Zone1 Satan only does what God permits--so WHY---?


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
So why does God give permission to that vile creature for such outrageously hideous things as child abuse--molestation in particular?

Sorry, but it's enough to make you hate God--and I confess I have felt hatred toward Him, in certain emotionally heated moments.

Of course those moments of hatred toward God happend mostly as a result of evils that were perpetrated against yours truly. But one day years ago when I was feeling sorry for myself--enough to get really ticked @ God-- I reminded myself that there are others in the world suffering also, often egregiously. I thought in particular about innocent children being molested by perverts.

I was blown away thinking of such seemingly inexcusable evil (God's "allowance" of it).

man has free will and that's why the world is full of evil and its nasty consequences. I get that.

But God..

I used to hate this saying that comes to mind: "It is what it is." But it's true that whether we understand God or not, He is who He is. Things on Earth are as they are.

There's nothing we can do--

except get involved "politically."

I cite the Lord's Prayer given to us by Jesus:

"Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

How will good be done "on Earth as it is in Heaven" unless we humans do it?

So why does God give permission to that vile creature for such outrageously hideous things as child abuse--molestation in particular?

Sorry, but it's enough to make you hate God--and I confess I have felt hatred toward Him, in certain emotionally heated moments.

Of course those moments of hatred toward God happend mostly as a result of evils that were perpetrated against yours truly. But one day years ago when I was feeling sorry for myself--enough to get really ticked @ God-- I reminded myself that there are others in the world suffering also, often egregiously. I thought in particular about innocent children being molested by perverts.

I was blown away thinking of such seemingly inexcusable evil (God's "allowance" of it).

man has free will and that's why the world is full of evil and its nasty consequences. I get that.

But God..

I used to hate this saying that comes to mind: "It is what it is." But it's true that whether we understand God or not, He is who He is. Things on Earth are as they are.

There's nothing we can do--

except get involved "politically."

I cite the Lord's Prayer given to us by Jesus:

"Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

How will good be done "on Earth as it is in Heaven" unless we humans do it?

No, that is reversing things, even logically. Evil is what is freely done AGAINST God's Will but it is not outside of Providence.
Thy will be done is a prayer and our prayers matter. And maybe the most insight is to see that evil is not fought so much as 'loved back"
Maybe at the end of time evil will be CRUSHED but in this life it is 'do not meet evil with more evil"...

Just a thought I've had lately seeing all the stupid as sht things said on here : Howm uch atheism contributes to evil just by the fact that if you think things will never be right, there is no reckoning, and God can't bring good from evil -- well the atheist says I won't get justice unless I get it for myself, so revenge murder and smother hatred come from so many atheists, either practical atheist or religious killers , all the same.
No, that is reversing things, even logically. Evil is what is freely done AGAINST God's Will but it is not outside of Providence.
Thy will be done is a prayer and our prayers matter. And maybe the most insight is to see that evil is not fought so much as 'loved back"
Maybe at the end of time evil will be CRUSHED but in this life it is 'do not meet evil with more evil"...

Just a thought I've had lately seeing all the stupid as sht things said on here : Howm uch atheism contributes to evil just by the fact that if you think things will never be right, there is no reckoning, and God can't bring good from evil -- well the atheist says I won't get justice unless I get it for myself, so revenge murder and smother hatred come from so many atheists, either practical atheist or religious killers , all the same.

Well, as society gets more "secular" and more 'forgiving" of such vile things as homosexual acts, pedophilia and etc, atheism will flourish. We can see the decrease in people going to Church. Well, one good that comes from all the evil in our world is that some us appreciate the Church even more.

In any case, I don't understand your first sentence here. So maybe I don't fully understand any of it?

I don't get that "reversing things" comment
It's like God just puts us here, more or less forgets about us and lets us flounder around helplessly and then, even when we find Him (His Church) we are

well, I myself feel that I am with Him when I'm in the Real PResence of Christ (Eucharist), especially when the Eucharist is exposed. Only Catholics who do this understand.

Then when I am not there, I feel lost and depressed and sometimes, alone (though not as deeply as I used to before finding Him).

In bad moments, I think of the parable Jesus told in Luke 16:19

The bad doesn't last forever. It just seems like it
It's like God just puts us here, more or less forgets about us and lets us flounder around helplessly and then, even when we find Him (His Church) we are

well, I myself feel that I am with Him when I'm in the Real PResence of Christ (Eucharist), especially when the Eucharist is exposed. Only Catholics who do this understand.

Then when I am not there, I feel lost and depressed and sometimes, alone (though not as deeply as I used to before finding Him).

In bad moments, I think of the parable Jesus told in Luke 16:19

The bad doesn't last forever. It just seems like it
The real challenge is that most people have no idea why they are here on earth in the first place including Catholics and Protestants. You are asking that question with your other questions. Why are you here. If you don't know where you came from, you will never know why you are here. And, that is really sad. I know from whence I cam, why I'm here and where I'm going. No doubt in my mind. The Orientals have more understanding than Catholics will ever have. Ying-Yang. Everything has it's exact opposites. Extremely Good and Extremely Evil. To know God one has to observe Satan and his works of unimaginable evil. Some are part of this and others observers.

