Sarah Palin Unsuitable For President!

And we apparently learned the hard way that 0bama is unsuitable for President...

Well, some of you learned... Some of you will never learn....
Oh my, not another "Palin is stupid" thread. I guess that is about the only thing the poor dweebs can do. The children tried to run things, but have degenerated into name calling, defending congressional perverts, and trashing fellow Americans. Looks like the adults will have to step in to save America once again. We did it in 1980 and we can do it again in 2012.

Consider this: Palin IS stupid. Palin IS unqualified for national office.

Pointing this out is not "name calling." When the Right has to fall back on statements such as yours here, it illustrates most vividly you are using the last line of defense.

Do I really have to show you the gaffs made by your President? Is your President stupid?
Oh my, not another "Palin is stupid" thread. I guess that is about the only thing the poor dweebs can do. The children tried to run things, but have degenerated into name calling, defending congressional perverts, and trashing fellow Americans. Looks like the adults will have to step in to save America once again.

Yeah right on, they are such dweebs with their name calling, defending congressional perverts, and trashing their fellow Americans.

Tsk, tsk. What a pack of children the Republican's have become. Thanks for highlighting the truth, Jack!
All right, all of you "Obama is stupid too, so don't criticize Palin" people.

There is a logical fallacy knows as "Two wrongs make a right." It is a recognized logical fallacy, and one which all of you are utilizing to the hilt.

Fallacy: Two Wrongs Make a Right

Let's assume that Obama IS stupid. Does that justify Palin's also being stupid? Does that justify putting a stupid person in the White House? Of course not.

Pay attention. If you want to argue why Palin is NOT stupid, fine - do it. But don't insult everyone's intelligence here by bashing Obama and thinking that this will solve your Palin problem. It won't.
Oh my, not another "Palin is stupid" thread. I guess that is about the only thing the poor dweebs can do. The children tried to run things, but have degenerated into name calling, defending congressional perverts, and trashing fellow Americans. Looks like the adults will have to step in to save America once again. We did it in 1980 and we can do it again in 2012.

Consider this: Palin IS stupid. Palin IS unqualified for national office.

Pointing this out is not "name calling." When the Right has to fall back on statements such as yours here, it illustrates most vividly you are using the last line of defense.

Consider this: You ARE an idiot. Pointing this out is not "name calling."
All right, all of you "Obama is stupid too, so don't criticize Palin" people.

There is a logical fallacy knows as "Two wrongs make a right." It is a recognized logical fallacy, and one which all of you are utilizing to the hilt.

Fallacy: Two Wrongs Make a Right

Let's assume that Obama IS stupid. Does that justify Palin's also being stupid? Does that justify putting a stupid person in the White House? Of course not.

Pay attention. If you want to argue why Palin is NOT stupid, fine - do it. But don't insult everyone's intelligence here by bashing Obama and thinking that this will solve your Palin problem. It won't.

I agree. Obama is stupid.
Oh my, not another "Palin is stupid" thread. I guess that is about the only thing the poor dweebs can do. The children tried to run things, but have degenerated into name calling, defending congressional perverts, and trashing fellow Americans. Looks like the adults will have to step in to save America once again. We did it in 1980 and we can do it again in 2012.

Consider this: Palin IS stupid. Palin IS unqualified for national office.

Pointing this out is not "name calling." When the Right has to fall back on statements such as yours here, it illustrates most vividly you are using the last line of defense.

Consider this: You ARE an idiot. Pointing this out is not "name calling."

Did I call you an idiot or otherwise direct any kind of personal insult against you, Daveman? I don't think I did and, if I did, I apologize.

What does this post of yours contribute to this thread or to the discussion of the OP? I would suggest if you want to post here, you might want to address arguments, rather than hurl childish insults. It only detracts from your credibility.
All right, all of you "Obama is stupid too, so don't criticize Palin" people.

There is a logical fallacy knows as "Two wrongs make a right." It is a recognized logical fallacy, and one which all of you are utilizing to the hilt.

Fallacy: Two Wrongs Make a Right

Let's assume that Obama IS stupid. Does that justify Palin's also being stupid? Does that justify putting a stupid person in the White House? Of course not.

Pay attention. If you want to argue why Palin is NOT stupid, fine - do it. But don't insult everyone's intelligence here by bashing Obama and thinking that this will solve your Palin problem. It won't.

I agree. Obama is stupid.

I rest my case.
All right, all of you "Obama is stupid too, so don't criticize Palin" people.

There is a logical fallacy knows as "Two wrongs make a right." It is a recognized logical fallacy, and one which all of you are utilizing to the hilt.

Fallacy: Two Wrongs Make a Right

Let's assume that Obama IS stupid. Does that justify Palin's also being stupid? Does that justify putting a stupid person in the White House? Of course not.

Pay attention. If you want to argue why Palin is NOT stupid, fine - do it. But don't insult everyone's intelligence here by bashing Obama and thinking that this will solve your Palin problem. It won't.

Hopefully you're smart enough to know I'm not saying Palin should not be criticized but maybe you're not smart enough to figure out what I am saying. Bias has a way of producing tunnel vision and in this and the Obama threads it's manifestation is obvious to those who's minds are truly open....... Can you say Chicken Little?
Sarah Palin's appearance today on Fox New Sunday underscores why she shouldn't run or be President, she is a well intentioned person but doesn't have the assets to be President. Ms. Palin's depth of knowledge on policy on issues concerning the nation is hugely inadequate, her decision making process is inferior as well as is her judgment! Some people like to call her brilliant at best she is only of ordinary intelligence which can be deduced by examining her often disjointed and "not very clear" responses and gaffes. These assessments of Ms. Palin can quite often become evident if one gets her off her recitation of Tea-party and Right Wing talking points!

