School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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Atheist IS a bad name.

Being an atheist is no better or no worse than being a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim.

It's better than being a Muslim as Islam is a disgusting and violent ideology which promotes murder, pedophilia, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, and totalitarian theocracy.

Do you actually know any Muslim people? Have you ever spent more than a few minutes talking to a Muslim person? Been to their home? Met their family, etc?

I know how to read and the PEW global attitudes survey shows that the overwhelming majority (90%+) of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic.

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism the overwhelming majority of Muslims have a negative view of Jews:

Antisemitism | Pew Research Center

On theocracy the overwhelming majority of Muslims surveyed want Sharia to be the official law of the land:

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism:

The only representative comparative survey of different European countries that distinguishes between Muslims and non-Muslims was conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in April 2006.5 Unfortunately, only a single ques- tion was used to measure antisemitic attitudes.6 The study showed that Muslims in France, Germany, and Spain were twice as likely as non-Muslims to harbor negative views of Jews. The factor was almost seven for Great Britain. The dif- ference is even greater concerning “very unfavorable” views of Jews. In 2006, Muslims were three to ten times more likely to harbor “very unfavorable” views of Jews than did non-Muslims in France, Germany, and Great Britain. The factor was slightly lower in Spain, where negative views of Jews were by far the highest among both Muslims (60 percent) and the general population (39 percent). Other surveys confirm particularly high levels of antisemitic attitudes in Spain in the general population.7

On homophobia:

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance towards homosexual acts compared to their counterparts in France and Germany, according to a survey published today. The most dramatic contrast was found in attitudes towards homosexuality. None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable. By comparison, 35% of French Muslims found homosexual acts to be acceptable. A question on pornography also elicited different reactions, with French and German Muslims more likely than British Muslims to believe that watching or reading pornography was morally acceptable.

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | The Guardian

On theocracy:

According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.

Three quarters (75%) of the respondents hold the opinion that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran, which should apply to all Muslims, and nearly 60% of Muslims believe their community should return to "Islamic roots."

The survey shows that 44% of the Moroccans and Turks interviewed agree with all three of the above statements, which makes them "consistent fundamentalists," and fundamentalist attitudes are just as widespread among younger Muslims as they are among older Muslims.

According to the study, Islamic fundamentalism is most pronounced in Austria, where 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to their Islamic roots. In Austria, 55% of the Muslims surveyed say they agree with all three of the above statements.

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread

In other words, no, you have not. Reflect on that.

I'll reflect on the fact that more than 90% of Muslims are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and theocratic you sick apologist for a disgusting vile ideology.
Being an atheist is no better or no worse than being a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim.

It's better than being a Muslim as Islam is a disgusting and violent ideology which promotes murder, pedophilia, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, and totalitarian theocracy.

Do you actually know any Muslim people? Have you ever spent more than a few minutes talking to a Muslim person? Been to their home? Met their family, etc?

I know how to read and the PEW global attitudes survey shows that the overwhelming majority (90%+) of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic.

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism the overwhelming majority of Muslims have a negative view of Jews:

Antisemitism | Pew Research Center

On theocracy the overwhelming majority of Muslims surveyed want Sharia to be the official law of the land:

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism:

The only representative comparative survey of different European countries that distinguishes between Muslims and non-Muslims was conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in April 2006.5 Unfortunately, only a single ques- tion was used to measure antisemitic attitudes.6 The study showed that Muslims in France, Germany, and Spain were twice as likely as non-Muslims to harbor negative views of Jews. The factor was almost seven for Great Britain. The dif- ference is even greater concerning “very unfavorable” views of Jews. In 2006, Muslims were three to ten times more likely to harbor “very unfavorable” views of Jews than did non-Muslims in France, Germany, and Great Britain. The factor was slightly lower in Spain, where negative views of Jews were by far the highest among both Muslims (60 percent) and the general population (39 percent). Other surveys confirm particularly high levels of antisemitic attitudes in Spain in the general population.7

On homophobia:

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance towards homosexual acts compared to their counterparts in France and Germany, according to a survey published today. The most dramatic contrast was found in attitudes towards homosexuality. None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable. By comparison, 35% of French Muslims found homosexual acts to be acceptable. A question on pornography also elicited different reactions, with French and German Muslims more likely than British Muslims to believe that watching or reading pornography was morally acceptable.

