Zone1 The Government Had the Solution to Racial Inequality 56 Years Ago

On that we will have to disagree. I can trace my lineage back directly to people who helped found this country; and this is most definitely NOT what they intended to create.
The so called, and greatly over rated, "founding fathers" were intelligent, and well educated for their time. They were also rich. Many owned slaves. Consequently, we should not consider their concerns to be sacrosanct.
The so called, and greatly over rated, "founding fathers" were intelligent, and well educated for their time. They were also rich. Many owned slaves. Consequently, we should not consider their concerns to be sacrosanct
Trust me, my family was not rich; but they were willing to KILL for what they believed in. The ideals and values of those members of my family have been handed down for almost 400 years (they originally arrived here in the late 1630s).
The so called, and greatly over rated, "founding fathers" were intelligent, and well educated for their time. They were also rich. Many owned slaves. Consequently, we should not consider their concerns to be sacrosanct.
Most of them were not rich. Oddly enough, the ones that insisted that slavery be allowed WERE rich southerners. Most of the Northerners were middle to upper class people, often farmers or small business owners. Many of them were bankrupted by their service to the nation. Back a year or so I researched that and posted the results to refute one of our resident black racists.
“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.

Notice the writer was not speaking in the past tense. And while this bears repeating do you think that it will even dawn upon any of the nay sayers here, that this question wasn't posed to Black Americans therefore one cannot claim that it's only the continuation of Black grievances and victimization.

It was a study commissioned by our federal government and its author is a white former governor of Illinois. You do realize that it had to be, right? I mean they wouldn't have allowed any Black people to conduct an investigation into the racism of whites right? (rhetorical, no answer needed)
That study was as racist as your post and the OP.
“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.
In oither words, whites with our low crime rate were somehow forcing blacks to commit crimes against us.

The Kerner Report ignored the fact that the black ghetto riots only happened after the Civil rights legislation was passed. That legislation encouraged potential rioters to elieve that they could get away with their crimes. Unfortunately, many of them did. The incarceratjon rate declined during the 1960's.

The Kerner Report also ignored the fact that there were no black ghetto riots of any significance in the South. Potential black ghetto rioters knew that Southern whites would not let them get away with their behavior.
In oither words, whites with our low crime rate were somehow forcing blacks to commit crimes against us.

The Kerner Report ignored the fact that the black ghetto riots only happened after the Civil rights legislation was passed. That legislation encouraged potential rioters to elieve that they could get away with their crimes. Unfortunately, many of them did. The incarceratjon rate declined during the 1960's.

The Kerner Report also ignored the fact that there were no black ghetto riots of any significance in the South. Potential black ghetto rioters knew that Southern whites would not let them get away with their behavior.
If it wasn't for the red lining of blacks in the 1940s, 50s and 60s:

And racist Jim Crow segregation laws, there wouldn't be such a pronounced disparity between black and white property ownership, including the income, and asset inequality that exists between blacks and whites today.

Blacks have had to deal with a hell of a lot of systemic, cultural racism, and dehumanizing, brutal bigotry, even decades after slavery. I was born in 1973, not that long after black people got their civil rights and started being treated like human beings. They fought in the civil war, in WW1, WW2, Korea..etc, and they were still treated like crap. Over a hundred years after they were freed from slavery, they finally received their civil rights, made equal to whites, before the law.

When black people created a beautiful, productive, innovative, community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the whites burned it down and massacred hundreds of innocent black people. It was called "black wall street". They had black-owned banks, black-owned department stores, hotels, pharmacies, black-owned...etc. Everything was owned and operated by black people. A thriving community, where black people were flourishing, burned down to the ground, by racist, psychopathic, envious white people.

