Saudi Arabia prepares to attack the Yemeni capital

SA and I both detest, with real reason, Iran.
SA is a Wahhabi regime run by a dynasty. Doesn´t it represent all what you self-declared "freedom lovers" despise?
I, for one, despise Iran more than SA, and Iran has intentions of being more than it what should be both in the region and in the world.
After Ahmadinejad left office, thinks took a questionable direction towards Islamism, while Ahmadinejad was a moderate reformer (he still struggles with slight government oppression). But Iran is one of the few countries in the world that takes its international duty regarding the war on terror serious.
Saudi Arabia is where women cannot drive and are pets.
Having been based in Saudi Arabia for 2 years when in the U.S. Army, a long time ago admittedly, unless the Saudi regular army or the national guard (SANG) have improved their war fighting performance tremendously, they will be high tailing it after the first shots are fired in Yemen.
What´s so great about Saudi Arabia that you "Israel guys" love it to such an extent?
Nothing's great about either of them. They're corrupt backwards ass medieval, violent, intolerant Muslim neanderthals. Does anybody care which type of Islam they subscribe to? Grab your popcorn and sit back and watch them kill each other. It's been going on for 1400 years.
SA and I both detest, with real reason, Iran.
SA is a Wahhabi regime run by a dynasty. Doesn´t it represent all what you self-declared "freedom lovers" despise?
I, for one, despise Iran more than SA, and Iran has intentions of being more than it what should be both in the region and in the world.
After Ahmadinejad left office, thinks took a questionable direction towards Islamism, while Ahmadinejad was a moderate reformer (he still struggles with slight government oppression). But Iran is one of the few countries in the world that takes its international duty regarding the war on terror serious.
Saudi Arabia is where women cannot drive and are pets.
Saudi Arabia and Iran are both Islamist terrorist shitholes, one is Sunni, the other is Shiite, that's the only difference between them.

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