Santorum ready to lose home state of PA--Romney already leading there.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Numbers posted overnight by the automated firm Public Policy Polling show Romney leading Santorum 42 to 37. Democrat Tom Jensen’s analysis: “Pennsylvania Republicans are expressing major doubts about Santorum's viability both in the primary and the general election. Only 36% of GOP voters think Santorum has a realistic chance at the nomination to 54% who believe he does not. And when it comes to matching up against Barack Obama in the fall only 24% of Republicans think Santorum would provide their best chance for a victory while 49% think that designation belongs to Romney.
Romney takes lead in Pa. poll, leads Santorum 33 in N.Y.--NRCC hits Barrow with golf-themed ad in Augusta--Hatch touts seniority in Utah debate--Jindal to keynote CPAC Chicago--DeWine resigns in Ohio - POLITICO Morning Score -

Santorum needs to drop out before he gets his behind kicked in his home state of Pennsylvania--which would end his political career forever.

The fat lady has finished singing on the Santorum campaign--and the BIG hound dogs in the GOP are telling him to drop out now, before he is humiliated.

Santorum wasted too much time bashing Romney over Romney-Care, its going down, and over the last few months, health care isn't the main issue anymore, its still the stagnat economy/debt & gas prices. Once Yobama-Care gets flushed down the toilet, it will help Romney being the issue can no longer be used against him. The primary issue now is to show Obama and his Husband the door in 2013 !!!
So a person says he won't vote for Obama because he dislikes the black president's policies.

Then that person votes for a white guy whose policies (proven in his governorship in Massachusetts) are far to the left of Obama's.

So what the black guy does is less offensive to our "person" than what the white guy does but he still votes for the white guy.

Now that makes him exactly what??????
thanks to the Trayvon situation, the 2012 election will have us so divided, it will be more like a Black VS White election. Especially since Obama already took sides on the case, even before the trial,,,,hmm, kinda like when he insulted every white cop in Massachusettes.
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Numbers posted overnight by the automated firm Public Policy Polling show Romney leading Santorum 42 to 37. Democrat Tom Jensen’s analysis: “Pennsylvania Republicans are expressing major doubts about Santorum's viability both in the primary and the general election. Only 36% of GOP voters think Santorum has a realistic chance at the nomination to 54% who believe he does not. And when it comes to matching up against Barack Obama in the fall only 24% of Republicans think Santorum would provide their best chance for a victory while 49% think that designation belongs to Romney.
Romney takes lead in Pa. poll, leads Santorum 33 in N.Y.--NRCC hits Barrow with golf-themed ad in Augusta--Hatch touts seniority in Utah debate--Jindal to keynote CPAC Chicago--DeWine resigns in Ohio - POLITICO Morning Score -

Santorum needs to drop out before he gets his behind kicked in his home state of Pennsylvania--which would end his political career forever.

The fat lady has finished singing on the Santorum campaign--and the BIG hound dogs in the GOP are telling him to drop out now, before he is humiliated.


If people remembered what a joke your last run was, Romney wouldn't be taken seriously this time.

Did you all just forget just how pathetic his 2008 run was? (Not that his 2012 run is all that much more impressive.)

There's really no good reason for Santorum to drop out, even in the unlikely event that he loses PA.

There's really no downside for Santorum in keeping going. He's going to be a top-ranked speaker after Romney loses in November. (and, by the way, Romney will lose.) He will be the defacto front runner in 2016, unless, of course, Jeb Bush decides to run.

Again. Romney's problem isn't Santorum. Romney's problem is Romney.

People who hate Mormons (about 20% of us) won't vote for him.

Women won't vote for him, because he's been playing for the misogynist vote.

Working folks won't vote for him because he made his fortune screwing working folks up the ass.

Hispanics won't vote for him, because he used the brown-people bashing and put his arms around Janet Brewer to win the Bubba Redneck vote.

Soooooo, really, short of Obama being caught in a gay bathhouse clubbing baby seals, Romney will lose worse than McCain did.

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