No charges filed in Palin brawl

That was simply one more example of the same people who ended up pushing the "war on women" narrative attacking a woman as a "slut" because they didn't agree with her politics...something that conservative women have to deal with from liberals on an almost constant basis.

Attacking one woman for being a stupid idiot is not a war on women.

Trying to deny women birth control and choice while denying them equal wages is.

Sorry, buddy, women know what's up with you guys.
Biden is not related to Sarah Palin and family....quit with the lies.............:D

Of course they're not related. You keep alleging drug use by The Palins but that's just your fevered imaginings. Maybe with a little alcohol boost toward eventide? The Biden family, on the other hand, has an actual certified (by The U.S. Navy) DOPER in the family tree. A true WHITE TRASH family - not just "alleged" - caught at it and fired from a job where national security might well have been at risk.

Of course you're proud of your very own white trash doper - so don't shy from it; embrace it!

Of course they are not related.....Sarah Palin doesn't even qualifiy to be their housekeeper....and what's worse about the conservative bunch? They promote "family values" all the time they are passing notes in bathrooms, wearing diapers while soliciting prostitutes, using tax-payer money to travel to other countries to visit their lovers, having bj's in their driveways while going after someone else for having a bj, etc., etc., so it's better for you hoofie, if you just sit in the corner with your dunce cap on and say nothing, like a good boy.
Tut, tut Merkin!

Try as you might you cannot deflect from the Palinization (your fundamental belief system) of The WHITE TRASH Biden family. Are they ALL dopers or is it a generational thing? The bumbling foot-in-mouth performances of the very scion of the Klan suggests genetic rather than generational.

Surely you agree?
Pretty good deflection but an obvious deflection nonetheless

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It seems the Biden family supplier has reached her/him/it this early in the day! What's with the commercial for the toys?
HBH is good for one thing- delections!!! Do they offer certificates in deflection at Princeton?

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One might wonder whether the Biden boy-child learned to savour cocaine at university - or just was home schooled....

I really am enjoying seeing our resident Marxist element choking on their own hatred for The Palin Family when one of their idols has problems similar to the ones they imagine....but their idol's git is a U.S. Navy certified doper!
Wonder is why America ELECTED a white trash doper family member to the vice presidency.

No, wait, it's because a majority of Democrats are dopers?
Tut, tut Merkin!

Try as you might you cannot deflect from the Palinization (your fundamental belief system) of The WHITE TRASH Biden family. Are they ALL dopers or is it a generational thing? The bumbling foot-in-mouth performances of the very scion of the Klan suggests genetic rather than generational.

Surely you agree?

Nobody does drunken brawl better than Palin.
Nobody does cocaine better than The Biden Family of white trash.

Only difference?

Allegations against The Palin Family are purely in the minds of hate-crazed liberals who cannot abide the prospect of a strong woman in a leadership position.

The Biden Family coke abuse, however, is documented by The U.S. Navy.
Nobody does cocaine better than The Biden Family of white trash.

Only difference?

Allegations against The Palin Family are purely in the minds of hate-crazed liberals who cannot abide the prospect of a strong woman in a leadership position.

The Biden Family coke abuse, however, is documented by The U.S. Navy.

How do you reconcile your post with the fact that Hillary is going to be our next president?
How do you reconcile your post with the fact that Hillary is going to be our next president?

No problem, I said the Demohate is directed against women.
Transgendered would be OK but actual proof is lacking.
So, chances of a Hillary run as a Democrat are slim to nil. However should Republicans decide to lean to the right of Romney then she could have an opportunity.,
This doesn't pass the smell test. Someone told the victims not to press charges.
This doesn't pass the smell test. Someone told the victims not to press charges.

Oh the Navy did, in effect press charges. Threw the doper out on his ass. Pity the same good Navy folks who investigated the son can't also investigate the father, your Vice President.

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