No charges filed in Palin brawl

Clinton didn't commit any crimes..........

Of course not, the threat caught on tape to 62 year old Betty Currie that if she did not perjure herself that Clinton would fire her and ensure her pension was lost isn't a crime to you, because democrats are above the law to you. Contacting Revlon to give Monica Lewenski a job in exchange for he silence isn't witness tampering to you, because democrats are above the law, right retard?
You forgot the "-" when referring to yourself....right-retard. You've got Perry, Scott Walker and other probable Republican candidates under grand jury investigation, and you idiots also re-elected Sanford in South Carolina to the Senate after he used tax-payer money to go visit his concubine in South America (oh, and he's a family values guy :ack-1:), so quit your bitching about someone getting a BJ when you know you're just jealous of him. He's more popular than your top candidate.........:)

The problem you have Playtex, is that you have less intelligence than a pile of bricks.
Says the idiot who takes out his marble sized brain and plays with it every day.

You don't know the facts, you don't grasp the implications, but you're fiercely partisan
And you only know Faux News Facts, which make the "pants on fire" category on a regular basis.

The issue is Playtex, that you really are stupid.
The issue is you're not only stupid, you're incapable of comprehending facts.

Oh, and that is the Washington Post, retard.
It's interstate extortion, a felony. Obama and Holder belong in prison
I can't imagine what extreme right trolls like you are going to do when Hillary whips ole Romney again, cause that's probably the conservative's only "not totally idiot" candidate, and that's being extremely generous.
You know what's telling, Joe? It was Sarah Palin put some of those ethics laws on the books in Alaska to deal with corruption in her own party. She used them to go after the Good Ole Boy's in the GOP.

So what do you liberals do?

You ass holes use those laws not to get rid of a corrupt politician...oh use those laws to get rid of someone who simply wanted to do the job she was elected to do after running for national office and losing. You used the very same ethics laws that Palin used to get rid of corrupt Republicans to get rid of the person who got rid of the corrupt Republicans! You clowns used ethics laws in about as UNETHICAL a fashion as is possible and gloated when you put Palin in a position where she couldn't govern. THAT is who you people have become!

Guy, if Palin wasn't corrupt, she wouldn't have committed abuses like using her office to get back at her brother in law or doing campaign work for McCain. Which IS what got her into trouble.

And please, Palin needs to stop blaming others for her choices. She wanted to be a Star on TLC rather than do the hard work of being governor. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know what's amusing about that comment, Mamooth? You come here declaring Sarah Palin to be an "incompetent joke" when she in fact has been totally competent as both a Mayor and a Governor...but at the same time...the guy that you LOVE, Barack Obama, has turned out to be completely incompetent. The world started out with such a great impression of Barry and in six years he's totally changed that to where he's become a laughingstock.

As for "my" being a victim? Dude, it's JoeB that fills these pages with his whines about being the victim of heartless bosses...not I!

Well, at least I complain about people who've actually made my life worse.

As opposed to you, spending every fucking day of your sad and miserable life complaining about Obama and Benghazi and the IRS like that has any effect on you whatsoever.

I kind of wish Obama pays you rent in the space he occuppies in your head.
So, does it feel to have elected as YOUR Vice Prsident the patriarch of a WHITE TRASH family of dopers. Still happy that you chose your username in his honor?
The problem that you liberals have is that Palin was rather good at doing the job of leading. She'd been a success as both a Mayor and a Governor. Don't want someone like THAT hanging around doing a competent do you!

She was mayor of the Crystal Meth Capital of Alaska. Shit, she was pretty much Betty Loren Maltese (Illinois joke, if you know who Betty Loren Maltese is, you'll chuckle.) It was a crappy little town with less than 8000 people. Betty Loren Maltese ran Cicero, she closed down the strip joints and the mobbed up bars. And then she went to jail for a few years.
So, does it feel to have elected as YOUR Vice Prsident the patriarch of a WHITE TRASH family of dopers. Still happy that you chose your username in his honor?

No, my real name is Joseph, and my surname begins with a B. So nothing to do with Biden.
If Palin was such a failure as a leader, Mertle then why didn't you liberals simply sit back and let her lead Alaska? Surely her incompetence would manifest itself just as Barack Obama's has at leading the United States!

Why the need to use all those records requests and frivolous ethics lawsuits to prevent her from doing her job?

We didn't do anything of the sort. Frankly, we mostly just kind of forgot about Palin minutes after she lost. She was the one who kept trying to inject herself on the national stage.
So, does it feel to have elected as YOUR Vice President the patriarch of a WHITE TRASH family of dopers. Still happy that you chose your username in his honor?

No, my real name is Joseph, and my surname begins with a B. So nothing to do with Biden.


Not just a river anymore!!!

Yer outta the closet, Joey-boy, whether you like it or not.

Was the question about your little feelies concerning your drug-addled idols too hard?
So, does it feel to have elected as YOUR Vice President the patriarch of a WHITE TRASH family of dopers. Still happy that you chose your username in his honor?

No, my real name is Joseph, and my surname begins with a B. So nothing to do with Biden.


Not just a river anymore!!!

Yer outta the closet, Joey-boy, whether you like it or not.

Was the question about your little feelies concerning your drug-addled idols too hard?