If there ever was a demographic in this country, that deserves compensation, a bit of assistance in helping them get on their feet, it's the descendants of black slaves. A people who were enslaved and treated like a commodity, in the most blatant, dehumanizing way, for centuries, allowing the United States to become a world power, thanks to that free slave labor, that whites capitalized on to help fund the industrialization of America. The people who even after being freed from slavery continued to be degraded and reduced to second-class citizens (at best, "second class"), suffering systemic discrimination and violence from the nation's white majority.

If there was ever a people in this country worthy of receiving some type of compensation, it's the American black man and woman, the descendants of the African slaves, who broke their backs, for centuries, for their white masters. After being freed from slavery they still had to endure abuse and discrimination, even lynchings at the hands of the white majority. Native Americans, don't have to pay taxes, they get access to several government programs and subsidies, including having the right to open casinos. If the Native Americans have such perks, then black Americans should also have similar benefits.

The least we can do is help them with an education, job training, loans to start a business..etc. That's the very least we should do for them, and I believe they deserve more. Stop crapping on them, trying to make them feel guilty for demanding such compensation or help, after being at the bottom of the white man's heel for so long.
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On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The more common name for this is The Kerner Commission. . The Kerner Commission report was perhaps the most definitive government study done on race in the history of this nation.

The Kerner Commission was created to find out why the racial unrest happened. Instead of blaming blacks for being angry about how they were treated and inventing terms like victim mentality, the commission took a long hard look at American societal issues. The bottom line is that the Kerner Commission determined in 1968 what blacks already knew and what whites refused to hear. This quote from Nathaniel Jones, Assistant General Counsel for the Commission says it all, “One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

In other words, “The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.” That conclusion made it possible for much of white America to ignore the findings. Once whites felt as if they were to blame for the conditions of black people in America, they resisted the conclusions of this study. President Johnson called for the research but never implemented the suggested actions. He wasted government money by increasing spending on the Vietnam war and claimed he did not have the funds to implement the types of programs proposed in the report.

As a result of this study, the commission identified 12 grievances in all the communities they visited: “1. Police practices. 2. Unemployment and underemployment. 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education. 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs. 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes. 8. Discriminatory administration of justice. 9. Inadequacy of federal programs. 10. Inadequacy of municipal services. 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices. 12. Inadequate welfare programs.”

Americans would be hard-pressed to say the grievances presented by the commission do not still exist. In fact, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op-ed published in the February 28, 2018 edition of the New York Daily News titled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” After studying the Kerner Report, Rothstein stated: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

The 1968 Kerner Commission Got It Right, But Nobody Listened​

Released 50 years ago, the infamous report found that poverty and institutional racism were driving inner-city violence

So lets look at some of the suggestions in the Kerner Commission Report.

The thinking in those days was that we should aspire to becoming a truly colorblind society.

Nowadays, you race-baiting black racist charlatans oppose even a discussion about a colorblind society.

it isn’t possible for thinking people to take you seriously.
If it wasn't for the red lining of blacks in the 1940s, 50s and 60s:

And racist Jim Crow segregation laws, there wouldn't be such a pronounced disparity between black and white property ownership, including the income, and asset inequality that exists between blacks and whites today.

Red lining happened because most whites do not want to live near blacks. They still don't. The reason is obvious: Negroes have a very high crime rate.

Affluent whites often pretend to support integrated housing. They live in neighborhoods where housing prices keep blacks out.
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Red lining happened because most whites do not want to live near blacks. They still don't. The reason is obvious: Negroes have a very high crime rate.

Affluent whites often pretend to support integrated housing. They live in neighborhoods where housing prices keep blacks out.

Your argument fundamentally misunderstands the historical and systemic context of redlining and segregation in the United States. Redlining, which began in the 1930s, was a government and private banking policy that actively discriminated against Black neighborhoods, labeling them as high-risk for loans solely based on racial composition. This practice systematically denied Black families the ability to secure home loans, build wealth through homeownership, and improve their economic standing. The disinvestment in these communities led to a downward spiral of economic decline, poor infrastructure, and underfunded schools, creating conditions where poverty and crime could flourish.

