Sarah Palin would lose to Obama in 2012.... in Alaska


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
Obama Beats Palin In Alaska, Poll Shows

Sorry, Sarah.

A new poll shows President Obama beating Mama Grizzly in her homestate. When asked if they preferred Obama or Palin, 42% of responders leaned towards Obama, while only 36% chose Palin.

Of those who preferred Obama, 35% said they felt strongly about their choice. 24% felt similarly about Palin.

Debunking any accusations of a liberal survey bias, the Anchorage Daily News reported that conservative radio host Mike Porcaro paid for the poll.
Obama Beats Palin In Alaska, Poll Shows

Sorry, Sarah.

A new poll shows President Obama beating Mama Grizzly in her homestate. When asked if they preferred Obama or Palin, 42% of responders leaned towards Obama, while only 36% chose Palin.

Of those who preferred Obama, 35% said they felt strongly about their choice. 24% felt similarly about Palin.

Debunking any accusations of a liberal survey bias, the Anchorage Daily News reported that conservative radio host Mike Porcaro paid for the poll.
Here is the real truth behind this poll. This poll was paid for by Pocaro Communications disclosed on the pollsters website and Mike Pocaro is one of the Rino republican Murkowski bunch (anti-Palin) and one of the good old boys that had clients that felt the sting of Governor Palin when she took office and went after the corrupt republicans within her party. He has a local political radio show... was a past Director of Alaska’s PUBLIC BROADCASTING SYSTEM. Every officer on the board of this company is tied in with networks, Disney, BIG OIL, ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE, Marine Services companies, Shell, Phillips 66 and every other corporate CEO that Palin took on a Governor. Ask yourself why a company like this... why would they pay for this poll? Could it be that they needed to shape opinion to reinforce the lie that Palin is hated? Why yes. Could this be Lisa Murkowski payback because it was after all her daddy that Palin beat? Why yes. Come on people and do a little research and THINK. Governor Palin had a 93% approval rating and an 89% approval rating, and had sustained approval numbers in the 80% range and she was the most popular Governor in America, and even described as the most popular official in America by her fellow Governors of the United States.


The same pollster (Haysresearch) above that Had McCain/Palin winning by only 3 points when actually they won over 21 points against Obama in Alaska in 08. Hayes track record on polling is terrible.

Parker-Hays Research Group, LLC
918 Parker Street # A22
Berkeley, CA 94710-2596

Liberal Berkeley? Enough said folks.
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Keep in coming Palintologists, I am loving it.

Between this and the Bachmanists my sides are starting to hurt though.
Obama Beats Palin In Alaska, Poll Shows

Sorry, Sarah.

A new poll shows President Obama beating Mama Grizzly in her homestate. When asked if they preferred Obama or Palin, 42% of responders leaned towards Obama, while only 36% chose Palin.

Of those who preferred Obama, 35% said they felt strongly about their choice. 24% felt similarly about Palin.

Debunking any accusations of a liberal survey bias, the Anchorage Daily News reported that conservative radio host Mike Porcaro paid for the poll.
Here is the real truth behind this poll. This poll was paid for by Pocaro Communications disclosed on the pollsters website and Mike Pocaro is one of the Rino republican Murkowski bunch (anti-Palin) and one of the good old boys that had clients that felt the sting of Governor Palin when she took office and went after the corrupt republicans within her party. He has a local political radio show... was a past Director of Alaska’s PUBLIC BROADCASTING SYSTEM. Every officer on the board of this company is tied in with networks, Disney, BIG OIL, ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE, Marine Services companies, Shell, Phillips 66 and every other corporate CEO that Palin took on a Governor. Ask yourself why a company like this... why would they pay for this poll? Could it be that they needed to shape opinion to reinforce the lie that Palin is hated? Why yes. Could this be Lisa Murkowski payback because it was after all her daddy that Palin beat? Why yes. Come on people and do a little research and THINK. Governor Palin had a 93% approval rating and an 89% approval rating, and had sustained approval numbers in the 80% range and she was the most popular Governor in America, and even described as the most popular official in America by her fellow Governors of the United States.


The same pollster (Haysresearch) above that Had McCain/Palin winning by only 3 points when actually they won over 21 points against Obama in Alaska in 08. Hayes track record on polling is terrible.

Parker-Hays Research Group, LLC
918 Parker Street # A22
Berkeley, CA 94710-2596

Liberal Berkeley? Enough said folks.

Dude, your tin foil hat is too small, it's beginning to cut off oxygen to your brain. Buy a bigger one.

Keep in coming Palintologists, I am loving it.

Between this and the Bachmanists my sides are starting to hurt though.

Obama Beats Palin In Alaska, Poll Shows

Sorry, Sarah.

A new poll shows President Obama beating Mama Grizzly in her homestate. When asked if they preferred Obama or Palin, 42% of responders leaned towards Obama, while only 36% chose Palin.

Of those who preferred Obama, 35% said they felt strongly about their choice. 24% felt similarly about Palin.

Debunking any accusations of a liberal survey bias, the Anchorage Daily News reported that conservative radio host Mike Porcaro paid for the poll.
Here is the real truth behind this poll. This poll was paid for by Pocaro Communications disclosed on the pollsters website and Mike Pocaro is one of the Rino republican Murkowski bunch (anti-Palin) and one of the good old boys that had clients that felt the sting of Governor Palin when she took office and went after the corrupt republicans within her party. He has a local political radio show... was a past Director of Alaska’s PUBLIC BROADCASTING SYSTEM. Every officer on the board of this company is tied in with networks, Disney, BIG OIL, ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE, Marine Services companies, Shell, Phillips 66 and every other corporate CEO that Palin took on a Governor. Ask yourself why a company like this... why would they pay for this poll? Could it be that they needed to shape opinion to reinforce the lie that Palin is hated? Why yes. Could this be Lisa Murkowski payback because it was after all her daddy that Palin beat? Why yes. Come on people and do a little research and THINK. Governor Palin had a 93% approval rating and an 89% approval rating, and had sustained approval numbers in the 80% range and she was the most popular Governor in America, and even described as the most popular official in America by her fellow Governors of the United States.


The same pollster (Haysresearch) above that Had McCain/Palin winning by only 3 points when actually they won over 21 points against Obama in Alaska in 08. Hayes track record on polling is terrible.

Parker-Hays Research Group, LLC
918 Parker Street # A22
Berkeley, CA 94710-2596

Liberal Berkeley? Enough said folks.

Dude, your tin foil hat is too small, it's beginning to cut off oxygen to your brain. Buy a bigger one.
Dear Friends! Above you will read two beautifully typical liberal non-responses to a legitimate issue. When you have no legitimate rebuttal, you laugh off the question, make up silly tags for people and prove beyond all doubt that you have no fucking business trying to take part in discussion of a serious subject.

Liberalism breeds idiocy!

A recent poll PROVES that all polls are biased.

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