Saving water and creating power

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Cover the canals with solar, save water, create power. Add agri-voltaics, and grid scale storage and California no longer has a power shortage.

Does this include the costs of the transmission lines? ... or would placing solar panels underneath the transmission lines make more economic sense? ...

Cables ... yeah, right ... what's the carbon footprint of assembly and how long is the expected life of these installations? ... very unwise anchoring the cables to the actual canal banks ... weakens the levee ... the towers to hold the cables up out of the water will have to sit 50 yards apart and be tall enough ...

Evaporation is greatly accelerated by blowing dry wind across the water's surface ... that's almost everyday in the Central Valley ...

The better solution to California's water problem is to build an aqueduct from Bonneville to Lake Shasta ... send all that plutonium contaminated water south ... good riddance to bad rubbish ...
Does this include the costs of the transmission lines? ... or would placing solar panels underneath the transmission lines make more economic sense? ...

Cables ... yeah, right ... what's the carbon footprint of assembly and how long is the expected life of these installations? ... very unwise anchoring the cables to the actual canal banks ... weakens the levee ... the towers to hold the cables up out of the water will have to sit 50 yards apart and be tall enough ...

Evaporation is greatly accelerated by blowing dry wind across the water's surface ... that's almost everyday in the Central Valley ...

The better solution to California's water problem is to build an aqueduct from Bonneville to Lake Shasta ... send all that plutonium contaminated water south ... good riddance to bad rubbish ...
Ask the Fornicalians how well that the Invinpah white elephant worked out.
Does this include the costs of the transmission lines? ... or would placing solar panels underneath the transmission lines make more economic sense? ...

Cables ... yeah, right ... what's the carbon footprint of assembly and how long is the expected life of these installations? ... very unwise anchoring the cables to the actual canal banks ... weakens the levee ... the towers to hold the cables up out of the water will have to sit 50 yards apart and be tall enough ...

Evaporation is greatly accelerated by blowing dry wind across the water's surface ... that's almost everyday in the Central Valley ...

The better solution to California's water problem is to build an aqueduct from Bonneville to Lake Shasta ... send all that plutonium contaminated water south ... good riddance to bad rubbish ...
That is what I love about you "Conservatives:", your answer to every problem is "No, we can not". You are the useless shit flouting down the river, the people we can do without.
Ask the Fornicalians how well that the Invinpah white elephant worked out.
Ask about why the utilities are installing solar and wind and not coal. Ask about why more and more utilities are actually starting to encourage VPP's. And ask yourself why you are such an ignorant fuck.
Ask about why the utilities are installing solar and wind and not coal. Ask about why more and more utilities are actually starting to encourage VPP's. And ask yourself why you are such an ignorant fuck.
Because the entire stockholders conglomerate just ordered Tesla's ?
That is what I love about you "Conservatives:", your answer to every problem is "No, we can not". You are the useless shit flouting down the river, the people we can do without.

I'm a liberal ... damn proud 80% of my electricity comes from renewables (wind/hydro) ... but thank you for the ad hominum attack ... you know I'm right and you're wrong ... and now your tender ego is bruised again and you're lashing out like a spoiled little child ... so pathetic ...
Makes as much sense as putting water pumps in basements. :rolleyes:

Has anyone thought about what happens to the solar panels when it does rain and floods?

And is this finally an admission that solar panels induce a cooling effect?
Cover the canals with solar, save water, create power. Add agri-voltaics, and grid scale storage and California no longer has a power shortage.

HaHa...........again, the progressive fails to answer one basic question that matters to grounded folks........

"At what cost? :abgg2q.jpg:

Unicorn chasing is ghey
Makes as much sense as putting water pumps in basements. :rolleyes:

Has anyone thought about what happens to the solar panels when it does rain and floods?

If we don't install water pumps in our basements, they will fill up full of water every winter ... makes no sense to even have a basement ...

If the flood waters are up to your second story ceiling ... your rooftop solar panels will still be safe ... although I don't see how much good they'll do ... if you build your home on a flood plain, you deserve to lose everything ...
If we don't install water pumps in our basements, they will fill up full of water every winter ... makes no sense to even have a basement ...

If the flood waters are up to your second story ceiling ... your rooftop solar panels will still be safe ... although I don't see how much good they'll do ... if you build your home on a flood plain, you deserve to lose everything ...
Tell that to New Orleans and Japan.
Tell that to New Orleans and Japan.

People dig basements in New Orleans? ... very odd ... they'll certainly need pumps to keep them dry ... if the top-of-foundation is 15 feet below sea level, the basement floor will have to be 25 feet below sea level ... sounds stupid to me ...

Why is Japan subject to basement flooding? ... just curious ...
People dig basements in New Orleans? ... very odd ... they'll certainly need pumps to keep them dry ... if the top-of-foundation is 15 feet below sea level, the basement floor will have to be 25 feet below sea level ... sounds stupid to me ...

Why is Japan subject to basement flooding? ... just curious ...
Cover the canals with solar, save water, create power. Add agri-voltaics, and grid scale storage and California no longer has a power shortage.

The California government is far too corrupt and incompetent to ever accomplish something like this. They can't even get a choo-choo train built.

Harbor waves ... like in harbors ... where they keep boats? ... if your boat is big enough to have a basement, then you should definitely have a pump ...

Sea wall ... s-e-a w-a-l-l ...

Harbor waves ... like in harbors ... where they keep boats? ... if your boat is big enough to have a basement, then you should definitely have a pump ...

Sea wall ... s-e-a w-a-l-l ...

I'm all about risk management.
I'm a liberal ... damn proud 80% of my electricity comes from renewables (wind/hydro) ... but thank you for the ad hominum attack ... you know I'm right and you're wrong ... and now your tender ego is bruised again and you're lashing out like a spoiled little child ... so pathetic ...
Then you are one lazy liberal. What is the cost of undergrounding hundreds of miles of high voltage transmission lines from Oregon, Washington, and Nevada? The framework the panels mount on should last for generations, the panels them selves are guaranteed to last 20 years before they degrade 20%. So you have a huge area to get solar generation from, with few transmission losses, and are saving some water at the same time. But you immediately started finding reasons for not even considering the project. That is far more typical of a "Conservative" than a liberal.

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