The issue wasn't merely that Blacks couldn't live with whites; when Blacks moved into neighborhoods, whites often left, a phenomenon known as "white flight." The real problem was that the U.S. federal government and banks refused to invest in Black neighborhoods or communities, which could have improved the lives of Black people.The fact that whites don't want to live with blacks, is irrelevant. Of no consequence to my point. You also conveniently ignored the videos I embedded exposing how whites burned down a thriving, flourishing black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the early 1920s. A clear example of white, psychopathic, violent racism against blacks.

It's also important to note that during the 1950s, when racist redlining was at its worst, Black unemployment rates were relatively similar to those of whites, debunking the notion that loans were denied due to higher Black unemployment. Additionally, crime rates were not higher in Black communities at that time. Families were more intact and communities were stable, so you can spare us that stupid, racist argument.

Furthermore, the Nixon administration's War on Drugs in the 1970s disproportionately targeted Black communities, leading to mass incarceration for non-violent drug offenses. This not only disrupted families and communities but also created a cycle of poverty and criminality. People with criminal records faced significant barriers to employment, education, and housing, further entrenching them in poverty. The real motivation behind the drug war:

High incarceration rates for Black individuals, especially for non-violent drug offenses, are the result of discriminatory policing and sentencing practices. Policies that strip convicted individuals of public assistance and educational opportunities exacerbate the issues within these neighborhoods, making it harder for individuals to rehabilitate and achieve upward mobility.

Today, the legacy of redlining and discriminatory policies continues to affect Black neighborhoods. They often face underfunded schools, lack of job opportunities, and inadequate housing, all of which contribute to higher crime rates. Affluent whites living in expensive neighborhoods are insulated from these issues, and their support for integration often does not translate into meaningful policy changes that address the root causes of segregation and economic disparity.

Ignoring this historical and systemic context leads to a flawed understanding of why crime rates are higher in Black neighborhoods and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
Your argument fundamentally misunderstands the historical and systemic context of redlining and segregation in the United States. Redlining, which began in the 1930s, was a government and private banking policy that actively discriminated against Black neighborhoods, labeling them as high-risk for loans solely based on racial composition. This practice systematically denied Black families the ability to secure home loans, build wealth through homeownership, and improve their economic standing. The disinvestment in these communities led to a downward spiral of economic decline, poor infrastructure, and underfunded schools, creating conditions where poverty and crime could flourish.

The issue wasn't merely that Blacks couldn't live with whites; when Blacks moved into neighborhoods, whites often left, a phenomenon known as "white flight." The real problem was that the U.S. federal government and banks refused to invest in Black neighborhoods or communities, which could have improved the lives of Black people.The fact that whites don't want to live with blacks, is irrelevant. Of no consequence to my point. You also conveniently ignored the videos I embedded exposing how whites burned down a thriving, flourishing black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the early 1920s. A clear example of white, psychopathic, violent racism against blacks.

It's also important to note that during the 1950s, when racist redlining was at its worst, Black unemployment rates were relatively similar to those of whites, debunking the notion that loans were denied due to higher Black unemployment. Additionally, crime rates were not higher in Black communities at that time. Families were more intact and communities were stable, so you can spare us that stupid, racist argument.

Furthermore, the Nixon administration's War on Drugs in the 1970s disproportionately targeted Black communities, leading to mass incarceration for non-violent drug offenses. This not only disrupted families and communities but also created a cycle of poverty and criminality. People with criminal records faced significant barriers to employment, education, and housing, further entrenching them in poverty. The real motivation behind the drug war:

High incarceration rates for Black individuals, especially for non-violent drug offenses, are the result of discriminatory policing and sentencing practices. Policies that strip convicted individuals of public assistance and educational opportunities exacerbate the issues within these neighborhoods, making it harder for individuals to rehabilitate and achieve upward mobility.

