all.
Almost everyone the last few years has been asking for asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zone of Central America. Not to mention the gop-led war on the climate that has destroyed agriculture in their home. Tiny numbers that are not a crisis at all. Despite all the talk of invasion and caravans supposedly paid for by Soros or some other ridiculous conspiracy theory. It's about time we did something for Latin America instead of overturning Democratic elections and putting bought off corporate American figurehead dictators in charge. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes. We still have about 12 million illegals who do not get welfare do not vote like your ridiculous propaganda and Republican voters believe. They work like hell and are not murderers and rapists any more than anyone else is here. Pass and ID card and amnesty for the worthy of some kind so we can get this organized and end more illegals coming in.that is the only solution that will work as already done and other modern countries with this problem

Oh, so, we're done talking about trade? Cause a second ago, you seemed really fired up about it.

Was that just pretend?
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG

So important, that you immediately move on.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!

YOur assumption that I am unaware of Trump's personal failings is just you being confused.

Do you have a problem with me calling the race baiting Fraco, an asshole? Do you think he claim that all Trump had to do with win the primaries was spout the party line?
Not the GOP party line at least at the time, the GOP garbage propaganda of phony scandals and conspiracy theories and misinformation....

Dude. The republican primary was a firestorm of policy based fighting. Yes there was a lot of personality shit too. But the policy debate was real. And the man with the better policies won, vs the Establishment picked cronies.

It was a good primary.

For you to dismiss it, is just you showing that you lack the character to give your enemy his due.
When he does something that actually works I will.....

We are just talking about the primaries. He won those, so his campaigning worked. Yet you can't give him anything.

That is just you, telling everyone, that you are not credible.
The brainwash worked all those phony scandals against Hillary like the stupid emails that Meant absolutely nothing and were 60% of political coverage. Absolutely ridiculous and GOP big mouth James Comey bringing it up 10 days before the election when he had absolutely nothing, against all protocol for crying out loud a disgrace all of it. Not to mention the Russian help hacking those emails and starting all kinds of crap about Hillary on social media. The whole thing is a disgrace. I'm from New York I have nothing against Trump except he's president LOL. I found him very amusing with all his mobbed-up fraud and conning and multi marriage soap opera. On the other hand I always thought he was a bit of an idiot. Today I liked him pardoning blog danovich the governor of Illinois I thought that was a bit much. Probably the 49ers guy too. I think Stone should go to prison until Trump pardons him on his way out in 2021. And I think people should change the channel and watch everything and stop voting for The mega Rich idiot GOP. Always a disaster and disgrace. Eisenhower was an independent.
too bad he is still like he was in business, the worst deal maker in America. He has only caused misery for American farmers and businesses. On immigration the stupidest most hateful garbage ever. Pass the 2010 democratic comprehensive immigration bill with and ID card and end this GOP long-running scam. The wall is ridiculously expensive and ridiculously dumb because it won't do a damn thing. He doesn't care he just wanted to get elected and take over the GOP so we could have more tax cuts for himself and his cronies....

Too early to tell with Trade. Though our policies over the last couple of decades have been so bad that the bar for "better" is so low as to be laughable.

Our immigration is still way to generous. We need to shut it down for a generation, to absorb what we already have. IF we can at all.
Almost everyone the last few years has been asking for asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zone of Central America. Not to mention the gop-led war on the climate that has destroyed agriculture in their home. Tiny numbers that are not a crisis at all. Despite all the talk of invasion and caravans supposedly paid for by Soros or some other ridiculous conspiracy theory. It's about time we did something for Latin America instead of overturning Democratic elections and putting bought off corporate American figurehead dictators in charge. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes. We still have about 12 million illegals who do not get welfare do not vote like your ridiculous propaganda and Republican voters believe. They work like hell and are not murderers and rapists any more than anyone else is here. Pass and ID card and amnesty for the worthy of some kind so we can get this organized and end more illegals coming in.that is the only solution that will work as already done and other modern countries with this problem

Oh, so, we're done talking about trade? Cause a second ago, you seemed really fired up about it.

Was that just pretend?
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG

So important, that you immediately move on.
The only problem with the economy is always the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and refusing to invest in America and Americans, and every time they get eight years they have a corrupt bubble and bust. 1929 1989 2008 2023. Depression cause right wing chaos like in the 30s around the world and the last 10 years still going on. if you're wondering why so many Africans are invading Europe.
YOur assumption that I am unaware of Trump's personal failings is just you being confused.

Do you have a problem with me calling the race baiting Fraco, an asshole? Do you think he claim that all Trump had to do with win the primaries was spout the party line?
Not the GOP party line at least at the time, the GOP garbage propaganda of phony scandals and conspiracy theories and misinformation....

Dude. The republican primary was a firestorm of policy based fighting. Yes there was a lot of personality shit too. But the policy debate was real. And the man with the better policies won, vs the Establishment picked cronies.

