Science denial a US phenomenon


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Causes intellectual stunting and severe mental illness i.e. delusions

Anti-science creationist movements that deny scientific findings threaten our existence.

In 2011 North Carolina, Louisiana and Tennessee all passed laws attempting to cast doubt on established climate science in boardrooms and classrooms.

Let’s go back to 1925. Republican state representative John W. Butler, then head of the World Christian Fundamentalist Association, lobbied state legislatures to pass anti-evolution laws.

John T. Scopes, physics, chemistry and math teacher at Dayton High School Tennessee, was taken to court for teaching evolution. He was cleared.

Ninety years on, Republican Christian anti-science fundamentalism is still going strong. Now they have the evils of climate science on their un-Godly list as well.

Science denial a US phenomenon
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Yeah, it's funny the way Bill Nye suddenly dispensed with the long-settled science of hormone influence over sexual development in the womb in favor of gender assignment theories.

Oh wait, he's a Democrat. My bad.
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Yeah, it's funny the way Bill Nye suddenly dispensed with the long-settled science of hormone influence over sexual development in the womb in favor of gender assignment theories.

Oh wait, he's a Democrat. My bad.
always knew you were a closeted bible thumper, billy
I suppose they just don't wanna follow in the ways of the Shemhazai. Gosh can you blame them for that being instilled their hearts or do you think you are better than they are?

If your Democracy includes forcing onto people something they do not want possibly you may wanna move to a place that will instead of being in a free Republic.
Yeah, it's funny the way Bill Nye suddenly dispensed with the long-settled science of hormone influence over sexual development in the womb in favor of gender assignment theories.

Oh wait, he's a Democrat. My bad.
always knew you were a closeted bible thumper, billy

Bible thumper? So you are saying that any disagreement with modern pseudo-scientific nonsense renders one a Bible thumper? Please explain carefully.
I suppose they just don't wanna follow in the ways of the Shemhazai. Gosh can you blame them for that being instilled their hearts or do you think you are better than they are?

If your Democracy includes forcing onto people something they do not want possibly you may wanna move to a place that will instead of being in a free Republic.
Amen, to each their own. When one draws their final breathe then they will know the truth.
Why are those who say they don't even believe in God or the bible so afraid of it?
Why are those who say they don't even believe in God or the bible so afraid of it?
Yes of course! Educated, logical and rational science literate people are petrified of the dead goyim god on two sticks and his book of fairy tails!! Yep, ya got me!!!


Batshit boy the racist/bigot playing his one note again and again.
Why are those who say they don't even believe in God or the bible so afraid of it?
Yes of course! Educated, logical and rational science literate people are petrified of the dead goyim god on two sticks and his book of fairy tails!! Yep, ya got me!!!


Well let's see if they did not teach Creation in schools would you be for it not teaching evolution in schools
Causes intellectual stunting and severe mental illness i.e. delusions

Anti-science creationist movements that deny scientific findings threaten our existence.

In 2011 North Carolina, Louisiana and Tennessee all passed laws attempting to cast doubt on established climate science in boardrooms and classrooms.

Let’s go back to 1925. Republican state representative John W. Butler, then head of the World Christian Fundamentalist Association, lobbied state legislatures to pass anti-evolution laws.

John T. Scopes, physics, chemistry and math teacher at Dayton High School Tennessee, was taken to court for teaching evolution. He was cleared.

Ninety years on, Republican Christian anti-science fundamentalism is still going strong. Now they have the evils of climate science on their un-Godly list as well.

Science denial a US phenomenon

I think most 'kristians' in the US view their religion as 'their team' rather than following their savior and emulating him in their lives. And they are insistent on forcing that religion on the rest of the population, not by violence usually (see Eric Rudolph, George Tilller, and other cases where self-proclaimed 'christians' murdered people because of their religious beliefs), but by putting their 'god' on money and tagging public buildings. This seems to be one of their favorites, putting their graffiti on public buildings so they can believe it's 1834 again. They have a driving need to mark their territory. You don't see this with other religions in the US. The Amish though Christian aren't out to force anyone else to endure their beliefs, they in fact retreat from modern society to preserve their particular religious beliefs which I and anyone can respect. Jewish people practice their religion but aren't running around the countryside tagging every building they see so when they drive by they can smell where they pissed on it. Muslims are content in their own house of worship and homes. A certain group of Kristians though have a driving need to force their beliefs to be seen and accepted by everyone else, they are never just satisfied like the rest of religious Americans to just worship their god in their house of worship or their homes.

They'll connect this with the idea of 'patriotism' as well. Again, all they are doing is pushing what they believe to be 'their team'. This is why many need to hear how 'great America is' every waking moment. It's like hearing how great the local high school football team is. It's an adolescent type of team rooting that some never outgrow. THEY feel good only if their team is held in high esteem.

America is great without the praise every moment thanks.

Denial of science is one of the main causes they champion because scientific discovery is constantly pushing back the curtain on religion and it makes these Kristians very uncomfortable and they see many people abandoning religion as the real world is not so scary or unknown anymore. Now of course this denial in reality is a real threat to humanity as Global Warming continues to worsen. These people don't want to hear the truth of it because it is so scary and 'their team' always roots against science. On one hand though you'd think many of them would root for GW as they are end times believers and the end of humanity would fit their worldview just fine.

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