Pelosi: Trump has Dementia

As was so evident in the debate, it is apparently Trump who is suffering from dementia:

You can't make this shit up!
Being pushed by George Conway a Confirmed Always Hatefull
of Trump Everything/all Things.
No Matter What.
Since brain drained Georgy Porgy spent much time { since
2016 } studying { brushing-up } on NPD his new pastitme
Narcissitic Personality Disorder where he's the new declared
Sigmund Freud of our time.
The guy with the Chubby Kids face . Ironically married to
Kellyanne Conway { a fantastic Mommy and Trump supporter }.
Maybe Georgy Porgey was tired of sharing his wife Kellyanne
with a much taller and manish faced Donald Trump who spends
time watching and attending Prize Boxing fights and UFC matches.
Georgy Conway out spewing the real pap " And now they're
going to see him -- they're going to see the guy's a nut job. "
So says the New Nutjob Specialist,ironically married to a well-spoken
and former Trump counselor.Kellyanne Conway { respected Pollster }
who lived at Trump World Tower {2001-2008 } and was Trumps
Senior Counselor to the President.
You can't make this stuff up.
I dint. Was no need for.
Or Against.
Because they are MAGA Worker's Party?
Is there a rational explanation for the demeaning almost
retarded way the Word or slogan { MAGA } was supplanted
into the Public conscience.Almost overnight.
Like a version of _ The Wizard of Oz _ where The
Good Witch of the East gets supplanted by the Not so
Good Witch of the West.
That is what these lefty Democrats are banking on.
A form of Mass Formation Hysteria or Psychological
Warfare like use of MKUltra.
Or as Lyle Rossiter { M.D. } confirmed is Malignant Narcissitic
Personality Disorder.
Used during Covid.For success in attempts to
Hurt Americans and rid what once was { Americana }
For example { Norman Rockwell }
it's been an effective strategy against biden so they've just copy catty it.
There is difference in use of what constitutes { effective strategy }
What is success to those of the Marxist persuation differs
immensely with those of the All American perasuation
or Hugh Hewitt persuation.
There will always exist Good men and Bad men.
Or as Doris Day sweetly sang :
{ Que Sera,Sera }
Whatever Will Be,Will Be

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