Schumer warns of government shutdown over border wall funding

Americans are being robbed of their patriotism by the Dems. they are suffering in silence for not being allowed to have the country they love the way they love it!
Basque...lovely part of Spain BTW...uninfected genetically by the filthy Moors. Shame Spain is allowing hoards of those savages back in...anywho.

Americans are at least attempting to wake up from their stupor. The are starting to see shills like Chuckie Boy for what they are; corrupt pawns who have no intention for working for the TRUE interests of their constituents.
Really Chuck? You plan to shutdown the government to ensure illegals can still come into our communities.

How about your gated house first?

Schumer warns of government shutdown over border wall funding
Does anyone notice when the government "shuts down"?
Outside of the Parks Department paying Rangers overtime to block off areas outside of their jurisdiction of course.

I never noticed but then again I don't suck the government teat
I hope conservatives go along. This is a unnecessary expense that we cannot afford. There are much cheaper ways to do it.
Three points:

1) shutting down the government is okay now?

2) how did that work out for you when Obama shut down the government to blame it on Republicans?

3) how does a party with zero power in any branch of government shut down the government?
If Chucky wants to shut down the government he can have at it. Then Republicans can beat the Democrats about the head, neck, and shoulders with it like they did to us when Obama shut it down and claimed it was the Right's fault.

A shut down by the Dems might just seal their coffin.
Schumer is adopting a strategy that says 'weaken America to strengthen the Democrats'

that's what he's doing
This is a unnecessary expense that we cannot afford. There are much cheaper ways to do it.

you mean the cost of illegals being here?

The fact is that Arizona is the model how to deal with illegals. They did not build a wall. However if the children are legal then the parents should be able to stay.

The Democrats have become the anti-white party, and people took notice...... at least the non-brainwashed people did.

Their goal is to make whites a minority in our own country as quickly as possible. If that means trying to stop the wall, so be it. If that means thousands of Americans dying from opiate drugs, then so be it. If that means stopping Kate's law which would bring an automatic five year minimum prison sentence for foreign felons who reenter the US after deportation, then so be it.

It doesn't matter, because the Democrat party is now the anti-white party, and they don't care how much harm they bring to us, as long as it nets them power.
Let me guess, democrats threaten to shut down the government and the media will blame republicans.

Except they don't have any power to shut down the government. All they could do is organize a federal employee strike. At which time Donald trump would promptly fire them

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