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | The Guardian

On theocracy:

According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.

Three quarters (75%) of the respondents hold the opinion that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran, which should apply to all Muslims, and nearly 60% of Muslims believe their community should return to "Islamic roots."

The survey shows that 44% of the Moroccans and Turks interviewed agree with all three of the above statements, which makes them "consistent fundamentalists," and fundamentalist attitudes are just as widespread among younger Muslims as they are among older Muslims.

According to the study, Islamic fundamentalism is most pronounced in Austria, where 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to their Islamic roots. In Austria, 55% of the Muslims surveyed say they agree with all three of the above statements.

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread

In other words, no, you have not. Reflect on that.

I'll reflect on the fact that more than 90% of Muslims are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and theocratic you sick apologist for a disgusting vile ideology.

Until you read a different website that tells you to think something else? How about you crawl up out of the basement and experience a little bit of life for yourself?
It's better than being a Muslim as Islam is a disgusting and violent ideology which promotes murder, pedophilia, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, and totalitarian theocracy.

Do you actually know any Muslim people? Have you ever spent more than a few minutes talking to a Muslim person? Been to their home? Met their family, etc?

I know how to read and the PEW global attitudes survey shows that the overwhelming majority (90%+) of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic.

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism the overwhelming majority of Muslims have a negative view of Jews:

Antisemitism | Pew Research Center

On theocracy the overwhelming majority of Muslims surveyed want Sharia to be the official law of the land:

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism:

The only representative comparative survey of different European countries that distinguishes between Muslims and non-Muslims was conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in April 2006.5 Unfortunately, only a single ques- tion was used to measure antisemitic attitudes.6 The study showed that Muslims in France, Germany, and Spain were twice as likely as non-Muslims to harbor negative views of Jews. The factor was almost seven for Great Britain. The dif- ference is even greater concerning “very unfavorable” views of Jews. In 2006, Muslims were three to ten times more likely to harbor “very unfavorable” views of Jews than did non-Muslims in France, Germany, and Great Britain. The factor was slightly lower in Spain, where negative views of Jews were by far the highest among both Muslims (60 percent) and the general population (39 percent). Other surveys confirm particularly high levels of antisemitic attitudes in Spain in the general population.7

On homophobia:

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance towards homosexual acts compared to their counterparts in France and Germany, according to a survey published today. The most dramatic contrast was found in attitudes towards homosexuality. None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable. By comparison, 35% of French Muslims found homosexual acts to be acceptable. A question on pornography also elicited different reactions, with French and German Muslims more likely than British Muslims to believe that watching or reading pornography was morally acceptable.

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | The Guardian

On theocracy:

According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.

Three quarters (75%) of the respondents hold the opinion that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran, which should apply to all Muslims, and nearly 60% of Muslims believe their community should return to "Islamic roots."

The survey shows that 44% of the Moroccans and Turks interviewed agree with all three of the above statements, which makes them "consistent fundamentalists," and fundamentalist attitudes are just as widespread among younger Muslims as they are among older Muslims.

According to the study, Islamic fundamentalism is most pronounced in Austria, where 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to their Islamic roots. In Austria, 55% of the Muslims surveyed say they agree with all three of the above statements.

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread

In other words, no, you have not. Reflect on that.

I'll reflect on the fact that more than 90% of Muslims are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and theocratic you sick apologist for a disgusting vile ideology.

Until you read a different website that tells you to think something else? How about you crawl up out of the basement and experience a little bit of life for yourself?

