Satellite: Calbuco Volcano Leaves Behind Massive Ashfall


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Satellite: Calbuco Volcano Leaves Behind Massive Ashfall
April 23rd, 2015
The explosive double eruption of Calbuco Volcano in Chile late yesterday afternoon and last night, combined with mostly clear skies, allowed some spectacular photos and videos, even from a drone.

Here’s one of the prettiest photos of the first eruption, which occurred before sunset:

The two mature eruption plumes as seen by the GOES weather satellite show plume top temperatures so cold that the stratosphere was surely penetrated, a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for effects on global climate (arrows indiate volcano location, satellite imagery courtesy of CIRA at ColoState):

From low Earth orbit, this was how the area around the snow-capped volcano looked just hours before the eruption yesterday from NASA’s Terra satellite, and then again this morning. Note the large region where the snow-capped mountains and the valleys are covered in volcanic ash:

I hope it remained a vei 4 or below. As any higher would threaten the chances of breaking .8c this year! bad time to have a volcano.

That's an unbelievable photo. Imagine sitting on a hill and seeing that... That's pretty awe-inspiring.
The farther from the equator a volcano is, the less it affects climate. Calbuco is in southern Chile, so it will have no significant effect. Especially so because it's erupting in the southern hemisphere autumn. There's not much sunlight there for the eruption to block.
Frank, volcanoes aren't caused by global warming.

Why is it so many deniers blame every single thing on global warming? You don't see any rational people acting that stupid. Though you do see deniers lying about it constantly.
Frank, volcanoes aren't caused by global warming.

Why is it so many deniers blame every single thing on global warming? You don't see any rational people acting that stupid. Though you do see deniers lying about it constantly.
so you're thinking the debris stays there eh?
From low Earth orbit, this was how the area around the snow-capped volcano looked just hours before the eruption yesterday from NASA’s Terra satellite, and then again this morning. Note the large region where the snow-capped mountains and the valleys are covered in volcanic ash:

Matthew, where is the image that goes with this caption?
From low Earth orbit, this was how the area around the snow-capped volcano looked just hours before the eruption yesterday from NASA’s Terra satellite, and then again this morning. Note the large region where the snow-capped mountains and the valleys are covered in volcanic ash:

Matthew, where is the image that goes with this caption?
Thanks. Interesting the way the ashfall (smoke?) follows the valleys and lowlands.

The plume in the upper right of the lower photo is immense!
Any measure of the amount of sulfer compounds, and the height to which they have been lofted yet?
The farther from the equator a volcano is, the less it affects climate. Calbuco is in southern Chile, so it will have no significant effect. Especially so because it's erupting in the southern hemisphere autumn. There's not much sunlight there for the eruption to block.
You are totally fucking clueless.. Do you have even one functioning brain cell? Do you understand the earths convection cycle and air movements? The answer to both of those question is no from your little rant.

VEI 4 is sufficient to place matter into the upper tropopause were much of the heat is reflected back into space. It can take years for it to fully clear, affecting not only the southern hemisphere but causing a temperature imbalance with the northern hemisphere and RAPID OCEAN HEAT CONTENT LOSS.. This volcano will directly affect any El Nino formation to near zero and could drive a large La Nina for the next few years...

I am laughing that some want heat records while the earth is giving them the finger.. Multiple eruptions to boot..
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Any measure of the amount of sulfer compounds, and the height to which they have been lofted yet?
Volcanic Explosive Index = 4.1
Upper tropopause is reached at roughly 35,000-38,000 feet. Time to dissipate that matter will be months, up to two years, depending on volume erupted. The fact that there have been multiple eruptions now is worrisome. A longer eruption or a series of eruptions could cool things off pretty good globally.
OMG, we're all gonna die!

Our only hope is to send money, lots of money, to Algore's First Universal Church of Global Warming. Surely they'll know what to do to save us all!

Won't they?

here is some good information for you... Considering I live very close to this potential ELE, I tend to study things which can directly affect me.
OMG, we're all gonna die!

Our only hope is to send money, lots of money, to Algore's First Universal Church of Global Warming. Surely they'll know what to do to save us all!

Won't they?

We could throw Al Gore and the IPCC clones to the great volcano god? Would that work? :beer::biggrin:

ETA: thinking about this more... Then again the volcano god could become very mad that we would throw garbage at him and he could throw a tantrum...
The farther from the equator a volcano is, the less it affects climate. Calbuco is in southern Chile, so it will have no significant effect. Especially so because it's erupting in the southern hemisphere autumn. There's not much sunlight there for the eruption to block.
So the blocking of sunlight is the only negative effect volcanoes have on the climate. :lol:
Wanna drive when there's ash in the area?

Plan ahead. Keep a few extra panty hose and a can of 40-weight non-detergent oil in the trunk. Maybe a shallow aluminum roasting pan and a roll of paper towels.

Conservatives: Think ahead about how to use them.
Liberals: Just wear them.

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