It was a good primary.

For you to dismiss it, is just you showing that you lack the character to give your enemy his due.
When he does something that actually works I will.....

We are just talking about the primaries. He won those, so his campaigning worked. Yet you can't give him anything.

That is just you, telling everyone, that you are not credible.
The brainwash worked all those phony scandals against Hillary like the stupid emails that Meant absolutely nothing and were 60% of political coverage. Absolutely ridiculous and GOP big mouth James Comey bringing it up 10 days before the election when he had absolutely nothing, against all protocol for crying out loud a disgrace all of it. Not to mention the Russian help hacking those emails and starting all kinds of crap about Hillary on social media. The whole thing is a disgrace. I'm from New York I have nothing against Trump except he's president LOL. I found him very amusing with all his mobbed-up fraud and conning and multi marriage soap opera. On the other hand I always thought he was a bit of an idiot. Today I liked him pardoning blog danovich the governor of Illinois I thought that was a bit much. Probably the 49ers guy too. I think Stone should go to prison until Trump pardons him on his way out in 2021. And I think people should change the channel and watch everything and stop voting for The mega Rich idiot GOP. Always a disaster and disgrace. Eisenhower was an independent.

Your gish galloping is getting tedious. I will not be reading more than the first three sentences.

Trump won on the issues. And on Hillary being incredibly bad. That you can't accept this, is a problem with you.
Too early to tell with Trade. Though our policies over the last couple of decades have been so bad that the bar for "better" is so low as to be laughable.

Our immigration is still way to generous. We need to shut it down for a generation, to absorb what we already have. IF we can at all.
Almost everyone the last few years has been asking for asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zone of Central America. Not to mention the gop-led war on the climate that has destroyed agriculture in their home. Tiny numbers that are not a crisis at all. Despite all the talk of invasion and caravans supposedly paid for by Soros or some other ridiculous conspiracy theory. It's about time we did something for Latin America instead of overturning Democratic elections and putting bought off corporate American figurehead dictators in charge. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes. We still have about 12 million illegals who do not get welfare do not vote like your ridiculous propaganda and Republican voters believe. They work like hell and are not murderers and rapists any more than anyone else is here. Pass and ID card and amnesty for the worthy of some kind so we can get this organized and end more illegals coming in.that is the only solution that will work as already done and other modern countries with this problem

Oh, so, we're done talking about trade? Cause a second ago, you seemed really fired up about it.

Was that just pretend?
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG

So important, that you immediately move on.
The only problem with the economy is always the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and refusing to invest in America and Americans, and every time they get eight years they have a corrupt bubble and bust. 1929 1989 2008 2023. Depression cause right wing chaos like in the 30s around the world and the last 10 years still going on. if you're wondering why so many Africans are invading Europe.

So, you got no concerns about wage stagnation? Or the Trade deficit?
Almost everyone the last few years has been asking for asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zone of Central America. Not to mention the gop-led war on the climate that has destroyed agriculture in their home. Tiny numbers that are not a crisis at all. Despite all the talk of invasion and caravans supposedly paid for by Soros or some other ridiculous conspiracy theory. It's about time we did something for Latin America instead of overturning Democratic elections and putting bought off corporate American figurehead dictators in charge. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes. We still have about 12 million illegals who do not get welfare do not vote like your ridiculous propaganda and Republican voters believe. They work like hell and are not murderers and rapists any more than anyone else is here. Pass and ID card and amnesty for the worthy of some kind so we can get this organized and end more illegals coming in.that is the only solution that will work as already done and other modern countries with this problem

Oh, so, we're done talking about trade? Cause a second ago, you seemed really fired up about it.

Was that just pretend?
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG

So important, that you immediately move on.
The only problem with the economy is always the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and refusing to invest in America and Americans, and every time they get eight years they have a corrupt bubble and bust. 1929 1989 2008 2023. Depression cause right wing chaos like in the 30s around the world and the last 10 years still going on. if you're wondering why so many Africans are invading Europe.

So, you got no concerns about wage stagnation? Or the Trade deficit?
I'm for a $15 minimum wage and like I said taxing the rich investing in America for the first time in 35 years. If we had a smart well-trained workforce we could get the good jobs that Germany is getting etc etc. Republicans it's just a rip-off for the rich and only propaganda makes it possible. And they are about 97% White. Sorry about reality.
Oh, so, we're done talking about trade? Cause a second ago, you seemed really fired up about it.

Was that just pretend?
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG

So important, that you immediately move on.
The only problem with the economy is always the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and refusing to invest in America and Americans, and every time they get eight years they have a corrupt bubble and bust. 1929 1989 2008 2023. Depression cause right wing chaos like in the 30s around the world and the last 10 years still going on. if you're wondering why so many Africans are invading Europe.