It's PEW you dumb fuck, I guess PEW is a racist Islamophobic hate source now. I provided facts from a reputable source you have no rebuttal.
Do you actually know any Muslim people? Have you ever spent more than a few minutes talking to a Muslim person? Been to their home? Met their family, etc?

I know how to read and the PEW global attitudes survey shows that the overwhelming majority (90%+) of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic.

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism the overwhelming majority of Muslims have a negative view of Jews:

Antisemitism | Pew Research Center

On theocracy the overwhelming majority of Muslims surveyed want Sharia to be the official law of the land:

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism:

The only representative comparative survey of different European countries that distinguishes between Muslims and non-Muslims was conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in April 2006.5 Unfortunately, only a single ques- tion was used to measure antisemitic attitudes.6 The study showed that Muslims in France, Germany, and Spain were twice as likely as non-Muslims to harbor negative views of Jews. The factor was almost seven for Great Britain. The dif- ference is even greater concerning “very unfavorable” views of Jews. In 2006, Muslims were three to ten times more likely to harbor “very unfavorable” views of Jews than did non-Muslims in France, Germany, and Great Britain. The factor was slightly lower in Spain, where negative views of Jews were by far the highest among both Muslims (60 percent) and the general population (39 percent). Other surveys confirm particularly high levels of antisemitic attitudes in Spain in the general population.7

On homophobia:

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance towards homosexual acts compared to their counterparts in France and Germany, according to a survey published today. The most dramatic contrast was found in attitudes towards homosexuality. None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable. By comparison, 35% of French Muslims found homosexual acts to be acceptable. A question on pornography also elicited different reactions, with French and German Muslims more likely than British Muslims to believe that watching or reading pornography was morally acceptable.

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | The Guardian

On theocracy:

According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.

Three quarters (75%) of the respondents hold the opinion that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran, which should apply to all Muslims, and nearly 60% of Muslims believe their community should return to "Islamic roots."

The survey shows that 44% of the Moroccans and Turks interviewed agree with all three of the above statements, which makes them "consistent fundamentalists," and fundamentalist attitudes are just as widespread among younger Muslims as they are among older Muslims.

According to the study, Islamic fundamentalism is most pronounced in Austria, where 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to their Islamic roots. In Austria, 55% of the Muslims surveyed say they agree with all three of the above statements.

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread

In other words, no, you have not. Reflect on that.

I'll reflect on the fact that more than 90% of Muslims are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and theocratic you sick apologist for a disgusting vile ideology.

Until you read a different website that tells you to think something else? How about you crawl up out of the basement and experience a little bit of life for yourself?

It's PEW you dumb fuck, I guess PEW is a racist Islamophobic hate source now. I provided facts from a reputable source you have no rebuttal.

Is the door to the basement locked? Is that it? Have you tried the windows?
...The percentage of Muslims inside U.S. prisons is more than 11 times their percentage of the overall population.

Why Are So Many Muslims in Prison?

In Europe, it's worse than my original claim, for example Muslims make up 70% of the incarceration rate in France despite only accounting for 11% of the population:

What is going wrong in France's prisons?
Correct, but as your link goes on to say, they're mostly conversions. Black Americans raised as Christians converting to Islam in prison. Note that they are going in Christian and coming out Muslim. To infer that the majority of those prisoners are foreign Muslims is bullshit.

"Why? A couple of possible explanations spring to mind, neither one of which is exclusive.

One possibility is that Muslims may be committing crimes at a higher rate than other groups.

Another is that large numbers of prisoners are converting to Islam. There is evidence that this is in fact the case. The New Yorker article offers a sociological explanation of why and how this happens in French prisons. Conversion also appears to be common in U.S. prisons. See also here, here, here, and here.

It raises that as a possibility it doesn't say that is a statistical fact and says absolutely nothing of their religious persuasion prior to prison. But even if you are correct, why do you think criminals are attracted to Islam?
Disagreed since it goes directly to your premise that Muslim immigrants are criminals.

Not "criminals are attracted to Islam", but black prisoners. I think it goes to a sense of kinship, finding a better path. Yes, also protection as a unified group just like white prisoners are attracted to the Aryan brotherhood.

