Sarah Palin Severely Clobbers Obama over his Incompetence last night. Ouch!!! (Video)


May 29, 2010
I really enjoyed watching this. I’m always impressed with the way Governor Palin handles herself in such a prestigious manner. I especially liked the way she whacked the so-called “feminists” or Feminazi's as I call them. I think Sarah Palin here shows experience, integrity, class , common sense, wisdom and spunk all in the same manner and she is what America needs in these trying times. She is uplifting and Patriotic and has a wonderful sense of humor that makes you feel like a true red blooded American proud of his or her country called the United States. When you think of America you think God Bless America for giving us Sarah Palin for the people to look to her to guide the citizens back into restoring America as a nation of moral integrity and pride with the ability to be the global number one country to be looked upon when forming a democracy and a more perfect union to better its citizens. That being said, Obama has not been able to achieve any of that nor has he showed leadership that makes a American Proud. Ask yourself, Does Barack Obama make you feel Patriotic? Palin is getting her message out and the people are listening to her and in 2012 she will prevail.

Tea Party Ted

Video is a must watch:
Governor Palin 4 President: (Video) Sarah Palin On Fox: Clobbers Obama On His Incompetence
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I can guarantee that I am never, ever, going to open a link that starts with the words "Governor Palin 4 President".

Palin is a useful idiot. She irritates the crap out of the left - kudos to her for that. But POTUS? Hell no!
I can guarantee that I am never, ever, going to open a link that starts with the words "Governor Palin 4 President".

Palin is a useful idiot. She irritates the crap out of the left - kudos to her for that. But POTUS? Hell no!
Look at the ham sandwich we have now and tell me Sarah Palin, or ANYONE for that matter, couldn't be a better POTUS than Obama. He was elected for his skin color and nothing else.

I can walk out my front door and find 6-10 people in a quarter mile radius that would be better than Obama. Myself included.

In fact anyone who has ever held a job could be a better POTUS than Hussein.

An ILLEGAL ALIEN couldn't do a worse job than barky.
I can guarantee that I am never, ever, going to open a link that starts with the words "Governor Palin 4 President".

Palin is a useful idiot. She irritates the crap out of the left - kudos to her for that. But POTUS? Hell no!
Look at the ham sandwich we have now and tell me Sarah Palin, or ANYONE for that matter, couldn't be a better POTUS than Obama. He was elected for his skin color and nothing else.

I can walk out my front door and find 6-10 people in a quarter mile radius that would be better than Obama. Myself included.

In fact anyone who has ever held a job could be a better POTUS than Hussein.

An ILLEGAL ALIEN couldn't do a worse job than barky.

I agree. It makes me shudder that Americans were stupid enough to vote for some guy with absolutely no experience - and a 'present' voting record - as POTUS... and, I suspect that a substantial number of people voted purely on his color.

Personally, I think I'd be better at the job that him - and I'm not even old enough to run! :lol::lol::lol: However, we do need a POTUS with a certain gravitas - and substance - Obama has neither. Nor does Palin... which is a pity because I'd kind of like to see a strong female leader. Having said that, I wouldn't vote for a woman just because she's a woman.

Ideally, I'd like to see Condi Rice come back into Politics. And, I'd vote for Colin Powell no matter what ticket he ran on.

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