Today, the legacy of redlining and discriminatory policies continues to affect Black neighborhoods. They often face underfunded schools, lack of job opportunities, and inadequate housing, all of which contribute to higher crime rates. Affluent whites living in expensive neighborhoods are insulated from these issues, and their support for integration often does not translate into meaningful policy changes that address the root causes of segregation and economic disparity.

Ignoring this historical and systemic context leads to a flawed understanding of why crime rates are higher in Black neighborhoods and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

Watch me not care. By every objective, measurable criteria Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites. They have higher illegitimatcy rates, and much higher crime rates.Negroes are characterized by lor intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy everywhere in the world that they live. Whites are not responsible for these facts. These facts influence the way whites, Orientals, and Hispanis feel about Negroes, and the way we respond to them. .

Orientals and Jews were discriminated against when they came to the United States. Now they are usually more prosperous than white Gentiles.
Lets look at some things the Kerner Commission found.

Chapter 9--Comparing the Immigrant and Negro Experience

In this chapter, we address ourselves to a fundamental question that many white Americans are asking: why have so many Negroes, unlike the European immigrants, been unable to escape from the ghetto and from poverty. We believe the following factors play a part:

But you see, guy, it's not just European immigrants. ASIAN immigrants come to this country, face a lot of racial discrimination, and still excel! Hispanics still excel.


And before you give me your tired "That's just Indian H1B's skewing the numbers"- um, no... ALL Asian groups do better than white folks in this country despite how racist this country supposedly is.


Yes, anti-Black racism is a thing. Yes, it's something we need to work on. No, white people are not going to solve your problems for you. Like it or not, Affirmative Action is going away.

Instead of whining, "Why don't you white people do X", instead, look at what Asians are doing right.

Short list -

They put an emphasis on education.
They put an emphasis on strong families. - Out of wedlock births are almost unknown among Asian Americans.
They don't glamorize their criminal element.
They don't sing happy Rap songs about committing crimes and demeaning women.
On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The more common name for this is The Kerner Commission. . The Kerner Commission report was perhaps the most definitive government study done on race in the history of this nation.

The Kerner Commission was created to find out why the racial unrest happened. Instead of blaming blacks for being angry about how they were treated and inventing terms like victim mentality, the commission took a long hard look at American societal issues. The bottom line is that the Kerner Commission determined in 1968 what blacks already knew and what whites refused to hear. This quote from Nathaniel Jones, Assistant General Counsel for the Commission says it all, “One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”

In other words, “The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.” That conclusion made it possible for much of white America to ignore the findings. Once whites felt as if they were to blame for the conditions of black people in America, they resisted the conclusions of this study. President Johnson called for the research but never implemented the suggested actions. He wasted government money by increasing spending on the Vietnam war and claimed he did not have the funds to implement the types of programs proposed in the report.

As a result of this study, the commission identified 12 grievances in all the communities they visited: “1. Police practices. 2. Unemployment and underemployment. 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education. 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs. 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes. 8. Discriminatory administration of justice. 9. Inadequacy of federal programs. 10. Inadequacy of municipal services. 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices. 12. Inadequate welfare programs.”

Americans would be hard-pressed to say the grievances presented by the commission do not still exist. In fact, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op-ed published in the February 28, 2018 edition of the New York Daily News titled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” After studying the Kerner Report, Rothstein stated: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

The 1968 Kerner Commission Got It Right, But Nobody Listened​

Released 50 years ago, the infamous report found that poverty and institutional racism were driving inner-city violence

So lets look at some of the suggestions in the Kerner Commission Report.
The root cause of the problems blacks face is white, racist democrats
But you see, guy, it's not just European immigrants. ASIAN immigrants come to this country, face a lot of racial discrimination, and still excel! Hispanics still excel.

View attachment 963998

And before you give me your tired "That's just Indian H1B's skewing the numbers"- um, no... ALL Asian groups do better than white folks in this country despite how racist this country supposedly is.