I'm here because I chose to be here. I accepted Father in Heaven's eternal plan of exaltation and eternal life. I came from a more exalted sphere with my heavenly Father and Mother who gave me my spirit body that shelters my intelligent energy that has always existed. Now, my physical body houses as a temple my spirit body and intelligence. I'm here to learn to choose good over evil which is never easy. Temptation is a method we are given to prove ourselves worthy to live with God eternally. A third of our spirit brothers and sisters chose freely in heaven not to come and receive these imperfect mortal bodies. They rejected Father's plan and were thrusted out with Lucifer, our common enemy to the earth to test those of us who kept our first estate and chose rightly to come to the earth knowing that there would be hardships. And, to find the truth, be baptized by one with authority to do so and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
So why does God give permission to that vile creature for such outrageously hideous things as child abuse--molestation in particular?

Sorry, but it's enough to make you hate God--and I confess I have felt hatred toward Him, in certain emotionally heated moments.

Of course those moments of hatred toward God happend mostly as a result of evils that were perpetrated against yours truly. But one day years ago when I was feeling sorry for myself--enough to get really ticked @ God-- I reminded myself that there are others in the world suffering also, often egregiously. I thought in particular about innocent children being molested by perverts.

I was blown away thinking of such seemingly inexcusable evil (God's "allowance" of it).

man has free will and that's why the world is full of evil and its nasty consequences. I get that.

But God..

I used to hate this saying that comes to mind: "It is what it is." But it's true that whether we understand God or not, He is who He is. Things on Earth are as they are.

There's nothing we can do--

except get involved "politically."

I cite the Lord's Prayer given to us by Jesus:

"Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

How will good be done "on Earth as it is in Heaven" unless we humans do it?

It isn't Satan doing those terrible things. It's men, and their free will. Satan's just the nudge...
It isn't Satan doing those terrible things. It's men, and their free will. Satan's just the nudge...
Then Satan is doing those things through our decisions. We have free moral agency to choose. We have two helps. The Light of Christ and the influence of the Holy Ghost.
Satan and God are both figures created in your head and so do pretty much whatever you will them to do.
Satan and God are both figures created in your head and so do pretty much whatever you will them to do.
Satan can only speak to your brain. God speaks to your heart to know good or evil.
So, is homosexual acts good or evil to you? See who’s in your head or heart.
Satan and God are both figures created in your head and so do pretty much whatever you will them to do.
ha ha.

I wish

I only wish

You are clueless. Satan's really got you blinded, doesn't he?
So why does God give permission to that vile creature for such outrageously hideous things as child abuse--molestation in particular?

Sorry, but it's enough to make you hate God--and I confess I have felt hatred toward Him, in certain emotionally heated moments.

Of course those moments of hatred toward God happend mostly as a result of evils that were perpetrated against yours truly. But one day years ago when I was feeling sorry for myself--enough to get really ticked @ God-- I reminded myself that there are others in the world suffering also, often egregiously. I thought in particular about innocent children being molested by perverts.

I was blown away thinking of such seemingly inexcusable evil (God's "allowance" of it).

man has free will and that's why the world is full of evil and its nasty consequences. I get that.

But God..

I used to hate this saying that comes to mind: "It is what it is." But it's true that whether we understand God or not, He is who He is. Things on Earth are as they are.

There's nothing we can do--

except get involved "politically."

I cite the Lord's Prayer given to us by Jesus:

"Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

How will good be done "on Earth as it is in Heaven" unless we humans do it?

Satan is the "god" of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) Why is Satan defined as the god of this world called reality? Its much like declaring that we have a sunset and a sunrise....even through we know through application of science that the earth rotates around the Sun, not the inverse. But its a term still used today, and everyone comprehends there are no real sunrises and sunsets, its simply a point of view we have from earth, it appears the sun is rotating around the earth.

There is actually only ONE GOD, comprised of 3 distinct personalities, the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all with a common objective and purpose. "I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me, there is no other God." -- Isa. 45:5. In Jesus dwells the fullness of the Godhead "bodily". -- Col. 2:9

Another example of using the term can make a god from anyone they serve, this does not mean there are actually other gods, but people are free to choose just whom they will serve. Example: "You have forsaken Me (God) and served other gods; therefore I will no longer deliver you." -- Judges 10:13 Deliver us from What? Jesus explains, when we decide to follow the real God of Creation we are called out from this world and those who still serve this world are the minions of Satan.......he that claims to be the god of this world because some choose to serve him instead of the God who has called us away from this world into a spiritual world designed by God to free our spirit/soul in defeating Hades (the grave) (Matthew 16)

"If the world hates you, ye know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of this world (the term church in the original Greek (Ekklesia) literally means .......called out from the world), the world would love its own, but because you are not of this world, but I have chosen you out of this world; therefore the world hates you." -- John 15:18-19

"Can men make gods for himself; Yet they are not gods." -- Jer. 16:20 No one can serve 2 masters, you will serve one and hate the other (Matt. 6:24), if you don't serve the Lord you serve the world and its master (all that is antichrist) Satan. When people sin, they are freely allowing Satan to guide their lives and judge by his rules, which are based upon deception instead of Truth. All liars serve their master. Satan is the father and originator of exampled in Genesis. (John 8:44) Satan deceived Adam and Eve and told them they would become gods if they ate of the tree of knowledge........instead of becoming gods, they passed a death sentence upon all of mankind.

Jesus provides a path to end this cycle of death. The first born to defeat death. (Romans 5:12-17). (1 Cor. 15:20-23)

Those that choose to serve this world over serving the Lord have made Satan their god. Satan has blinded their eyes to the truth. "And even if our gospel (truth) is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." -- 2 Cor. 4:4-5

God did not give Satan a title as a god.......God is saying that this is what the world is doing, making a god based upon blindness, deceit and lies.
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God did not give Satan a tile as god?

huh? Does that mean we shouldn't call "it" Satan?

don't get it

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