Scientific method cannot disprove the existence of heaven, hell, or God...


Oct 2, 2007
At least that's what my critical thinking text says:

"Without an operational definition, the scientific method cannot be employed. Science cannot, for example, tell us whether or not a biblical heaven or hell exists."

Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thought, 4e, Chapter 10: Scientific Thinking

ISBN: 0132209748 Author: Gary Kirby , Jeffery Goodpaster
copyright © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company
At least that's what my critical thinking text says:

"Without an operational definition, the scientific method cannot be employed. Science cannot, for example, tell us whether or not a biblical heaven or hell exists."

Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thought, 4e, Chapter 10: Scientific Thinking

ISBN: 0132209748 Author: Gary Kirby , Jeffery Goodpaster
copyright © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company

True, but why do some have trouble accepting what it can prove, like the age of the earth and evolutionary theory?
I don't have a problem with evolutionary theory. I've only said that about 100 million times now. I have a problem with using evolutionary theory to explain the existence of life and to link man to non-human ancestors.

And I don't opine on the age of the earth. I don't think it's relevant to anything, and I don't think we have any reliable way to determine it.
How profound....

Critical thinking will then conclude that this proves it does exist
At least that's what my critical thinking text says:

"Without an operational definition, the scientific method cannot be employed. Science cannot, for example, tell us whether or not a biblical heaven or hell exists."

Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thought, 4e, Chapter 10: Scientific Thinking

ISBN: 0132209748 Author: Gary Kirby , Jeffery Goodpaster
copyright © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company

and religion can not prove that heaven, hell or god DO exist.

and christians can't prove that islam is not the ONE TRUE RELIGION

and nobody can prove that the great spaghetti monster is not the one true god
Er..ok. I never said there was proof, but whatever makes you chug along...
At least that's what my critical thinking text says:

"Without an operational definition, the scientific method cannot be employed. Science cannot, for example, tell us whether or not a biblical heaven or hell exists."

Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thought, 4e, Chapter 10: Scientific Thinking

ISBN: 0132209748 Author: Gary Kirby , Jeffery Goodpaster
copyright © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company

and religion can not prove that heaven, hell or god DO exist.

and christians can't prove that islam is not the ONE TRUE RELIGION

and nobody can prove that the great spaghetti monster is not the one true god

That's why it's called 'faith'. Faith is the courage to accept personal proof of God. No one can take another person's personal proof away from them. And no one's personal proof can be evidence for another person. If we could 'prove' the existence of God, there would be no need for faith.... and it is the 'faith' part that God wants.... it's that free will thing.
Cali, don't you know that only ignorant people have faith in God. Astute folks only have faith in things like man made global warming, the possibility of alien invasion, and the idea that dogs should vote. Things that have basis in SCIENTIFIC FACT!
At least that's what my critical thinking text says:

"Without an operational definition, the scientific method cannot be employed. Science cannot, for example, tell us whether or not a biblical heaven or hell exists."

Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thought, 4e, Chapter 10: Scientific Thinking

ISBN: 0132209748 Author: Gary Kirby , Jeffery Goodpaster
copyright © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company

and religion can not prove that heaven, hell or god DO exist.

and christians can't prove that islam is not the ONE TRUE RELIGION

and nobody can prove that the great spaghetti monster is not the one true god

That's why it's called 'faith'. Faith is the courage to accept personal proof of God. No one can take another person's personal proof away from them. And no one's personal proof can be evidence for another person. If we could 'prove' the existence of God, there would be no need for faith.... and it is the 'faith' part that God wants.... it's that free will thing.

i have FAITH that there is no god

i have FAITH in evolution

and i truely do believe that the 2 big gods of the planet (islam and christianity) are examples of irrational, illogical, unreasonable and dangerous beliefs
See, here we are back to *if you believe in evolution you can't believe in God*. What a crock.
I don't have a problem with evolutionary theory. I've only said that about 100 million times now. I have a problem with using evolutionary theory to explain the existence of life and to link man to non-human ancestors.

And I don't opine on the age of the earth. I don't think it's relevant to anything, and I don't think we have any reliable way to determine it.

Youn can't have it both ways. Either all life evolved or it didn't.
Cali, don't you know that only ignorant people have faith in God. Astute folks only have faith in things like man made global warming, the possibility of alien invasion, and the idea that dogs should vote. Things that have basis in SCIENTIFIC FACT!

Smarter people than me can believe in God or a god.

But if you factually believe in the story of Noah's Ark, living inside a whale, 6,000 approx year old earth, creationism over evolution, than you're either likely to be dumber than me or you have less real world smarts.
I don't have a problem with evolutionary theory. I've only said that about 100 million times now. I have a problem with using evolutionary theory to explain the existence of life and to link man to non-human ancestors.

And I don't opine on the age of the earth. I don't think it's relevant to anything, and I don't think we have any reliable way to determine it.

Youn can't have it both ways. Either all life evolved or it didn't.

Exactly, he does have a problem with evolution and he stated it right after saying he didn't.

Evolution is a fact, like gravity is a fact. The theory of evolution is a theory like the theory of gravity.
At least that's what my critical thinking text says:

"Without an operational definition, the scientific method cannot be employed. Science cannot, for example, tell us whether or not a biblical heaven or hell exists."

Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thought, 4e, Chapter 10: Scientific Thinking

ISBN: 0132209748 Author: Gary Kirby , Jeffery Goodpaster
copyright © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company

Science cannot tell us whether Valhalla and Thor exist either. Just because science can't disprove something does not mean it should be accepted as true. Science cannot disprove the existence of fairies. But if you claim fairies exist, it is up to you to prove it or I have no obligation or reason to accept such a claim.
I don't have a problem with evolutionary theory. I've only said that about 100 million times now. I have a problem with using evolutionary theory to explain the existence of life and to link man to non-human ancestors.

So you've no problem with evolutionary theory... just with what the facts and science tell us?
At least that's what my critical thinking text says:

"Without an operational definition, the scientific method cannot be employed. Science cannot, for example, tell us whether or not a biblical heaven or hell exists."

Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thought, 4e, Chapter 10: Scientific Thinking

ISBN: 0132209748 Author: Gary Kirby , Jeffery Goodpaster
copyright © 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company

and religion can not prove that heaven, hell or god DO exist.

and christians can't prove that islam is not the ONE TRUE RELIGION

and nobody can prove that the great spaghetti monster is not the one true god

That's why it's called 'faith'. Faith is the courage to accept personal proof of God. No one can take another person's personal proof away from them. And no one's personal proof can be evidence for another person. If we could 'prove' the existence of God, there would be no need for faith.... and it is the 'faith' part that God wants.... it's that free will thing.

Isn't the proof that God exists in your own mind and heart? Who cares whether there is empirical proof of God?
Cali, don't you know that only ignorant people have faith in God. Astute folks only have faith in things like man made global warming, the possibility of alien invasion, and the idea that dogs should vote. Things that have basis in SCIENTIFIC FACT!

Don't forget the faith in the existence of a certain President's birth certificate.
Cali, don't you know that only ignorant people have faith in God. Astute folks only have faith in things like man made global warming, the possibility of alien invasion, and the idea that dogs should vote. Things that have basis in SCIENTIFIC FACT!

Don't forget the faith in the existence of a certain President's birth certificate.

I always figured you for someone smarter than a birther, PC.

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