Scholars Warn Outdated Constitution Has Put Democracy At Risk

Western Journal 09/16/23​

The few remaining viewers of CNN got a remarkable dose of news on Saturday.

Just in time for Constitution Day, CNN’s dwindling audience learned that the Consitution of the United States — the oldest written government charter in the world and the document that gave birth to the nation that has spread democracy around the globe — has become so “outdated” that it’s actually a “threat to democracy.”

Of course, that’s democracy as CNN’s scholars understand it.


The Left's version of "democracy" means a one party neo-marxist police state.
The people behind such statements are Marxist-Communists. They like to claim that their opposition is against Democracy, but let's look at some nations that claimed themselves to be Democracies:
The DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC of Korea. It sure sounds like a nice Democracy, doesn't it. That's "NORTH KOREA'S" official title.
The "PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC" of China. Another friendly and positive sounding official title.
Lao "PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC." Yet another friendly popular sounding title for a nation.
Here's the problem with the above so-called Democracies. Communism ISN'T Democratic. They lie, cheat and steal their way into convincing the majority of the public how good living under Communism is and once in power, out go the actual democratic freedoms the people had. Everyone and I do mean everyone, has to toe the line, essentially march in lockstep....or else. Communism doesn't allow for "individuality." Those blue, green, purple or glowing red hair colors that "individuals" dye their hair with. Once in power, the Communist government gets rid of the individualistic freaks. Communism ISN'T the Hippie commune that the free-love types embrace and if you complain, it's off to re-education camps, gulags, or simply disappear into a mass grave somewhere. Every neighborhood has assigned secret snitches that listen carefully to everything you say and if they don't like what you've said, away you go.
If you don't believe this, do your own damn research. You won't hear the truth from an actual Communist. They will claim that their way is best, and it gets rid of the class system. In a way it does. It gets rid of the middle class and the rich, only leaving one class, the poor. Whatever occupation the parents have in a Communist nation, the children, will stay in that stratum, unless they happen to have some talent extreme enough to warrant the politburo taking an interest and take you out of it.

Western Journal 09/16/23​

The few remaining viewers of CNN got a remarkable dose of news on Saturday.

Just in time for Constitution Day, CNN’s dwindling audience learned that the Consitution of the United States — the oldest written government charter in the world and the document that gave birth to the nation that has spread democracy around the globe — has become so “outdated” that it’s actually a “threat to democracy.”

Of course, that’s democracy as CNN’s scholars understand it.

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The Left's version of "democracy" means a one party neo-marxist police state.

No, it doesn't.

The left, remember, were the ones to introduce the US Constitution in the first place, the ones who introduce Proportional Representation too....

Look at the countries with PR, more left than the US is...
This is part of the problem with a nations citizens that have bent for other nations, even "allies" for many years. Your police help ours all the time, did anyone really think that Canadian police "methods", wouldn't spill over into America? You have accepted the undermining of your own system, CNN is just another cog in this shift in beliefs, some in denial or unwilling to apply the same standard to their own decisions that helped destroy it.

Western Journal 09/16/23​

The few remaining viewers of CNN got a remarkable dose of news on Saturday.

Just in time for Constitution Day, CNN’s dwindling audience learned that the Consitution of the United States — the oldest written government charter in the world and the document that gave birth to the nation that has spread democracy around the globe — has become so “outdated” that it’s actually a “threat to democracy.”

Of course, that’s democracy as CNN’s scholars understand it.

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The Left's version of "democracy" means a one party neo-marxist police state.

Communist News Network

Western Journal 09/16/23​

The few remaining viewers of CNN got a remarkable dose of news on Saturday.

Just in time for Constitution Day, CNN’s dwindling audience learned that the Consitution of the United States — the oldest written government charter in the world and the document that gave birth to the nation that has spread democracy around the globe — has become so “outdated” that it’s actually a “threat to democracy.”

Of course, that’s democracy as CNN’s scholars understand it.

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The Left's version of "democracy" means a one party neo-marxist police state.
Our America was a 'good ride' while it lasted but due to the human condition(human nature) that 'good ride' came with a flexible but guaranteed shelf life. America was an experiment based on the ideology that mankind could limit government & then live in peace with one another. Our Constitutionally based Republic could have worked out for us Americans, IF not for Mr. Tee's warning from so long ago; "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves".

Western Journal 09/16/23​

The few remaining viewers of CNN got a remarkable dose of news on Saturday.

Just in time for Constitution Day, CNN’s dwindling audience learned that the Consitution of the United States — the oldest written government charter in the world and the document that gave birth to the nation that has spread democracy around the globe — has become so “outdated” that it’s actually a “threat to democracy.”

Of course, that’s democracy as CNN’s scholars understand it.

