SAY her name DEMOCRATS! Say it!


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
Especially you Coyote !
You democrats killed her!
They sit back as this negative faction in the black community riots, burns , murders. And they sit on the side and cheer as they kill each other.
White democrats are some sick ppl
What Planned Parenthood couldnt do, we see what happens once they start growing up...Nothing has changed, racists democrats of the past, present and the future...Only good Democrat is a dead Democrat..
BLM has nothing to do with Black..... nothing to do with Lives..... and certainly nothing to do with Matter.

Life is cheap to the marxist Dim shitstains. Always has been. After all, you're just a unit... a drone... an insignificant comrade working for and existing at the whim of the state. This is all theater..... political schtick.... next year it will be back to "shut up and be black, and poverty-stricken".
BLM has nothing to do with Black..... nothing to do with Lives..... and certainly nothing to do with Matter.

Life is cheap to the marxist Dim shitstains. Always has been. After all, you're just a unit... a drone... an insignificant comrade working for and existing at the whim of the state. This is all theater..... political schtick.... next year it will be back to "shut up and be black, and poverty-stricken".

I believe their preferred phrase is " useless eaters".
LIke you people give a shit about 8 year olds dying no matter what color they are.

The only ones they give a shit about dying are the ones that aren't even born.
They are merely using this instance to shame and degrade. Which I agree it was a bad thing to do yet they never ever represent or review any other children's deaths, especially white ones killed by white parents.
LIke you people give a shit about 8 year olds dying no matter what color they are.

The only ones they give a shit about dying are the ones that aren't even born.
There you go folks, when there is no sanctity of life in the womb, why should a Demoncrap want sanctity out of the womb? Obammy saw the destruction of the future Demoncrap voters when million of stupid liberal women go and abort their babies, so the brown turd had to supplement the Demoncrap base by bringing diseased future voters across the southern border. Now that that has been stopped by the wall, doesnt look good for the D Party in the future... I salute you Dimwitocraps for killing off your stupid young before they are born. Keep up the good work...
LIke you people give a shit about 8 year olds dying no matter what color they are.
Since it doesn’t really happen I out towns yes we do care
I can tell by all the other threads on 8 year olds that have died in the world on this site daily...Not...
Been happening Quite frequently past month
Where is the thread on filicide?
Say her name
LIke you people give a shit about 8 year olds dying no matter what color they are.
Since it doesn’t really happen I out towns yes we do care
I can tell by all the other threads on 8 year olds that have died in the world on this site daily...Not...

And? We report the news here... here the fact that a death cult murdered her is important.

I can think of plenty of black lives that have died, not by police violence... that would be approximately 100% of the deaths. Yet, all you can focus on is white on black bullshit.
LIke you people give a shit about 8 year olds dying no matter what color they are.

The only ones they give a shit about dying are the ones that aren't even born.
There you go folks, when there is no sanctity of life in the womb, why should a Demoncrap want sanctity out of the womb? Obammy saw the destruction of the future Demoncrap voters when million of stupid liberal women go and abort their babies, so the brown turd had to supplement the Demoncrap base by bringing diseased future voters across the southern border. Now that that has been stopped by the wall, doesnt look good for the D Party in the future... I salute you Dimwitocraps for killing off your stupid young before they are born. Keep up the good work...
I am not a democrat and have never used abortion and raised four children so your shit don't stick..The wall stopped people from coming here? Odd they are still coming here....The rest is pure bullshit because you were called out for the callous exploitation to put down brown people, because you know every one of them are bad people, including the eight year olds.

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