Saudis & Iraq

TEHRAN: Iran´s President Hassan Rouhani warned on Sunday that Muslim states which funnel petrodollars to jihadist fighters wreaking havoc in Iraq will become their next target.

Rouhani did not name any country, but officials and media in Iran have hinted that insurgents from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) are being financially and militarily supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

“I advise Muslim countries that support the terrorists with their petrodollars to stop,” Rouhani said in remarks reported by the website of Iran´s state broadcaster.”Tomorrow you will be targeted… by these savage terrorists.

Wash your hands of killing and the killing of Muslims,” he added. ISIL militants have seized a swathe of Iraqi territory in a lightning offensive, with the Baghdad government´s security forces hard-pressed to prevent the advance.

Riyadh has warned that Iran-ally Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is steering Iraq towards civil war through policies that exclude the country’s minority.

Iran says it will support Maliki against ISIL, which is also battling the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, another Tehran ally.

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he was against any foreign intervention in Iraq, accusing the United States of seeking to “take advantage of fanatics with no will of their own,” referring to ISIL.

Khamenei reiterated Iranian declarations that the Maliki government “has the ability to stop this plot, with collective efforts that include the people.”
Daily City Times "World Best Online Newspaper" | Beware ISIL, Iran´s Rouhani warns ?petrodollar? states

Qatar and Saudia Arabia.
Saudis name top intelligence chief -

Who finances ISIS? | Business | DW.DE | 19.06.2014

Saudis have errant children who turn to radical sects, as does Qatar; this has happened in the US, none grew to the stage of actual power however.
TEHRAN: Iran´s President Hassan Rouhani warned on Sunday that Muslim states which funnel petrodollars to jihadist fighters wreaking havoc in Iraq will become their next target.

Rouhani did not name any country, but officials and media in Iran have hinted that insurgents from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) are being financially and militarily supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

“I advise Muslim countries that support the terrorists with their petrodollars to stop,” Rouhani said in remarks reported by the website of Iran´s state broadcaster.”Tomorrow you will be targeted… by these savage terrorists.

Wash your hands of killing and the killing of Muslims,” he added. ISIL militants have seized a swathe of Iraqi territory in a lightning offensive, with the Baghdad government´s security forces hard-pressed to prevent the advance.

Riyadh has warned that Iran-ally Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is steering Iraq towards civil war through policies that exclude the country’s minority.

Iran says it will support Maliki against ISIL, which is also battling the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, another Tehran ally.

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he was against any foreign intervention in Iraq, accusing the United States of seeking to “take advantage of fanatics with no will of their own,” referring to ISIL.

Khamenei reiterated Iranian declarations that the Maliki government “has the ability to stop this plot, with collective efforts that include the people.”
Daily City Times "World Best Online Newspaper" | Beware ISIL, Iran´s Rouhani warns ?petrodollar? states

Qatar and Saudia Arabia.
Saudis name top intelligence chief -

Who finances ISIS? | Business | DW.DE | 19.06.2014

Saudis have errant children who turn to radical sects, as does Qatar; this has happened in the US, none grew to the stage of actual power however.

What does that mean exactly?

Saudis have errant children who turn to radical sects, as does Qatar; this has happened in the US, none grew to the stage of actual power however.

What does that mean exactly?

Think of US radicals, many came from at least upper middle income homes, many became radical in college. In Sauidia Arbia, the sons (usually) of oil Sheiks find causes. Thus the wealthier are more likey to adhere to "movements" that give them a "purpose". Someone I knew in college, from a Greek shipping family, later became a member of the Mujahideen. He found something to believe in, died after years of both fighting, and reporting from the front lines.
Peach, are you familiar with the Saudi history of funding terrorism?
Bob Graham is a former senator who co-chaired the Joint Congressional Investigation into 911. Twenty-eight pages of the report that investigation produced was redacted in the interest on "national security" grounds by the CIA; those redacted pages dealt with who financed the attacks beyond Pakistan's ISI, and they are widely believed to implicate Saudi Royals, which, if true, means the Saudi state was involved in killing nearly 3000 Americans.

Graham is legally prevented from revealing what's contained in those missing 28 pages so he published a novel, "The Keys to the Kingdom" which follows a fictitious former US Senator who's murdered near his Florida home after uncovering an international conspiracy linking the Saudi Kingdom to OSL and an international conspiracy.

Graham who's also a former governor of Florida had this to offer on Democracy Now!

"One of the questions around 9/11 is whether these 19 hijackers were operating alone or whether they had a support network that assisted them and gave them anonymity. It’s been my feeling that it was very unlikely that they could have been successful without such a network.

"We know a great deal about the network component that existed in San Diego.

"What we’ve just learned is about another pod of this network in Sarasota. What we know to date is that there was a wealthy Saudi family living in a gated community near Sarasota, which had numerous contacts with Atta, the leader of the hijackers, and two others who were doing their pilot training near Sarasota.