Let's examine the Chris Wallace interview. Ms. Palin said she wouldn't vote for any legislation raising the debt limit, things will be okay the federal government need only use the money coming into the Treasury to pay the nation's debt payments first and then prioritize spending; this years budget deficit is around $ 1.4 trillion over thirty-five percent of all federal spending the Federal Government can't just prioritize spending vital parts of the federal government won't be paid for and continued if this decision is followed. Ms. Palin in part blames the current dismal job and economic situation on quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve Board, she obviously has only a surface understanding of this issue; the purchase by the Fed of Treasury and Fannie Mae bonds over the last six months or so has yes freed up a lot of other private money that would have otherwise gone to buy these bonds but look at the positive developments from this it has kept interest rates low (housing, auto, etc.) and it has greatly helped big business borrow money relatively cheaply and in many cases borrow money at all (especially businesses that own real estate) most importantly returning many of these businesses to sound financial health - the criticism that this quantitative easing is responsible for sky high commodity prices is the biggest crock of rubbish it deserves to go down in history as such, shortage of supply relative to demand is the reason and authorities better get on the job about increasing supply or America will have a severe crisis on its hands; Sarah Palin is worried about QE3 well I'll tell you smart Americans are worried about Tea Party 3 - overall this movement has the judgment of dangerous idiots it needs to go away quickly and permanently!

Sarah Palin said to Mr. Wallace the U.S. should get out of its military involvement in Libya because the Libya conflict is a civil war. This remark shows clearly she doesn't have the knowledge to be President. Libya is no more a civil war situation than the ouster of Mubarek in Egypt was a civil war situation. Libya is a populist uprising to oust a brutal dictator, Moammar Gadhafi, and end his police state; it is a chance for America and people of good will throughout the world to help a people to obtain their freedom and a people who live in a country that has a lot of natural resource wealth which could provide the means to create a good, prosperous, high quality standard of living country on a continent that being Africa that has largely known suffering, poverty, violence and failed states for centuries; these times with respect to Libya provide an historic opportunity to make a significant change for the course of human history for the better it would be off the charts shameful if America walks away from Libya. Sarah Palin told Mr. Wallace that she fully backs Congressman Paul Ryan's plan to turn Medicare into a senior citizens health insurance premium support program where seniors would be left on their own to find private health insurance to meet their needs, the government health insurance provider for seniors known as Medicare would no longer exist. Ms. Palin clearly does not have a sophisticated or in depth knowledge of this subject which a good candidate for President should have; health care provider charges keep going up for private health insurance carriers higher than the inflation rate so these carriers costs would be higher than the yearly increases in government premium support payments (and because these carriers would be passing on their increased costs seniors would have to pay more over time) and one can multiply this problem ten fold because medicare today tells health care provider how much they will get for providing a service doing away with Medicare and this cost control mechanism will send senior health insurance providers bills through the ceiling - if America thinks it has an uninsured problem today wait a few years after the Paul Ryan plan goes into effect when high numbers of seniors have joined the uninsured rolls and as is well known seniors because of their age have a high need for medical services - does anyone want to say America will be jumping from the pot into the fire!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States‬‏[/ame]
Consider this: Palin IS stupid. Palin IS unqualified for national office.

Pointing this out is not "name calling." When the Right has to fall back on statements such as yours here, it illustrates most vividly you are using the last line of defense.

Consider this: You ARE an idiot. Pointing this out is not "name calling."

Did I call you an idiot or otherwise direct any kind of personal insult against you, Daveman? I don't think I did and, if I did, I apologize.

What does this post of yours contribute to this thread or to the discussion of the OP? I would suggest if you want to post here, you might want to address arguments, rather than hurl childish insults. It only detracts from your credibility.
Oh, yes, I agree I'm not NEARLY as credible as someone who hurls childish insults then claims that it isn't name-calling.

If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen, bub.
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I really, really, really, really hope Palin runs and wins by a landslide.
That will finish the long overdue fall of the Mpyre.
IRAN. Here we come ( Palin winks).............The End.
YAY!!! Another "Palin is stupid" thread.

You idiots crack me up.

You apparently posted this prior to Ms. Palin's statement on the purpose of Paul Revere's ride. You might want to be careful who you are calling "idiots."

Did she say this from one of the 57 United States?
That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Palin!! PAAAAAALINNN!!!!!!
Palin is on par w/ most other Repubs when it comes to intelligence. I wholeheartedly support her in the Repub primaries :D
Palin is on par w/ most other Repubs when it comes to intelligence. I wholeheartedly support her in the Repub primaries :D

Something I have long maintained and will continue to maintain. If Palin runs for president in 2012, it should ensure a Democratic victory. If it doesn't, and this country is stupid enough to elect Sarah Palin as its President, it (this country) will get what it deserves.
Palin is on par w/ most other Repubs when it comes to intelligence. I wholeheartedly support her in the Repub primaries :D

Well, we see what you folks hold out as smart.... Obama/Biden running on "Hope and Change".


And here we sit with inflation, $5 gas, $14,000,000,000,000 debt, 3 wars, Obamacare...

Shear genius indeed.
Palin is on par w/ most other Repubs when it comes to intelligence. I wholeheartedly support her in the Repub primaries :D

Something I have long maintained and will continue to maintain. If Palin runs for president in 2012, it should ensure a Democratic victory. If it doesn't, and this country is stupid enough to elect Sarah Palin as its President, it (this country) will get what it deserves.

Hey.. plenty of people stupid enough to vote Obama/Biden.

No shortness of stupidity.

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