So, you got no concerns about wage stagnation? Or the Trade deficit?
I'm for a $15 minimum wage and like I said taxing the rich investing in America for the first time in 35 years. If we had a smart well-trained workforce we could get the good jobs that Germany is getting etc etc. Republicans it's just a rip-off for the rich and only propaganda makes it possible. And they are about 97% White. Sorry about reality.
Trump takes credit 4 wage increase that I believe is mainly about places where Democrats have risen the minimum wage. End of story. The whole thing is stagnant. People selling each other hamburgers and insurance.
I'm for a $15 minimum wage and like I said taxing the rich investing in America for the first time in 35 years. If we had a smart well-trained workforce we could get the good jobs that Germany is getting etc etc. Republicans it's just a rip-off for the rich and only propaganda makes it possible. And they are about 97% White. Sorry about reality.

Oh, so, we're done talking about trade? Cause a second ago, you seemed really fired up about it.

Was that just pretend?
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG

So important, that you immediately move on.
The only problem with the economy is always the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and refusing to invest in America and Americans, and every time they get eight years they have a corrupt bubble and bust. 1929 1989 2008 2023. Depression cause right wing chaos like in the 30s around the world and the last 10 years still going on. if you're wondering why so many Africans are invading Europe.

So, you got no concerns about wage stagnation? Or the Trade deficit?
I'm for a $15 minimum wage and like I said taxing the rich investing in America for the first time in 35 years. If we had a smart well-trained workforce we could get the good jobs that Germany is getting etc etc. Republicans it's just a rip-off for the rich and only propaganda makes it possible. And they are about 97% White. Sorry about reality.

We do have a smart well trained workforce. It is not our workforce that is the problem. It is our trade policy. We let other nations fuck US, for no good reason.
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG

So important, that you immediately move on.
The only problem with the economy is always the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and refusing to invest in America and Americans, and every time they get eight years they have a corrupt bubble and bust. 1929 1989 2008 2023. Depression cause right wing chaos like in the 30s around the world and the last 10 years still going on. if you're wondering why so many Africans are invading Europe.

So, you got no concerns about wage stagnation? Or the Trade deficit?
I'm for a $15 minimum wage and like I said taxing the rich investing in America for the first time in 35 years. If we had a smart well-trained workforce we could get the good jobs that Germany is getting etc etc. Republicans it's just a rip-off for the rich and only propaganda makes it possible. And they are about 97% White. Sorry about reality.

We do have a smart well trained workforce. It is not our workforce that is the problem. It is our trade policy. We let other nations fuck US, for no good reason.
So why do we have 6 million tech jobs going begging because people don't have the training? if you are talking about us losing manual labor jobs to countries that have $1 minimum wage oh, that is only natural with today's information and transportation. What we are missing is the good jobs that those new markets produce in smart countries, as opposed to brainwashed functional idiot GOP America.a flat tax system is a disastrous joke and you people don't know we have one lol aaarrrggghhh h. Google the only tax graph you need to know and snap out of it, sleeping beauty.
Tariffs and trade wars don't work and are destructive. What we really are desperate for is taxing the rich their fair share along with giant corporations and investing in infrastructure and cheap college and training so we can have a healthy middle class working class and economy again.35 years of Reagan tax rates have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere in the modern world. Even England has better upward mobility OMG

So important, that you immediately move on.
The only problem with the economy is always the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and refusing to invest in America and Americans, and every time they get eight years they have a corrupt bubble and bust. 1929 1989 2008 2023. Depression cause right wing chaos like in the 30s around the world and the last 10 years still going on. if you're wondering why so many Africans are invading Europe.

So, you got no concerns about wage stagnation? Or the Trade deficit?
I'm for a $15 minimum wage and like I said taxing the rich investing in America for the first time in 35 years. If we had a smart well-trained workforce we could get the good jobs that Germany is getting etc etc. Republicans it's just a rip-off for the rich and only propaganda makes it possible. And they are about 97% White. Sorry about reality.

We do have a smart well trained workforce. It is not our workforce that is the problem. It is our trade policy. We let other nations fuck US, for no good reason.
The deals that Trump has made are worse than they were before. going after China is fine don't mind a bit but going after our allies and neighbors was dumb is dumb and will always be dumb. Lol. And tariffs and trade wars are the worst way to do it. Horrible for our people and theirs for no reason. And I have not even mentioned his deals with Putin Kim jeong Hoon etc etc. And no I did not hate him I think he's funny and he has done some good things but the country is dying for Bernie Sanders so we can catch back up to the rest of the modern world. And a 2010 comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card Democratic bill of course. Which you don't know about either LOL aaarrrggghhh....
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Trump takes credit 4 wage increase that I believe is mainly about places where Democrats have risen the minimum wage. End of story. The whole thing is stagnant. People selling each other hamburgers and insurance.

Facts are facts sorry they are not as entertaining as your garbage propaganda... Thanks for the spam but do you have any actual argument LOL?

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