School Provided Health Insurance


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
This is taken from the website where my oldest goes to college. IIRC, the cost was $300 or so per year (it may have been less than that, not quite sure).

Medical Insurance
All students must have health insurance. A copy of the insurance card (both sides) must be returned to the Health Center with the required medical examination form. A student group plan providing limited coverage is available through the Treasurer's Office for those not covered by a parent plan.

Medical Insurance/Records

Is all higher education health insurance 'limited' in what it provides? I assumed it was and that it was for those students who 1) didn't have any coverage at all (either via parents policy or on their own) and for 2) for major health issues, not nickel and dime stuff . . .like b.c. or antibiotics, etc.

My daughter is covered under the hubs h.c. so we never signed up for this. She needed an antibiotic once and paid $10 at the school nurse (the doc goes in xx times per week and she saw him).

Why would a college/university/law school student health insurance cover the small shit anyways? That doesn't make any sense as it would only result in higher costs. :confused:
This is taken from the website where my oldest goes to college. IIRC, the cost was $300 or so per year (it may have been less than that, not quite sure).

Medical Insurance
All students must have health insurance. A copy of the insurance card (both sides) must be returned to the Health Center with the required medical examination form. A student group plan providing limited coverage is available through the Treasurer's Office for those not covered by a parent plan.

Medical Insurance/Records

Is all higher education health insurance 'limited' in what it provides? I assumed it was and that it was for those students who 1) didn't have any coverage at all (either via parents policy or on their own) and for 2) for major health issues, not nickel and dime stuff . . .like b.c. or antibiotics, etc.

My daughter is covered under the hubs h.c. so we never signed up for this. She needed an antibiotic once and paid $10 at the school nurse (the doc goes in xx times per week and she saw him).

Why would a college/university/law school student health insurance cover the small shit anyways? That doesn't make any sense as it would only result in higher costs. :confused:

Why do you think health insurance is so expensive today? This is how most people's plans work. We don't actually have health care insurance; we have health plans and they are expensive in part due to covering every sniffle and sneeze.
Of course that's why it's more expensive . . . logic and common sense will tell you that. I was hoping for responses from those who are supporting the Fluke wanting free bc. Surely they have something to add?

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