View attachment 963999

Yes, anti-Black racism is a thing. Yes, it's something we need to work on. No, white people are not going to solve your problems for you. Like it or not, Affirmative Action is going away.

Instead of whining, "Why don't you white people do X", instead, look at what Asians are doing right.

Short list -

They put an emphasis on education.
They put an emphasis on strong families. - Out of wedlock births are almost unknown among Asian Americans.
They don't glamorize their criminal element.
They don't sing happy Rap songs about committing crimes and demeaning women.
That’s stellar!
Look, let's stop this "Government can't do" idiocy. From its inception, government has made certaain that equaity ddm't exist and people in this country made sure of it. Seems like Government reguating emotions and thinking was fine when whites emotionally thought they had total and absolute supremacy. Therefore government is the exact place for this to be done.

Not really. The government will just mess it up, because they mess it up no matter who is in charge, Republican or Democrats.

Hoping for the government to solve your problems is a long wait for a train that never comes.
I'm all for fixing racial inequities in this country, but I get a little tired of IM2Whiny's "I hate white people and you need to fix my problems!" Schtick.
It’s a One Note Samba and only makes sense if he’s a paid racial agitprop poster
Lets look at some things the Kerner Commission found.

Chapter 9--Comparing the Immigrant and Negro Experience

In this chapter, we address ourselves to a fundamental question that many white Americans are asking: why have so many Negroes, unlike the European immigrants, been unable to escape from the ghetto and from poverty. We believe the following factors play a part:

* The Maturing Economy: When the European immigrants arrived, they gained an economic foothold by providing the unskilled labor needed by industry. Unlike the immigrant, the Negro migrant found little opportunity in the city. The economy, by then matured, had little use for the unskilled labor he had to offer.

*The Disability of Race: The structure of discrimination has stringently narrowed opportunities for the Negro and restricted his prospects. European immigrants suffered from discrimination, but never so pervasively. .

* Entry into the Political System: The immigrants usually settled in rapidly growing cities with powerful and expanding political machines, which traded economic advantages for political support. Ward-level grievance machinery, as well as personal representation, enabled the immigrant to make his voice heard and his power felt. By the time the Negro arrived, these political machines were no longer so powerful or so well equipped to provide jobs or other favors, and in many cases were unwilling to share their influence with Negroes.

* Cultural Factors: Coming from societies with a low standard of living and at a time when job aspirations were low, the immigrants sensed little deprivation in being forced to take the less desirable and poorer-paying jobs. Their large and cohesive families contributed to total income. Their vision of the future--one that led to a life outside of the ghetto--provided the incentive necessary to endure the present.

Although Negro men worked as hard as the immigrants, they were unable to support their families. The entrepreneurial opportunities had vanished. As a result of slavery and long periods of unemployment, the Negro family structure had become matriarchal; the males played a secondary and marginal family role--one which offered little compensation for their hard and unrewarding labor. Above all, segregation denied Negroes access to good jobs and the opportunity to leave the ghetto. For them, the future seemed to lead only to a dead end.

This is what people said who had actualy studied the situation, not idiots on talk rado, college drop outs with loud mouths, or uneducated riff raff on an online forum.

So I will repost this:

" On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. The study compared the improvement in black communities in 2018 with the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 Years After the Kerner Commission,” the study concluded that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced, but blacks still faced disadvantages based on race.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op-ed published in the February 28 edition of the New York Daily News titled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” After studying the Kerner Report, Rothstein stated:
“So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

-Get Your Knee off Our Necks, pg. 9-10.

So then what we see is that the conditions the Kerner Commission pointed out still existed 50 years later. Therefore what caused the conditions-white racism- was still the problem.
This isn’t 1967
This thread has had TWO MAJOR CLEANUPS by two different mods! And again, it has been derailed with some 20 posts taking it completely off topic.


The topic has nothing to do with Jews nor is it about racist ideological crap passing as science. Take it elsewhere.

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