Scientist warn: Deadly ancient pathogens melting out of ice in the Arctic could wipe out human pop.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left
I believe that there are frozen anthrax spores up there------but DOUBT very strongly that they are going to WIPE out the world------the bug responds to antibiotics AND
the US is working on a vaccine which at this point is-----sorta successful---needs more work
I believe that there are frozen anthrax spores up there------but DOUBT very strongly that they are going to WIPE out the world------the bug responds to antibiotics AND
the US is working on a vaccine which at this point is-----sorta successful---needs more work
There is anthrax everywhere.
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left

Uhhhhhh, yeah. Sure, yet another global warming is going to kill us bullshit story.
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left
A good cure for climate change; wipe out the humans.
I believe that there are frozen anthrax spores up there------but DOUBT very strongly that they are going to WIPE out the world------the bug responds to antibiotics AND
the US is working on a vaccine which at this point is-----sorta successful---needs more work
There is anthrax everywhere.

true---but not a whole lot. -----generally, not enough to cause harm. You can dig
in the ground with confidence
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

PS---anthrax is NOT A VIRUS------it is a spore forming gram positive rod

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left
A good cure for climate change; wipe out the humans.
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left
It took the scientist awhile to determine what killed off the several hundred thousand Saiga antelopes of central Kazakhstan. They all came to a conclusion it was Pasteurella multocida a bacteria they carry normally but for some reason it killed several hundred thousand in just days and they aren't sure exactly why yet. "It is thought that as much as 88 percent of the antelope from the Betpak-dala desert of Kazakhstan succumbed, accounting for roughly 70 percent of the entire global population of the already endangered antelope."
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice

Oh---anthrax is not a virus.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left
It took the scientist awhile to determine what killed off the several hundred thousand Saiga antelopes of central Kazakhstan. They all came to a conclusion it was Pasteurella multocida a bacteria they carry normally but for some reason it killed several hundred thousand in just days and they aren't sure exactly why yet. "It is thought that as much as 88 percent of the antelope from the Betpak-dala desert of Kazakhstan succumbed, accounting for roughly 70 percent of the entire global population of the already endangered antelope."
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left

Time will kill you because we were made to die...
What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....Ok now what's left
Hope I got your quote fixed correctly.
The combinations of all that you mentioned creates health issues. The water needs to be cleaned up, that will take years to do in nature after the crap is no longer put into the water but it can be done. In the meantime learn what cleans what out of the water. Distillation will remove most contaminants but not Glysophate, that takes UV light. Food eat whatever you like but if you have an underlying condition you may want to avoid some things that are highly processed with additives. If you already have a weakened immune system from environmental causes like the chemicals, desiccated and poisoned food, air and water you are more susceptible to any virus, fungi, or bacteria that is going around.
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left

Time will kill you because we were made to die...
We are but I kinda like the idea of having the best quality of life until the flesh is passed on. You have so many people that are sick now I don't think many know what normal is.
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left

Time will kill you because we were made to die...
We are but I kinda like the idea of having the best quality of life until the flesh is passed on. You have so many people that are sick now I don't think many know what normal is.

If I had a choice living in today time or during the dark ages, well believe it or not the dark ages. Sure death was at the door but at least you lived every moment like it was your last. Today you take a pill for everything and yet only thing it does is prolong what will happen and the quality of life after a certain age is horrible...

My opinion and humans are not meant to live past a certain age and we see it daily with our elderly and the way their lives decline with many....
View attachment 125003

In July of 2016 the Russian government deployed bio-warfare teams to the Arctic after reports that some 1,200 reindeer and 40 people had been infected with a rapidly spreading virus. The story received little attention, but it showed without a shadow of a doubt that something dangerous is lurking below the Arctic’s permafrost. As it turns out, the contagion was identified as a strain of Bacillus Anthracis, more commonly known as Anthrax, and was believed to have been released into the wildlife and human population after warmer temperatures melted the ice.

Scientists Warn: Deadly Ancient Pathogens Melting Out Of Ice In The Arctic Could Wipe Out Human Population

What is there that isn't going to kill us..................................................Our food will kill us, vaccines will kill us, water we drink will kill us, the furniture in our homes will kill us, the air we breathe will kill us.....

Ok now what's left

Time will kill you because we were made to die...
We are but I kinda like the idea of having the best quality of life until the flesh is passed on. You have so many people that are sick now I don't think many know what normal is.

If I had a choice living in today time or during the dark ages, well believe it or not the dark ages. Sure death was at the door but at least you lived every moment like it was your last. Today you take a pill for everything and yet only thing it does is prolong what will happen and the quality of life after a certain age is horrible...

My opinion and humans are not meant to live past a certain age and we see it daily with our elderly and the way their lives decline with many....
I have rarely taken any pills in my life for anything. Rod would get something from the doc and he'd asked should I make a prescription out for you and I'd say utuh. He'd laugh and say "you gonna puke yours out", I'd just nod my head yeah'. Now though with all the information available online I would take certain pills or herbs but more than that I would have been able to avoid three surgeries in my life knowing then what I now know. I knew I was dying shortly after the chemical exposure but was too sick and had no clue how to counteract the chemicals. The employer and their insurance company wouldn't release accurate info and they sent me to a quack that tried to drug me verses mitigate the damage by having my system flushed out. Since then I avoided as much as possible being around anyone for the longest time because I knew if I caught something chances were it would be super bad. Sure enough I drove a friend to another state and got flu from eating out and then got flu again from a gal sitting next to me that was sick on the airplane back home. I was too weak to get out of bed for at least three months and several years later still working day by day to try to gain back some decent health.

My grands lived pretty active lives into their nineties and lived to that hundred mark. I also had a dear friend that was 89 that had more get up and go than I had at thirty-five.

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