Sanders: Trump Is ‘A Racist, A Sexist, A Homophobe, A Xenophobe and A Religious Bigot

Trump is single candidly destroying the Republican party

Which will now get the honored nickname
Republicon Party
bye, bye you repug-nets​

The Democrats either nominate Amy Klobuchar, or

1. they don't want to win
2. they don't understand the game
3. they are totally LOST
Trump is single candidly destroying the Republican party


The post 1998 GOP should be destroyed.

The pre 1998 GOP was good, and should be brought back in its place.

The pre 1998 GOP made America great.

The post 1998 GOP sold out America for the cause of Greater Israel.
The post 1998 GOP should be destroyed.
Just cook up a batch of popcorn, sit in your favorite lazy chair and watch trump go bankrupt for the sixth (6) time, only this time he will bankrupt the Republican party too
The pre 1998 GOP was good, and should be brought back in its place.
good luck on that one
The pre 1998 GOP made America great.
Oh how great the Vietnam war was--- NOT

The post 1998 GOP sold out America for the cause of Greater Israel.
At last we agree, either we bring in Israel as our 51st state or stop giving away $billions to that racist, bigoted place---------------------------------------- now!!
and don't look back
The post 1998 GOP should be destroyed.
Just cook up a batch of popcorn, sit in your favorite lazy chair and watch trump go bankrupt for the sixth (6) time, only this time he will bankrupt the Republican party too
The pre 1998 GOP was good, and should be brought back in its place.
good luck on that one
The pre 1998 GOP made America great.
Oh how great the Vietnam war was--- NOT

The post 1998 GOP sold out America for the cause of Greater Israel.
At last we agree, either we bring in Israel as our 51st state or stop giving away $billions to that racist, bigoted place---------------------------------------- now!!
and don't look back
you ever play with facts or are you just a troll?

Brazile says she found DNC deep in debt from Obama, controlled by Clinton a year before nomination
The Democratic National Committee Is Broke
The DNC is 'dead broke' while the RNC has nearly $40M
Oh how great the Vietnam war was--- NOT


Vietnam = LBJ = Democrat or Republican???

This SUB HUMAN is on par with the late Mayor Marion Barry....

In fact, it was JFK who first sent US "military advisors" to be stationed in 'nam.

Vietnam was 100% a Democrat war, complete with a Republican inheriting the mess and ending it, fully.

Thank You, Richard Nixon, for getting us OUT of that "shithole"

As for what motivated LBJ to go from passive "advisory" role in 'nam to all out war.....

1. the Soviet Union quickly named LBJ as the man most responsible for JFK... the day after... and how TF would the Soviet Union know that??? Yeah, they weren't like SPYING ON US now, were they....????

2. Israel wanted to be armed. JFK refused. Patriotic American President with Jewish last name Dwight David Eisenhower refused. So in 1963, the first great act of Zionist Treason against America was launched - have the Mossad off JFK in Dallas, frame a "stooge" named Lee Harvey Oswald, have Zionist Traitor LBJ take over, escalate Vietnam, run America's war factories to arm the troops in 'nam ( at least publicly say that), and then steal the weapons on the boats, float the boats over to Israel, and arm Israel with 100% new US arms paid for by US taxpayers, so that Israel could then plan and execute the deliberate land grab that was the '67 war...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move
Give me one unambiguous reason to respect the turd in the White House. Show me why he deserves any respect at all.

He saw and decided to speak out for a group that had long been ignored by politicians and policy, a group that deserved some representation of their interests, after a long time of taking one for the team.
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich? all he had to do to take over the GOP was b white and parrot the garbage propaganda

There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Oh yeah he was also great at insulting all the other schmucks who were running....
Oh how great the Vietnam war was--- NOT


Vietnam = LBJ = Democrat or Republican???

This SUB HUMAN is on par with the late Mayor Marion Barry....

In fact, it was JFK who first sent US "military advisors" to be stationed in 'nam.

Vietnam was 100% a Democrat war, complete with a Republican inheriting the mess and ending it, fully.

Thank You, Richard Nixon, for getting us OUT of that "shithole"

As for what motivated LBJ to go from passive "advisory" role in 'nam to all out war.....

1. the Soviet Union quickly named LBJ as the man most responsible for JFK... the day after... and how TF would the Soviet Union know that??? Yeah, they weren't like SPYING ON US now, were they....????

2. Israel wanted to be armed. JFK refused. Patriotic American President with Jewish last name Dwight David Eisenhower refused. So in 1963, the first great act of Zionist Treason against America was launched - have the Mossad off JFK in Dallas, frame a "stooge" named Lee Harvey Oswald, have Zionist Traitor LBJ take over, escalate Vietnam, run America's war factories to arm the troops in 'nam ( at least publicly say that), and then steal the weapons on the boats, float the boats over to Israel, and arm Israel with 100% new US arms paid for by US taxpayers, so that Israel could then plan and execute the deliberate land grab that was the '67 war...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move
Nixon was a lying s***who said he had a secret plan to end the war which turned out to be getting another 20,000 people killed on our side God knows how many on The other side by ratcheting up the bombingto ridiculous heights and going into other countries. Eisenhower unfortunately had his foreign policy run by the Dulles boys who were scum. they should have allowed a democratic election as they promised in all of Vietnam in 1956. Ho chi Minh would have won and that would be the end of the Domino theory. Eisenhower had the first advisors and help for South Vietnam. I believe Kennedy would have gotten us out. LBJ thought he could win and listened to a bunch of lying generals. Nixon lied about it and only used the war to get reelected twice. He also had disastrous covert action against elected governments all across Latin America. Just like Reagan. The GOP is always a disgrace and disaster. Under w bush, thank you very muchfor allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, for the stupidest wars ever and another corrupt GOP bubble and bust great depression. We had to spend 10 trillion dollars to bail out Wall Street scum and everybody else so that GOP dupes can believe nothing ever happened LOL aaarrrggghhh.
Last edited:
Give me one unambiguous reason to respect the turd in the White House. Show me why he deserves any respect at all.