Ya it has nothing to do with Islam endorsing rape, murder, and theft from the infidel.
Islam doesn't, but ISIS does just like Jesus doesn't endorse murder yet there are "Christians" who advocate it. Go figure.
I know how to read and the PEW global attitudes survey shows that the overwhelming majority (90%+) of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic.

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism the overwhelming majority of Muslims have a negative view of Jews:

Antisemitism | Pew Research Center

On theocracy the overwhelming majority of Muslims surveyed want Sharia to be the official law of the land:

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism:

The only representative comparative survey of different European countries that distinguishes between Muslims and non-Muslims was conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in April 2006.5 Unfortunately, only a single ques- tion was used to measure antisemitic attitudes.6 The study showed that Muslims in France, Germany, and Spain were twice as likely as non-Muslims to harbor negative views of Jews. The factor was almost seven for Great Britain. The dif- ference is even greater concerning “very unfavorable” views of Jews. In 2006, Muslims were three to ten times more likely to harbor “very unfavorable” views of Jews than did non-Muslims in France, Germany, and Great Britain. The factor was slightly lower in Spain, where negative views of Jews were by far the highest among both Muslims (60 percent) and the general population (39 percent). Other surveys confirm particularly high levels of antisemitic attitudes in Spain in the general population.7

On homophobia:

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance towards homosexual acts compared to their counterparts in France and Germany, according to a survey published today. The most dramatic contrast was found in attitudes towards homosexuality. None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable. By comparison, 35% of French Muslims found homosexual acts to be acceptable. A question on pornography also elicited different reactions, with French and German Muslims more likely than British Muslims to believe that watching or reading pornography was morally acceptable.

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | The Guardian

On theocracy:

According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.

Three quarters (75%) of the respondents hold the opinion that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran, which should apply to all Muslims, and nearly 60% of Muslims believe their community should return to "Islamic roots."

The survey shows that 44% of the Moroccans and Turks interviewed agree with all three of the above statements, which makes them "consistent fundamentalists," and fundamentalist attitudes are just as widespread among younger Muslims as they are among older Muslims.

According to the study, Islamic fundamentalism is most pronounced in Austria, where 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to their Islamic roots. In Austria, 55% of the Muslims surveyed say they agree with all three of the above statements.

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread

In other words, no, you have not. Reflect on that.

I'll reflect on the fact that more than 90% of Muslims are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and theocratic you sick apologist for a disgusting vile ideology.

Until you read a different website that tells you to think something else? How about you crawl up out of the basement and experience a little bit of life for yourself?

It's PEW you dumb fuck, I guess PEW is a racist Islamophobic hate source now. I provided facts from a reputable source you have no rebuttal.

Is the door to the basement locked? Is that it? Have you tried the windows?

Why do you support misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and theocracy?
...The percentage of Muslims inside U.S. prisons is more than 11 times their percentage of the overall population.

Why Are So Many Muslims in Prison?

In Europe, it's worse than my original claim, for example Muslims make up 70% of the incarceration rate in France despite only accounting for 11% of the population:

What is going wrong in France's prisons?
Correct, but as your link goes on to say, they're mostly conversions. Black Americans raised as Christians converting to Islam in prison. Note that they are going in Christian and coming out Muslim. To infer that the majority of those prisoners are foreign Muslims is bullshit.

"Why? A couple of possible explanations spring to mind, neither one of which is exclusive.

One possibility is that Muslims may be committing crimes at a higher rate than other groups.

Another is that large numbers of prisoners are converting to Islam. There is evidence that this is in fact the case. The New Yorker article offers a sociological explanation of why and how this happens in French prisons. Conversion also appears to be common in U.S. prisons. See also here, here, here, and here.

It raises that as a possibility it doesn't say that is a statistical fact and says absolutely nothing of their religious persuasion prior to prison. But even if you are correct, why do you think criminals are attracted to Islam?
Disagreed since it goes directly to your premise that Muslim immigrants are criminals.

