Science proves Roe v. Wade wrong, humanity doesn't start at 20 weeks

Personhood! Ha ha ha what a lunatic.

An ignorant Leftist with no self respect or intellectual honesty, that canā€˜t admit they were wrong. What a surprise.

Didnā€™t you say babies are ā€œneverā€ referred to as it and therefore that means they canā€™t be considered as human?

Keep embarrassing yourself weasel, youā€™re a great example of the stupidity and insanity that permeates the Left.

No, moron, I'm laughing at you because you don't understand the definition you posted.
You should know all answers. You said personhood starts at sixteen weeks. You have yet to prove that, therefore, your question is irrelevant.

That question has nothing to do with proving personhood.

The reason they would charge for a double homicide, was for the potential of another human being could have been born, had the mother not been murdered. But it has zero to do with proving personhood. Once again, your arguments fall flat. The double murder isn't related to our discussion. Desperate as you are, you asked the wrong question and made the wrong conclusion.

You seem to be totally confused between the mother terminating her own pregnancy for her own health reasons, versus being pregnant and murdered. You are totally lost. And more important, have been a huge waste of time.
I never brought up personhood (a totally non scientific, vague subjective term), you did, as a diversion of course. So go ahead and tell us, if you baby genocide promoters cannot attribute personhood to a baby in a mother's womb, why are people who murder pregnant women being charged with the murder of TWO. PERSONS? Go ahead, give it a shot, we're waiting...
More word salad without proving it is murder. You folks just can't get over your own failures with this non-argument calling it murder, so you just repeat it over and over again. Educated people are too smart over the repetitive nonsense, and the cultists playing God eat it up.
Oh it's murder, and the mother especially feels it, after the abortion and probably for life. Whether they are Leftie or not, I've seen it personally. They definitely feel like a life inside them has been taken. Personhood Shmersonhood.
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A vaccine isn't control. It's prevention. LOL! Keep trying and keep losing boss. You just don't have what it takes.
Government making it's citizens take the vaccine against their will. Is control.
I never brought up personhood (a totally non scientific, vague subjective term), you did, as a diversion of course. So go ahead and tell us, if you baby genocide promoters cannot attribute personhood to a baby in a mother's womb, why are people who murder pregnant women being charged with the murder of TWO. PERSONS? Go ahead, give it a shot, we're waiting...
Of course you brought it up. That's why I asked you about it. You've been running from it ever since.
Opinions are worthless.
The fact is, a fertilized human ovum is a human being in its first stage of life.
Kill it if you want, the world is a better place with less children being born to bent-wrist liberal useful idiots.
Of course that is only your opinion and we know what they're worth.
Of course that is only your opinion and we know what they're worth.
The only person my opinion matters to is me.
And the 5500 people who thanked me in my 4900 posts.
What do you have, 2800 thanks in 15,000 posts?
Some people's opinions seem more popular than others, obviously.
The only person my opinion matters to is me.
And the 5500 people who thanked me in my 4900 posts.
What do you have, 2800 thanks in 15,000 posts?
Some people's opinions seem more popular than others, obviously.
While other people are too stupid to think the ratings on this site carry any such significance given the forum doesn't count messages in taunting areas, includes being laughed at, and is mostly conservative.
Oh it's murder, and the mother especially feels it, after the abortion and probably for life. Whether they are Leftie or not, I've seen it personally. They definitely feel like a life inside them has been taken. Personhood Shmersonhood.
You wish. We note that you wish us ill.
No, humanity doesn't start at 20 weeks, as the thread title says.

Or at birth; or at 21: males especially are still developing their brains and have a long way to go, we read. The human develops VERY slowly.

When I'm pessimistic, I begin to suspect that 70 is about the age of finally getting to adulthood. Anyone agree?
While other people are too stupid to think the ratings on this site carry any such significance given the forum doesn't count messages in taunting areas, includes being laughed at, and is mostly conservative.
Thank you for that disjointed screed.
I see your ratio is 20k thanks on 80k posts. Not very impressive, tbh.
You get a gold star for participation.
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Thank you for that disjointed screed.
I see your ratio is 20k thanks on 80k posts. Not very impressive, tbh.
You get a gold star for participation.

You poor thing, you still can't understand the rating system here. Posters laugh at you which bulks up your ratings. And you posting in the taunting area keeps your message count down.

Understand now?
I never brought up personhood (a totally non scientific, vague subjective term), you did, as a diversion of course. So go ahead and tell us, if you baby genocide promoters cannot attribute personhood to a baby in a mother's womb, why are people who murder pregnant women being charged with the murder of TWO. PERSONS? Go ahead, give it a shot, we're waiting...
This is a baby at 16 weeks. Go ahead and kill it and see it for body parts if you're too young to have one, can't afford it, or fucked up and didn't use contraceptives properly when you had sex? Democrats say "fuck yeah, it isn't even debatable". My body my right to kill, and...the state should fully pay for this genocide. That's your post. You didn't bring it up, but you called the 16 week old fetus a baby. If it's a baby, it's a person. The Fetus is neither a baby nor a person.
This is a baby at 16 weeks. Go ahead and kill it and see it for body parts if you're too young to have one, can't afford it, or fucked up and didn't use contraceptives properly when you had sex? Democrats say "fuck yeah, it isn't even debatable". My body my right to kill, and...the state should fully pay for this genocide. That's your post. You didn't bring it up, but you called the 16 week old fetus a baby. If it's a baby, it's a person. The Fetus is neither a baby nor a person.
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You poor thing, you still can't understand the rating system here. Posters laugh at you which bulks up your ratings. And you posting in the taunting area keeps your message count down.

Understand now?
I understand that my opinions are obviously more popular, coherent, and intelligent than yours, kid.
Don't worry, your fry-cook job is safe.
No, humanity doesn't start at 20 weeks, as the thread title says.

Or at birth; or at 21: males especially are still developing their brains and have a long way to go, we read. The human develops VERY slowly.

When I'm pessimistic, I begin to suspect that 70 is about the age of finally getting to adulthood. Anyone agree?

This post makes no sense whatsoever. Perhaps you should explain to us what you think "humanity" is, since you're gabbling about maturity as though it's relevant.

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