He saw and decided to speak out for a group that had long been ignored by politicians and policy, a group that deserved some representation of their interests, after a long time of taking one for the team.
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich? all he had to do to take over the GOP was b white and parrot the garbage propaganda

There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!
Trump is single candidly destroying the Republican party


The post 1998 GOP should be destroyed.

The pre 1998 GOP was good, and should be brought back in its place.

The pre 1998 GOP made America great.

The post 1998 GOP sold out America for the cause of Greater Israel.
Actually the GOP has always sucked always will. Well at least since Teddy Roosevelt and probably him too. He started us being imperialists along with McKinley and thought a 12-hour day was Communist LOL.
He saw and decided to speak out for a group that had long been ignored by politicians and policy, a group that deserved some representation of their interests, after a long time of taking one for the team.
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich? all he had to do to take over the GOP was b white and parrot the garbage propaganda

There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Oh yeah he was also great at insulting all the other schmucks who were running....

The insults were there. He was good at them. But what really attracted me, was the policies.

Trade and Immigration.
He saw and decided to speak out for a group that had long been ignored by politicians and policy, a group that deserved some representation of their interests, after a long time of taking one for the team.
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich? all he had to do to take over the GOP was b white and parrot the garbage propaganda

There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!

YOur assumption that I am unaware of Trump's personal failings is just you being confused.

Do you have a problem with me calling the race baiting Fraco, an asshole? Do you think he claim that all Trump had to do with win the primaries was spout the party line?
He saw and decided to speak out for a group that had long been ignored by politicians and policy, a group that deserved some representation of their interests, after a long time of taking one for the team.
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich? all he had to do to take over the GOP was b white and parrot the garbage propaganda

There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!
He can't help it he is a totally brainwashed hater dupe of the greedy idiot GOP billionaire Rupert Murdoch and radio demagogues. Everything he knows is wrong and hateful
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich? all he had to do to take over the GOP was b white and parrot the garbage propaganda

There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Isn't it an incredible feat to point out who is an asshole, who is a liar and who is a race baiter in other people but not recognize those things as they manifest themselves in your political hero!
He can't help it he is a totally brainwashed hater dupe of the greedy idiot GOP billionaire Rupert Murdoch and radio demagogues. Everything he knows is wrong and hateful

You claimed that all Trump had to do to win, was "be white and parrot the party line".

Then you admitted that you watched the primaries, so you knew that was bullshit, there was real policy debates and a real battle for Trump to win.

So, what you said, was wrong. ANd with your race baiting thrown in, also hateful.

YOu are the one that is "wrong and hateful".
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich? all he had to do to take over the GOP was b white and parrot the garbage propaganda

There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Oh yeah he was also great at insulting all the other schmucks who were running....

The insults were there. He was good at them. But what really attracted me, was the policies.

Trade and Immigration.
too bad he is still like he was in business, the worst deal maker in America. He has only caused misery for American farmers and businesses. On immigration the stupidest most hateful garbage ever. Pass the 2010 democratic comprehensive immigration bill with and ID card and end this GOP long-running scam. The wall is ridiculously expensive and ridiculously dumb because it won't do a damn thing. He doesn't care he just wanted to get elected and take over the GOP so we could have more tax cuts for himself and his cronies....
There were 17 candidates in the primary.

First point, shove your race baiting back up your asshole, you fucktard. FUck you.

Second point, there were real policy differences between the candidates. It is completely understandable that you missed that, as you weren't going to vote for any of them, but you are shooting your mouth of on a topic you know nothing about then, and making yourself look like a retard.

Third point. Trump in that field, spoke out for the interests of the working class and middle class Americans. And the republican base flocked to him.
of course I watched it and I know a hell of a lot more about Republicans than you do. A bigger bunch of schmucks you could hardly imagine. Trump at least is a real person even if he is a narcissistic con man fraud. He was the only one that went on and on about lock her up the Iran deal was a fraud, global warming is a total hoax, the rich are paying too much in taxes etc etc. No one can make total garbage propaganda sound better among Republicans. Try and remain calm LOL. By the way everything he said about helping the middle class infrastructure etc was total b*******, super duper. even now he says he will protect pre-existing conditions etc while he is at the same time leading lawsuits that will end it. Pure idiocy for the dupes like you....

1. YOu race bait, you are being an asshole. My responding appropriately is not me being not "calm" but simply me treating you with the contempt you have earned. So, shove your gaslighting up your ass to, you fucktard.

2. So, you watched the primaries? Than your claim that all he had to do was "parrot the garbage propaganda" was you being a fucking moron.
Oh yeah he was also great at insulting all the other schmucks who were running....

The insults were there. He was good at them. But what really attracted me, was the policies.

Trade and Immigration.
too bad he is still like he was in business, the worst deal maker in America. He has only caused misery for American farmers and businesses. On immigration the stupidest most hateful garbage ever. Pass the 2010 democratic comprehensive immigration bill with and ID card and end this GOP long-running scam. The wall is ridiculously expensive and ridiculously dumb because it won't do a damn thing. He doesn't care he just wanted to get elected and take over the GOP so we could have more tax cuts for himself and his cronies....

Too early to tell with Trade. Though our policies over the last couple of decades have been so bad that the bar for "better" is so low as to be laughable.

Our immigration is still way to generous. We need to shut it down for a generation, to absorb what we already have. IF we can at all.

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