I didn't even know who Hunter Biden was until a couple days ago. I really don't care any more now.
So, does it feel to have elected as YOUR Vice President the patriarch of a WHITE TRASH family of dopers. Still happy that you chose your username in his honor?

No, my real name is Joseph, and my surname begins with a B. So nothing to do with Biden.


Not just a river anymore!!!

Yer outta the closet, Joey-boy, whether you like it or not.

Was the question about your little feelies concerning your drug-addled idols too hard?

I didn't even know who Hunter Biden was until a couple days ago. I really don't care any more now.

You should! You feared "white trash"; you feared "dopers" then you went and elected a family of them. Feeling a little queer about what you did?
You should! You feared "white trash"; you feared "dopers" then you went and elected a family of them. Feeling a little queer about what you did?

Uh, no.

Didn't vote for Obama/Biden in 2008. I actually did vote for McCain, even though I had reservations about Palin being, well, kind of stupid.

But you don't vote for Vice President.
So, does it feel to have elected as YOUR Vice Prsident the patriarch of a WHITE TRASH family of dopers. Still happy that you chose your username in his honor?

Biden is not related to Sarah Palin and family....quit with the lies.............:D
Biden is not related to Sarah Palin and family....quit with the lies.............:D

Of course they're not related. You keep alleging drug use by The Palins but that's just your fevered imaginings. Maybe with a little alcohol boost toward eventide? The Biden family, on the other hand, has an actual certified (by The U.S. Navy) DOPER in the family tree. A true WHITE TRASH family - not just "alleged" - caught at it and fired from a job where national security might well have been at risk.

Of course you're proud of your very own white trash doper - so don't shy from it; embrace it!
So, does it feel to have elected as YOUR Vice Prsident the patriarch of a WHITE TRASH family of dopers. Still happy that you chose your username in his honor?

Biden is not related to Sarah Palin and family....quit with the lies.............:D

You smear the Palins...and excuse the Bidens...typical US Message Board tactics by liberals.
So, does it feel to have elected as YOUR Vice President the patriarch of a WHITE TRASH family of dopers. Still happy that you chose your username in his honor?

No, my real name is Joseph, and my surname begins with a B. So nothing to do with Biden.


Not just a river anymore!!!

Yer outta the closet, Joey-boy, whether you like it or not.

Was the question about your little feelies concerning your drug-addled idols too hard?

I didn't even know who Hunter Biden was until a couple days ago. I really don't care any more now.

So you know all about the family of the Vice Presidential candidate who LOST an election 6 years ago but don't know much at all about the family of the Vice President who was a winner that day? Shouldn't that set off "I'm obsessive" alarm bells somewhere, Joey?

So you know all about the family of the Vice Presidential candidate who LOST an election 6 years ago but don't know much at all about the family of the Vice President who was a winner that day? Shouldn't that set off "I'm obsessive" alarm bells somewhere, Joey?

No, it tells me that the losing Veep Candidate was shoving her family in my face at every opportunity.

From the gal who got pregnant and then got her own reality TV show (a couple of them, I think), to the retarded baby they put out in our face because they are really, really, really against abortion.

Let's not forget that Palin screamed when Letterman made a joke about one of them getting knocked up by A-Rod. I would have never heard that joke if Palin hadn't screamed for an apology from a Comedian.

Meanwhile, Hunter will just quietly get discharged from the Naval Reserve and we'll never hear from him again.

So you know all about the family of the Vice Presidential candidate who LOST an election 6 years ago but don't know much at all about the family of the Vice President who was a winner that day? Shouldn't that set off "I'm obsessive" alarm bells somewhere, Joey?

No, it tells me that the losing Veep Candidate was shoving her family in my face at every opportunity.

From the gal who got pregnant and then got her own reality TV show (a couple of them, I think), to the retarded baby they put out in our face because they are really, really, really against abortion.

Let's not forget that Palin screamed when Letterman made a joke about one of them getting knocked up by A-Rod. I would have never heard that joke if Palin hadn't screamed for an apology from a Comedian.

Meanwhile, Hunter will just quietly get discharged from the Naval Reserve and we'll never hear from him again.

Let me get this's Palin who's at fault for responding to a rather disgusting attack by David Letterman on her 14 year old daughter on a show watched by over 3 million people? But you pretend nobody would have heard about it if ONLY Sarah Palin hadn't called Letterman on it?

That was simply one more example of the same people who ended up pushing the "war on women" narrative attacking a woman as a "slut" because they didn't agree with her politics...something that conservative women have to deal with from liberals on an almost constant basis.
The whole incident (sans the patently ludicrous ‘embellishments’ from anti-Palin bloggers) if anything made me love and admire the Palins all the more.

Sarah and her family have such grit, in the old-fashioned sense of what America used to be. Such a stark contrast to the metrosexual wimpishness that has totally enveloped modern American society and its culture. I couldn’t help but lhe story uses Klingenmeyer’s account, with unnamed supporting witness testimony, throughout.
What about quitting midway through her term as governor?

Did that display her 'grit'?

Let me get this's Palin who's at fault for responding to a rather disgusting attack by David Letterman on her 14 year old daughter on a show watched by over 3 million people? But you pretend nobody would have heard about it if ONLY Sarah Palin hadn't called Letterman on it?


So less than 1% of the country heard the joke, which was really funny because Ms. Family Values has a history of daughters getting knocked up out of wedlock.

But she went around whining about it like a little bitch.

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