Schiff won’t even commit to voting YES for impeachment

I just watched some Dimm on the intelligence committee being interviewed on Fox and she refused to say whether or not she would vote yes......just after saying there was plenty of evidence to impeach!


Talk about having it both ways! Fucking Dimms!

We have enough evidence to impeach, but we might not impeach! We don’t know yet. :21:

They only just realized that this would have to go before the Senate. It HAD to be AOC in charge, it's as if dem leadership did not know the process
What kind of human idiot voted for Schiff?....who the hell are these people?....
What kind of human idiot voted for Schiff?....who the hell are these people?....

Can you imagine voting for that jackass? Fucking West Hollywood. Good lord.

Maybe he ran unopposed. How can anyone watch that tool and think! “I want that guy to represent me!”
What about Schiff’s (fake) dramatic closing remarks?

Now he isn’t even sure if Trump should be impeached?


This is a word for word transcript of Schiff’s final paragraph of his closing remarks:

“That says to me this President believes he is above the law, beyond accountability. And in my view there is nothing more dangerous than an unethical President who believes they are above the law. And I would just say to people watching here at home and around the world, in the words of my great colleague (the late Rep. Elijah Cummings), we are better than that. (Gavel slams down.)

We are adjourned.”


It’s interesting, but the silence from the resident Lefties in this thread is deafening.

They all know this impeachment inquiry was a total scam.

They are just too chickenshit to come out and say it.
Dimms, all you had to do was campaign on issues Americans care about and run a good candidate and beat Trump at the polls in November.

Now you have fucked yourselves.
When it’s all said and done, the Dimms will have spent 4 years trying to get Trump out of office and failed miserably! :113:
I know those suffering from TDS will just ignore this, but how much bullshit will you guys slurp down from YOUR OWN SIDE!

If what Schiff kept saying for 60 hours of testimony is ACTUALLY TRUE, why is he wavering at all on impeachment?

You don’t think the Dimms have been LYING, do you?
For you whiny lefties who insist on links to everything, here it is...


Schiff: Impeachment Report Now Being Written, But More Hearings Still Possible

Schiff says he has to talk to his constituents before deciding whether or not to vote Yes.


Didn’t we just spend like 60 hours watching him say that Trump should be impeached?

This shit was such a shit show, what a backfire. It will crack me up if Schiff doesn’t vote yes for impeachment.
And if he said it was a foregone conclusion, all of you cultists would be whining like little bitches about that, too.

Face it. You fools like to whine. A LOT.
There are some who argue that, if the circumstances and evidence warrants it, it is the Constitutional duty of the House to impeach the President.

That is true. If the situation calls for it, it is the Constitutional duty of the House of Representatives to impeach the President. However, according to our Constitution, Congress has many Constitutional duties and sometimes they conflict with one another.

That is the case here. The ultimate purpose of impeaching the President is his removal from office. Impeachment is merely an indictment against the President. The trial to determine his removal from office takes place in the Senate with the chief justice presiding.

Therein lies the problem. As matters stand now, the 67 votes needed to remove Trump from office simply won't happen.

Indeed, the very opposite is likely to happen. When the Senate exonerates Trump, the sympathy vote could easily propel Trump toward another four years in office.

In terms of the purpose of impeachment, the very opposite result could happen, and it is extremely likely, as matters stand now, that Trump would not be removed from office.

Congress has another Constitutional duty. Through its oversight responsibilities, Congress has the Constitutional duty to keep Americans informed of the very bad judgments and the false statements of a very bad President to enable Americans to remove the very bad President from office in the next election.

In the opinion of many, including the leadership in the House, the Constitutional duty to keep Americans informed has a higher calling than the Constitutional duty to impeach. Why? Because the former will achieve the desired result while the latter is likely to cause unwelcome, unintended consequences.
Now Nadler is going to have hearings next week?


House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing Announced, Nadler to Take Over

Oh my god. Shoot me and kill me and stab me.

Another round of this bullshit??????


How many times was he in the Macy’s day parade?
Please bring this to the Senate


Oh, please

Please bring this to the Senate

Pleaseee. Oh, please
Schiff doesn't want to be put on the stand in the senate and answer direct questions.
We already know who doesn't want to answer questions under oath. Pompeo, Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, and the Liar-in-Chief.
Many watched Rep. Adam Schiff and his summary of the House Intelligence Committee's impeachment report. He was calm, professional, informative, and convincing. He was competent and skillful in his presentation.

This is our President:

“I learn nothing from Adam Schiff, I think he’s a maniac. I think Adam Schiff is a deranged human being. I think he grew up with a complex for lots of reasons that are obvious. I think he’s a very sick man, and he lies.”

Trump's press secretary said "Chairman Schiff’s report reads like the ramblings of a basement blogger straining to prove something when there is evidence of nothing.”

Trump's fans love this in their President.

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