Sarah Palin lied about her son. He never even served in combat

I heard this causes PSTD for liberals.
Actually the tweet by the combet vet said that he slept in the same bunk as Track. This entire thread is a lie. Can we move this to conspiracy theory or complete bullshit premise? world authority in journalism. :lol:

But it us true. You cannot dispute it.

:rofl: Yep, Austinisafecker scooped everyone.

And no one else is reporting it for fear of the awesome journalistic clout of the Ausinisafecker organization and being cut out of their (his?) vast network of domestic and international sources. :rofl:

I'd really like to take credit for making you look stupid Jim...but the truth is, you do it to yourself. :thup:
"Palin opened a whole big old can of worms the other night when she made this claim and then blamed President Obama."

That Palin is a reprehensible liar is nothing new.

It is one thing to say just going to a war zone is trumatic, whether her son saw combat or not.

But how about Mrs. Clinton standing on a podium relaying a story of sniper fire which has well been shown to have not one ounce of truth to it? Seems to me she should be the one being called a reprehensible liar. You'll support the liar any way.

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