Not "criminals are attracted to Islam", but black prisoners. I think it goes to a sense of kinship, finding a better path. Yes, also protection as a unified group just like white prisoners are attracted to the Aryan brotherhood.

Ya it has nothing to do with Islam endorsing rape, murder, and theft from the infidel.
Islam doesn't, but ISIS does just like Jesus doesn't endorse murder yet there are "Christians" who advocate it. Go figure.

No mainstream Islam does, the Koran and Hadiths do so spare me your apologist propaganda I've heard it all before.
In other words, no, you have not. Reflect on that.

I'll reflect on the fact that more than 90% of Muslims are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and theocratic you sick apologist for a disgusting vile ideology.

Until you read a different website that tells you to think something else? How about you crawl up out of the basement and experience a little bit of life for yourself?

It's PEW you dumb fuck, I guess PEW is a racist Islamophobic hate source now. I provided facts from a reputable source you have no rebuttal.

Is the door to the basement locked? Is that it? Have you tried the windows?

Why do you support misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and theocracy?

Just you and your straw man down there in the basement?
I'll reflect on the fact that more than 90% of Muslims are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and theocratic you sick apologist for a disgusting vile ideology.

Until you read a different website that tells you to think something else? How about you crawl up out of the basement and experience a little bit of life for yourself?

It's PEW you dumb fuck, I guess PEW is a racist Islamophobic hate source now. I provided facts from a reputable source you have no rebuttal.

Is the door to the basement locked? Is that it? Have you tried the windows?

Why do you support misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and theocracy?

Just you and your straw man down there in the basement?

Nope, your support for Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet is clear as day.
Until you read a different website that tells you to think something else? How about you crawl up out of the basement and experience a little bit of life for yourself?

It's PEW you dumb fuck, I guess PEW is a racist Islamophobic hate source now. I provided facts from a reputable source you have no rebuttal.

Is the door to the basement locked? Is that it? Have you tried the windows?

Why do you support misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and theocracy?

Just you and your straw man down there in the basement?

Nope, your support for Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet is clear as day.

You don't seem very confident about your bigotry. Otherwise you wouldn't feel compelled to lie.
It's PEW you dumb fuck, I guess PEW is a racist Islamophobic hate source now. I provided facts from a reputable source you have no rebuttal.

Is the door to the basement locked? Is that it? Have you tried the windows?

Why do you support misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and theocracy?

Just you and your straw man down there in the basement?

Nope, your support for Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet is clear as day.

You don't seem very confident about your bigotry. Otherwise you wouldn't feel compelled to lie.

Statistics are bigoted now? You're fucking laughable. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic, those are indisputable facts.
Correct, but as your link goes on to say, they're mostly conversions. Black Americans raised as Christians converting to Islam in prison. Note that they are going in Christian and coming out Muslim. To infer that the majority of those prisoners are foreign Muslims is bullshit.

"Why? A couple of possible explanations spring to mind, neither one of which is exclusive.

One possibility is that Muslims may be committing crimes at a higher rate than other groups.

Another is that large numbers of prisoners are converting to Islam. There is evidence that this is in fact the case. The New Yorker article offers a sociological explanation of why and how this happens in French prisons. Conversion also appears to be common in U.S. prisons. See also here, here, here, and here.

It raises that as a possibility it doesn't say that is a statistical fact and says absolutely nothing of their religious persuasion prior to prison. But even if you are correct, why do you think criminals are attracted to Islam?
Disagreed since it goes directly to your premise that Muslim immigrants are criminals.

Not "criminals are attracted to Islam", but black prisoners. I think it goes to a sense of kinship, finding a better path. Yes, also protection as a unified group just like white prisoners are attracted to the Aryan brotherhood.

Ya it has nothing to do with Islam endorsing rape, murder, and theft from the infidel.
Islam doesn't, but ISIS does just like Jesus doesn't endorse murder yet there are "Christians" who advocate it. Go figure.