"We also know that this family left the United States under what appear to be very urgent circumstances on August the 30th, 2001, just before 9/11.

JUAN GONZALEZ: And is there any indication why this information was never revealed to the September 11th Commission?

BOB GRAHAM: No, but the same was true in San Diego. The FBI, although they were asked to provide the congressional inquiry all the information they had about 9/11, did not tell us about these extensive contacts—contacts in San Diego.

"It was because we had a very curious and effective investigative team, which went to San Diego and was able to uncover the relationship between, particularly, a key Saudi agent living in San Diego and the first two hijackers to have entered the United States."

Former Senator Bob Graham Urges Obama to Reopen Investigation into Saudi Role in 9/11 Attacks | Democracy Now!

Want some real Hope and Change in Your Lifetime? Force Obama to reopen the investigation into the events that launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and accelerated the assault on your civil liberties.
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Bob Graham is a former senator who co-chaired the Joint Congressional Investigation into 911. Twenty-eight pages of the report that investigation produced was redacted in the interest on "national security" grounds by the CIA; those redacted pages dealt with who financed the attacks beyond Pakistan's ISI, and they are widely believed to implicate Saudi Royals, which, if true, means the Saudi state was involved in killing nearly 3000 Americans.

Graham is legally prevented from revealing what's contained in those missing 28 pages so he published a novel, "The Keys to the Kingdom" which follows a fictitious former US Senator who's murdered near his Florida home after uncovering an international conspiracy linking the Saudi Kingdom to OSL and an international conspiracy.

Graham who's also a former governor of Florida had this to offer on Democracy Now!

"One of the questions around 9/11 is whether these 19 hijackers were operating alone or whether they had a support network that assisted them and gave them anonymity. It’s been my feeling that it was very unlikely that they could have been successful without such a network.

"We know a great deal about the network component that existed in San Diego.

"What we’ve just learned is about another pod of this network in Sarasota. What we know to date is that there was a wealthy Saudi family living in a gated community near Sarasota, which had numerous contacts with Atta, the leader of the hijackers, and two others who were doing their pilot training near Sarasota.

"We also know that this family left the United States under what appear to be very urgent circumstances on August the 30th, 2001, just before 9/11.

JUAN GONZALEZ: And is there any indication why this information was never revealed to the September 11th Commission?

BOB GRAHAM: No, but the same was true in San Diego. The FBI, although they were asked to provide the congressional inquiry all the information they had about 9/11, did not tell us about these extensive contacts—contacts in San Diego.

"It was because we had a very curious and effective investigative team, which went to San Diego and was able to uncover the relationship between, particularly, a key Saudi agent living in San Diego and the first two hijackers to have entered the United States."

Former Senator Bob Graham Urges Obama to Reopen Investigation into Saudi Role in 9/11 Attacks | Democracy Now!

What some real Hope and Change in Your Lifetime, force Obama to reopen the investigation into the events that launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and accelerated the assault on your civil liberties.

"One of the questions around 9/11 is whether these 19 hijackers were operating alone or whether they had a support network that assisted them and gave them anonymity. It’s been my feeling that it was very unlikely that they could have been successful without such a network.

"We know a great deal about the network component that existed in San Diego.

"What we’ve just learned is about another pod of this network in Sarasota. What we know to date is that there was a wealthy Saudi family living in a gated community near Sarasota, which had numerous contacts with Atta, the leader of the hijackers, and two others who were doing their pilot training near Sarasota.

"We also know that this family left the United States under what appear to be very urgent circumstances on August the 30th, 2001, just before 9/11.

There are enough wealthy Saudis that their government cannot track them, let alone control them. The facade of fundamentalism crumbles when there is a threat to the petroleum market, al least with the leaders. With the many millionaires, there is stated approval, how else to keep the laboring "class" from rebelling? A study in contrasts.
"AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk, Senator Graham, about the 9/11 Commission and the suppressed pages of that commission, what you believe is in them, and if it links to the Saudi royal family?

BOB GRAHAM: The suppressed pages were in the Congressional Joint Inquiry. We worked diligently throughout 2002 to gather as much of the information as we could and to make recommendations.

"We had an 800-plus-page report, one chapter of which, which related primarily to the role of the Saudis in 9/11, was totally censored.

"Every word of that chapter has been denied to the American people.

"One of the reasons that I wrote a novel, Keys to the Kingdom, was because I felt that that was a means of beginning to tell the American people some of the things which they have not been able to be told because of the degree of cover-up that has surrounded the Saudi activities in the United States prior to 9/11."

Former Senator Bob Graham Urges Obama to Reopen Investigation into Saudi Role in 9/11 Attacks | Democracy Now!
Bob Graham was a good Governor & senator, I wish his Presidential run hadn't shortened his time in the Senate.

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