Scientific Proof that Lefties have Self Esteem Issues


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Where is TMN when we need her.

Here is SCIENTIFIC PROOF from STANFORD that lefties have self esteem issues - they are more likely to Feel Unattractive. And considering the appearances of women in politics from the Right and the Left, their feelings are Very Justified.

A new series of studies from Stanford researchers has found that people who feel “unattractive” are more likely to donate to the Occupy movement.

Professor Margaret Neale and doctoral student Peter Belmi tested perceived concepts of beauty in relation to social hierarchies. The researchers told half of the participants to write about a time when they felt physically attractive or unattractive. The remaining participants wrote about an incident in which they were sensitive or insensitive to the needs of others.

The participants were then asked to rate their own attractiveness and their ability to empathize. Finally, after watching a short video about the Occupy Movement, participants were asked if they would like to donate their compensatory $50 lottery ticket to the movement.

Researchers found that those who perceived themselves to be less attractive were almost twice as likely to donate to Occupy. Those who related memories of self-confidence about their appearance viewed themselves as part of an elite social class and were less likely to donate to social inequality causes....

Study: Feeling ugly makes you more likely to donate to the Occupy movement
Where is TMN when we need her.

Here is SCIENTIFIC PROOF from STANFORD that lefties have self esteem issues - they are more likely to Feel Unattractive. And considering the appearances of women in politics from the Right and the Left, their feelings are Very Justified.

A new series of studies from Stanford researchers has found that people who feel “unattractive” are more likely to donate to the Occupy movement.

Professor Margaret Neale and doctoral student Peter Belmi tested perceived concepts of beauty in relation to social hierarchies. The researchers told half of the participants to write about a time when they felt physically attractive or unattractive. The remaining participants wrote about an incident in which they were sensitive or insensitive to the needs of others.

The participants were then asked to rate their own attractiveness and their ability to empathize. Finally, after watching a short video about the Occupy Movement, participants were asked if they would like to donate their compensatory $50 lottery ticket to the movement.

Researchers found that those who perceived themselves to be less attractive were almost twice as likely to donate to Occupy. Those who related memories of self-confidence about their appearance viewed themselves as part of an elite social class and were less likely to donate to social inequality causes....

Study: Feeling ugly makes you more likely to donate to the Occupy movement
:lol::lol:: Is there an Emoticon of a smiley shitting on a cop car? We need one.
I don't have the car, but I have a Conga Line of Dancing Poo Smileys!

S'aright. ;)
This study doesn't seem all that scientific. We don't know what was in the video about the Occupy Movement. We don't know whether people who perceive themselves as attractive really are attractive to others. I think what this means is that people with higher esteem are less likely to give money to a group that pits itself against life's winners.
This study doesn't seem all that scientific. We don't know what was in the video about the Occupy Movement. We don't know whether people who perceive themselves as attractive really are attractive to others. I think what this means is that people with higher esteem are less likely to give money to a group that pits itself against life's winners.

As if you know more than the person who ran the controlled study?
Where is TMN when we need her.

Here is SCIENTIFIC PROOF from STANFORD that lefties have self esteem issues - they are more likely to Feel Unattractive. And considering the appearances of women in politics from the Right and the Left, their feelings are Very Justified.

A new series of studies from Stanford researchers has found that people who feel “unattractive” are more likely to donate to the Occupy movement.

Professor Margaret Neale and doctoral student Peter Belmi tested perceived concepts of beauty in relation to social hierarchies. The researchers told half of the participants to write about a time when they felt physically attractive or unattractive. The remaining participants wrote about an incident in which they were sensitive or insensitive to the needs of others.

The participants were then asked to rate their own attractiveness and their ability to empathize. Finally, after watching a short video about the Occupy Movement, participants were asked if they would like to donate their compensatory $50 lottery ticket to the movement.

Researchers found that those who perceived themselves to be less attractive were almost twice as likely to donate to Occupy. Those who related memories of self-confidence about their appearance viewed themselves as part of an elite social class and were less likely to donate to social inequality causes....

Study: Feeling ugly makes you more likely to donate to the Occupy movement

You doubt/deny any and all science unless you like the findings.

Do you also agree with science that there is no proof of god?

Do you also agree with science on global warming?

If you do not, you don't get to cherry pick.
This study doesn't seem all that scientific. We don't know what was in the video about the Occupy Movement. We don't know whether people who perceive themselves as attractive really are attractive to others. I think what this means is that people with higher esteem are less likely to give money to a group that pits itself against life's winners.

Hey! The LEFT loves Scientific Proof. Scientific Proof means the Argument Is Over.

And having lived in the Berkeley-Oakland-San Francisco triangle for a number of years, I have direct empirical experience observing how thoroughly Unattractive many lefties are.
Peter Belmi said:
“We found that cues that suggested to people that they were more attractive led them to think that they belonged to a relatively higher social class; by con- trast [sic], cues that suggested to people that they were less attractive led them to think that they belonged to a relatively lower social class,” he said. “These perceptions of their social class standing, in turn, influenced their views of inequality.

Ah so we're confirming that people actually believe the old stereotype that better looks = higher social class?
Interesting to note.
This study doesn't seem all that scientific. We don't know what was in the video about the Occupy Movement. We don't know whether people who perceive themselves as attractive really are attractive to others. I think what this means is that people with higher esteem are less likely to give money to a group that pits itself against life's winners.

If that makes you feel better about yourself, sure.

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