No mainstream Islam does, the Koran and Hadiths do so spare me your apologist propaganda I've heard it all before.
No worries, it just goes back to my original statement to you on this subject. Your mind is set and you seek to deport or murder all Muslims in the US. You, sir, are both anti-Constitutional, but also unAmerican. Pray the Zombie Apocalypse never comes because you'll be among the first to be shot for the good of the survivors.
Is the door to the basement locked? Is that it? Have you tried the windows?

Why do you support misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and theocracy?

Just you and your straw man down there in the basement?

Nope, your support for Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet is clear as day.

You don't seem very confident about your bigotry. Otherwise you wouldn't feel compelled to lie.

Statistics are bigoted now? You're fucking laughable. ....

Laughable is some ignorant little boy in the basement making blanket statements about a billion or so people he has never met. Grow up and see something of the world before spouting off, boy.
It raises that as a possibility it doesn't say that is a statistical fact and says absolutely nothing of their religious persuasion prior to prison. But even if you are correct, why do you think criminals are attracted to Islam?
Disagreed since it goes directly to your premise that Muslim immigrants are criminals.

Not "criminals are attracted to Islam", but black prisoners. I think it goes to a sense of kinship, finding a better path. Yes, also protection as a unified group just like white prisoners are attracted to the Aryan brotherhood.

Ya it has nothing to do with Islam endorsing rape, murder, and theft from the infidel.
Islam doesn't, but ISIS does just like Jesus doesn't endorse murder yet there are "Christians" who advocate it. Go figure.

No mainstream Islam does, the Koran and Hadiths do so spare me your apologist propaganda I've heard it all before.
No worries, it just goes back to my original statement to you on this subject. Your mind is set and you seek to deport or murder all Muslims in the US. You, sir, are both anti-Constitutional, but also unAmerican. Pray the Zombie Apocalypse never comes because you'll be among the first to be shot for the good of the survivors.

The Koran and Hadiths fail the clear and probable danger test. Islam is not protected speech, your support for a misogynistic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and theocratic ideology which promotes violence is noted.
Why do you support misogyny, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and theocracy?

Just you and your straw man down there in the basement?

Nope, your support for Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet is clear as day.

You don't seem very confident about your bigotry. Otherwise you wouldn't feel compelled to lie.

Statistics are bigoted now? You're fucking laughable. ....

Laughable is some ignorant little boy in the basement making blanket statements about a billion or so people he has never met. Grow up and see something of the world before spouting off, boy.

I'm not the one making statements I am repeating facts from reputable sources, your argument is with PEW, sorry that you don't like these indisputable facts but they are facts none the less.

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism the overwhelming majority of Muslims have a negative view of Jews:

Antisemitism | Pew Research Center

On theocracy the overwhelming majority of Muslims surveyed want Sharia to be the official law of the land:

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism:

The only representative comparative survey of different European countries that distinguishes between Muslims and non-Muslims was conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in April 2006.5 Unfortunately, only a single ques- tion was used to measure antisemitic attitudes.6 The study showed that Muslims in France, Germany, and Spain were twice as likely as non-Muslims to harbor negative views of Jews. The factor was almost seven for Great Britain. The dif- ference is even greater concerning “very unfavorable” views of Jews. In 2006, Muslims were three to ten times more likely to harbor “very unfavorable” views of Jews than did non-Muslims in France, Germany, and Great Britain. The factor was slightly lower in Spain, where negative views of Jews were by far the highest among both Muslims (60 percent) and the general population (39 percent). Other surveys confirm particularly high levels of antisemitic attitudes in Spain in the general population.7

On homophobia:

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance towards homosexual acts compared to their counterparts in France and Germany, according to a survey published today. The most dramatic contrast was found in attitudes towards homosexuality. None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable. By comparison, 35% of French Muslims found homosexual acts to be acceptable. A question on pornography also elicited different reactions, with French and German Muslims more likely than British Muslims to believe that watching or reading pornography was morally acceptable.

