Savage Black Assaults Senior Citizens Then Murders the Cop Called to Respond

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This racist dick jerk is a joke, you racist ass clowns are silent as hell when someone white shots or murdered as a cop. Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Its very rare . Superbadnutter, thats why .
White people don't support or make excuses for white criminals. Call a white criminal a savage thug and no one runs up to say he's a victim of racism.
Could this be why cops are wary of low IQ savages? Too bad the cop did not use the magic knee technique. The cop is dead, did the "diverse" DA upgrade the charges to first and second degree murder? In all honesty, the perp should have been strung up on a tree by now like they did to similar perps back in the day in the South.

More hate from the racist right.

Awwwwk the libber propaganda polly parrot squawks again....
Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race

Neither are black folks, but when unarmed black folks are murdered unjustly the folks are going to false their voices. Why do you hate peaceful protest?
Would you call this woman a typical black person?

That women needs a good ass whipping!!
Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race
So where you and your law and order when that trump piece of shit and his good buddy white guys were savaging our Nations Capitol back in January?

That was a peaceful protest, except when a cop killed an unarmed woman (and you cheered).
Didn't hear a damn word out of either one of you 2 racist Jackasses when the white man in Texas shot a cop or when any white man has shot a cop.
Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race

Neither are black folks, but when unarmed black folks are murdered unjustly the folks are going to false their voices. Why do you hate peaceful protest?
Would you call this woman a typical black person?

That women needs a good ass whipping!!

Whites are not rioting in the streets and looting Target stores when a white dirtbag is killed by a cop

because we support law and order regardless of race
That is such a load of crap. You support anything to punish your enemies. You supported an attempted overthrow of the American government.
Law and order my ass.
if 6-1 was an attempted overthrow of the government libs beat them to it by a whole year of Black Lies Matter and ANTIFA riots across America
When, exactly, did BLM break in to the Capitol building looking to hang the vice president?

You supported this.
if 6-1 was an attempted overthrow of the government libs beat them to it by a whole year of Black Lies Matter and ANTIFA riots across America
When, exactly, did BLM break in to the Capitol building looking to hang the vice president?

You supported this.
i didn't support the break-in of Ft Pelosi

That was wrong
if 6-1 was an attempted overthrow of the government libs beat them to it by a whole year of Black Lies Matter and ANTIFA riots across America
When, exactly, did BLM break in to the Capitol building looking to hang the vice president?

You supported this.

BLM/Antifa have stormed numerous government buildings, while they were occupied by government employees, setting many of them on fire in the process.

Just admit that 1/6 only bothers you because the targets were your rich, WHITE elites.
Violates Clean Start.


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