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The Left's version of "democracy" means a one party neo-marxist police state.
Democrats won't even have a Presidential debate within their own party as democracy is a threat to democracy it seems.
Teabaggers are so.............FOS.

These people are referring to elections, authoritarianism, the rights of voters being taken away, the 60 vote filibuster, and the electoral college.

All the things that have been corrupted by teabaggers and their dear leader.

Scholars warn of danger in an outdated Constitution​

Harvard Gazette › gazette › story › 2023/09

6 days ago — In "Tyranny of the Minority," Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt call for reforms in face of "radicalized" elements in GOP.
The U.S. is not a “so-called democracy”. It does not claim to be a democracy, and only the ignorant believe that it is supposed to be a democracy of any sort.
Then what's up with all the elections, voting, bills being passed, roads being built and repaired, buildings being built, rules being made and what to make for dinner?
So, we've got one idiot from New Zealand, and another idiot from Malaysia, each presuming to tell us Americans that we don't understand our own Constitution and our own system of government, but lucky for us, these two idiots that don't know shit about our Constitution or our system of government are here to school us on it.

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yeah. you forgot your cult leader, who cannot accept losing and therefore calls for "termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution".

i guess, foreigners can't appreciate such interpretations. you need a MAGA mindset for that.
The people behind such statements are Marxist-Communists. They like to claim that their opposition is against Democracy, but let's look at some nations that claimed themselves to be Democracies:
The DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC of Korea. It sure sounds like a nice Democracy, doesn't it. That's "NORTH KOREA'S" official title.
The "PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC" of China. Another friendly and positive sounding official title.
Lao "PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC." Yet another friendly popular sounding title for a nation.
Here's the problem with the above so-called Democracies. Communism ISN'T Democratic. They lie, cheat and steal their way into convincing the majority of the public how good living under Communism is and once in power, out go the actual democratic freedoms the people had. Everyone and I do mean everyone, has to toe the line, essentially march in lockstep....or else. Communism doesn't allow for "individuality." Those blue, green, purple or glowing red hair colors that "individuals" dye their hair with. Once in power, the Communist government gets rid of the individualistic freaks. Communism ISN'T the Hippie commune that the free-love types embrace and if you complain, it's off to re-education camps, gulags, or simply disappear into a mass grave somewhere. Every neighborhood has assigned secret snitches that listen carefully to everything you say and if they don't like what you've said, away you go.
If you don't believe this, do your own damn research. You won't hear the truth from an actual Communist. They will claim that their way is best, and it gets rid of the class system. In a way it does. It gets rid of the middle class and the rich, only leaving one class, the poor. Whatever occupation the parents have in a Communist nation, the children, will stay in that stratum, unless they happen to have some talent extreme enough to warrant the politburo taking an interest and take you out of it.

I agree with you. But on the right, Fascism also has the same qualities when it ends up a Dictatorship. We had a World War over that one. I've been in countries that call themselves Socialist and one that called itself Fascist and there wasn't a whole hell of a lot difference. Both border on a Dictatorship. You think that the degrees of both of these are linear when in reality, they go in a circle where the bottom is a mixture of both but on the top is a Dictatorship.

For the right wing Fascist Dictators, we fought a major World War to get rid of them. The last Fascist Government was Spain but it sat out the war and remained as long as Franco was alive. Franco died in the 70s. Not a lot of individual freedoms there.

Meanwhile, I spent some time in Poland in the early 70s when they were a Soviet Satellite. Not much individual freedoms there either although it was head and shoulders above Russia.

Fascist Governments are supported by and for the Corporations (Capitalists) where the Dictator is allowed to dictate as long as it doesn't cross the Capitalists.

Socialist Governments are where the Government replaces the Capitalists. You can have capitalism but it must pay homage to the Socialist Government.

Socialism and Fascism (the left and the right) really can't operate on large scales although both have tried. It takes severe military power to keep everyone in the selected space. Fear.
They are arguing to change the Constitution with an amendment. Something that the Constitution lays out and allows and the article notes has been done in the past.

Now you can disagree on changing the Electoral College and I do but what they are arguing is perfectly Constitutional.
Then what's up with all the elections, voting, bills being passed, roads being built and repaired, buildings being built, rules being made and what to make for dinner?
Perhaps his point is that he's insisting that the U.S. is a republic --iow a democracy w/ limits on majority rule. The U.S. constitution has many clear provisions for minority rule w/ good reason.

Look, the American people have chosen its constitution and has decided to keep it. That's reality and we can deal w/ it or be idiots. Our Harvard friends were probably correct when they said that the U.S. had the oldest written constitution but many other nations have older unwritten constitutions --the U.K. is a good example.

All have to work w/ the occasional need for minority rule.

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