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | The Guardian

On theocracy:

According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.

Three quarters (75%) of the respondents hold the opinion that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran, which should apply to all Muslims, and nearly 60% of Muslims believe their community should return to "Islamic roots."

The survey shows that 44% of the Moroccans and Turks interviewed agree with all three of the above statements, which makes them "consistent fundamentalists," and fundamentalist attitudes are just as widespread among younger Muslims as they are among older Muslims.

According to the study, Islamic fundamentalism is most pronounced in Austria, where 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to their Islamic roots. In Austria, 55% of the Muslims surveyed say they agree with all three of the above statements.

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread
The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

Perhaps they do- but Muslims(and Christians) still have the freedom to worship as they please up and until the time that they threaten violence like you keep doing.

Remember- right now- you are the only one calling for the murder of anyone in this thread.

Assholes like you give atheists a bad name.

Atheist IS a bad name.

Being an atheist is no better or no worse than being a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim.

It's better than being a Muslim as Islam is a disgusting and violent ideology which promotes murder, pedophilia, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, and totalitarian theocracy.

Do you actually know any Muslim people? Have you ever spent more than a few minutes talking to a Muslim person? Been to their home? Met their family, etc?

The kid never directly answered the questions.
Perhaps they do- but Muslims(and Christians) still have the freedom to worship as they please up and until the time that they threaten violence like you keep doing.

Remember- right now- you are the only one calling for the murder of anyone in this thread.

Assholes like you give atheists a bad name.

Atheist IS a bad name.

Being an atheist is no better or no worse than being a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim.

It's better than being a Muslim as Islam is a disgusting and violent ideology which promotes murder, pedophilia, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, and totalitarian theocracy.

Do you actually know any Muslim people? Have you ever spent more than a few minutes talking to a Muslim person? Been to their home? Met their family, etc?

The kid never directly answered the questions.

I can read, can you?
Atheist IS a bad name.

Being an atheist is no better or no worse than being a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim.

It's better than being a Muslim as Islam is a disgusting and violent ideology which promotes murder, pedophilia, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, and totalitarian theocracy.

Do you actually know any Muslim people? Have you ever spent more than a few minutes talking to a Muslim person? Been to their home? Met their family, etc?

The kid never directly answered the questions.

I can read, can you?

Do you actually know any Muslim people? Have you ever spent more than a few minutes talking to a Muslim person? Been to their home? Met their family, etc?
Just you and your straw man down there in the basement?

Nope, your support for Islam which is the largest anti-Semitic hate group on the planet is clear as day.

You don't seem very confident about your bigotry. Otherwise you wouldn't feel compelled to lie.

Statistics are bigoted now? You're fucking laughable. ....

Laughable is some ignorant little boy in the basement making blanket statements about a billion or so people he has never met. Grow up and see something of the world before spouting off, boy.

I'm not the one making statements I am repeating facts from reputable sources, your argument is with PEW, sorry that you don't like these indisputable facts but they are facts none the less.

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

And the majority of evangelical Christians view homosexuality as a sin.

Remember- in American history- it was not Muslims repressing homosexuals- and criminalizing homosexuals- that was 'good Christians"
Yep- National Socialism doesn't kill people- which is why the American NAZI party is legal in the United States- until one of those assholes acts like you and threatens violence.

The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

Perhaps they do- but Muslims(and Christians) still have the freedom to worship as they please up and until the time that they threaten violence like you keep doing.

Remember- right now- you are the only one calling for the murder of anyone in this thread.

Assholes like you give atheists a bad name.

Atheist IS a bad name.

Being an atheist is no better or no worse than being a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim.

It's better than being a Muslim as Islam i.

Yeah- religious bigots like you always think whatever you believe or don't believe is superior.

You believe in murdering Muslims.

Regardless of what you claim Muslims believe we have you on record advocating murder.

So you are worse than Muslims in general- and as bad as any Muslim who likewise calls for the murder of Muslims or anyone else.
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