Schumer Sets New 'World Record' For HYPOCRISY


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Schumer, and other Libtards like Pelosi and Hillary, could not wait after the Vegas terrorist attack to politicize it by pushing 'Gun Control'...

NOW, after being called out by the President for his 'Diversity Visa' Program that allowed yesterday's terrorist to enter the country, Schumer HYPOCRITICALLY stated, “I guess it’s not too soon to politicize a tragedy”.


"The balls on this guy to lecture other people about being too quick on the draw in wanting to change national policy in the aftermath of a massacre."

Can you imagine if this Jihadi yesterday would have used a GUN instead of a Rental Truck? Libs would have been tripping all over themselves pushing 'Gun Control'.
First Off, Paddock The Vegas Shooter, converted to Islam. His girlfriend is Islamic, and her entire family is Islamic, & both of them traveled to numerous Islamic States separately and together. ISIS claims that he converted to ISLAM and swore an allegiance to ISIS. This is being covered up and concealed from The Public.

And considering the target he chose were what Clinton and THE LEFT calls Unredeemable Deplorables, I say it all dovetails nicely, and Paddock is just another member of the Leftist Liberal Jihadist Alliance. Same as Madonna, Kathy Griffin, Johnny Depp, Weinstein, Clooney, DeNiro, and The Congressional Baseball Game Shooter.

And think about this.... Why does a DEAD GUY, who is going to commit a Terrorist Act, bring a laptop, and then find time to remove it right before he kills himself?
Where is it? We all know where it is... but we'll never be told the truth about that ever.
And I have never seen two people's facebook pages pulled down so quickly. Just amazing.

But Back to Schumer.....he is a member of The Leftist Liberal Jihadist Alliance. When he was asked about his cute little program which resulted in by my count 3 terrorist attacks, his response?

You aren't going to hear this on the news.....but someone slipped up late last night...when I was listening to the radio.

Schummer: "I guess what we really should do is cut funding to Anti-Terrorism."

Now that is a totally bewildering's actually vindictive in a way, and it exposes Schumer as a member of The Leftist Liberal Jihadist Alliance.

Same with Obama who liked to blame America and Christianity for Terrorism all over the world, while he stood by and did nothing about Islamic Genocide and Massacres of Christians.
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The Dirty Democrat Bigots regard Jihadist as their allies in their war against mainstream society.
I Ilegal Immigrants, Refugees, and Jihadis are being used as The Left's Personal Army of MULES to destroy this country and Fundamentally Transform it in to a Marxist, Socialist, Globalist Leftist Dystopia.
What was interesting is I saw that guy in the Democratic Party who lied about his time in Vietnam (Trump called him out about it in a tweet earlier this year) in an interview on CNN after the attack, I forget his name now, anyways, he stated in this interview that essentially New York was lucky that this guy didn't have an automatic weapon as possibly hundreds could have died. That's the knee jerk fall back position...guns, even when they AREN'T involved in the attack.

Politics is a dirty business this is without question.
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Schumer, and other Libtards like Pelosi and Hillary, could not wait after the Vegas terrorist attack to politicize it by pushing 'Gun Control'...

NOW, after being called out by the President for his 'Diversity Visa' Program that allowed yesterday's terrorist to enter the country, Schumer HYPOCRITICALLY stated, “I guess it’s not too soon to politicize a tragedy”.

View attachment 157970

"The balls on this guy to lecture other people about being too quick on the draw in wanting to change national policy in the aftermath of a massacre."

Can you imagine if this Jihadi yesterday would have used a GUN instead of a Rental Truck? Libs would have been tripping all over themselves pushing 'Gun Control'.
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

Schumer, and other Libtards like Pelosi and Hillary, could not wait after the Vegas terrorist attack to politicize it by pushing 'Gun Control'...

NOW, after being called out by the President for his 'Diversity Visa' Program that allowed yesterday's terrorist to enter the country, Schumer HYPOCRITICALLY stated, “I guess it’s not too soon to politicize a tragedy”.

View attachment 157970

"The balls on this guy to lecture other people about being too quick on the draw in wanting to change national policy in the aftermath of a massacre."

Can you imagine if this Jihadi yesterday would have used a GUN instead of a Rental Truck? Libs would have been tripping all over themselves pushing 'Gun Control'.

Schumer, and other Libtards like Pelosi and Hillary, could not wait after the Vegas terrorist attack to politicize it by pushing 'Gun Control'...

NOW, after being called out by the President for his 'Diversity Visa' Program that allowed yesterday's terrorist to enter the country, Schumer HYPOCRITICALLY stated, “I guess it’s not too soon to politicize a tragedy”.

View attachment 157970

"The balls on this guy to lecture other people about being too quick on the draw in wanting to change national policy in the aftermath of a massacre."

Can you imagine if this Jihadi yesterday would have used a GUN instead of a Rental Truck? Libs would have been tripping all over themselves pushing 'Gun Control'.
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

Look man, we already know you hate Americans.
If you think Democrats will step up and take responsibility for their actions that led to the death of American citizens you are in for a long wait.
Schumer was among those who tried to end the program in 2013.
Sure he was. He let them in.

G H W Bush signed it into law in 1990.
We all know the Bush's are pos. We talking about Schumer.

No, you're talking about where the bill came from. It passed the Senate 81 - 17. How does Schumer get singled out from that vote?
Now the regressive is telling me what I'm talking about. LOL!
Schumer was among those who tried to end the program in 2013.
Sure he was. He let them in.

G H W Bush signed it into law in 1990.
We all know the Bush's are pos. We talking about Schumer.

No, you're talking about where the bill came from. It passed the Senate 81 - 17. How does Schumer get singled out from that vote?
Now the regressive is telling me what I'm talking about. LOL!

I'm telling you you don't know what you're talking about.

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