School Shooting Locations:

I have noticed that they are all happening at government run schools.

No shootings at private, charter, parochial or military schools.

Forget the guns, ban government from running education.
Liberals and minorities. Recipe for disaster.
I smell so much jealousy because we have a Democrat in the White House and Control the Senate that you are trying to deflect the truth about your own Conservative Party that is the Party of Do Nothing; Interfere Constantly With Individual Civil and Human Rights; Denying People Looking For Work Benefits Earned to Continue To Look For Work; Denying Americans Cleaner Air and Water; Continuing to Throw Minorities Under the Bus and Treat Them As Second-Class Citizens; Making It Much Harder For Minority Citizens To Vote In Elections; and Severely Cutting Programs and Benefits That People Need and Have Earned, and So Much More, as many clear-thinking people are saying. That is the true Conservative Agenda as well as the True Recipe for Disaster if we have ever seen one and why people flock to the Democratic Party! Because of those things you are placing the final nail in your Conservative coffins. People who are not rich are seeing that and seriously re-thinking their support of Republicans in the next two major elections and beyond.

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