Scientists dismiss Newton's theory of gravity

I see everyone is ignorant as to the real meaning "theory" and "law" in the scientific sense. Here's a hint, Newton never had a theory of gravity.

His "law" of universal gravitation turned out not be applicable everywhere as pointed out earlier. Some people call this a theory. It was replaced over hundred years ago, but his mathematical equation still is applicable everywhere except in quantum mechanics and for very large masses such as the black hole.

Newton's theory was proven when Sir Edmund Halley used his theory to successfully predict the return of the comet named for him.

Not proven, but used successfully by Halley. Again, his theory/law of universal gravitation was replaced over 100 years ago as pointed out by other posters.
Lol, word games, but what I stated was exactly what happened.
To me, the Bible is the word of God. It is his autobiography. Science has revealed it to back up the Bible. This science is observable, testable, and falsifiable. The evolutionist people who claim to have this observable, testable, and falsifiable experiments lied. They also claimed to have the mountain of evidence and lied. You claimed evolution is a fact and it's a lie. What Catholics believe is what their human leader Pope tells them. Look at Pope Gregory. Didn't he imprison Galileo for heresy for heliocentrism? Today, we have Pope Francis who makes one mistake after another and claims evolution is true science. I'm the one who only has the Bible theory. Like I said, how can I go against the standard tide that people believe, but don't ask me to believe in lies of Satan.
To me this world is the word of God (should he exist). When I study this world it is apparent to me that evolution is a fact, we are all descended from a common ancestor. The THEORY of natural selection is probably like Newton's gravity, it is essentially correct but with some unknown details.

The Bible is at best a compilation of stories put together by a committee of the faithful that support a theology.
To me, the Bible is the word of God. It is his autobiography. Science has revealed it to back up the Bible. This science is observable, testable, and falsifiable. The evolutionist people who claim to have this observable, testable, and falsifiable experiments lied. They also claimed to have the mountain of evidence and lied. You claimed evolution is a fact and it's a lie. What Catholics believe is what their human leader Pope tells them. Look at Pope Gregory. Didn't he imprison Galileo for heresy for heliocentrism? Today, we have Pope Francis who makes one mistake after another and claims evolution is true science. I'm the one who only has the Bible theory. Like I said, how can I go against the standard tide that people believe, but don't ask me to believe in lies of Satan.
To me this world is the word of God (should he exist). When I study this world it is apparent to me that evolution is a fact, we are all descended from a common ancestor. The THEORY of natural selection is probably like Newton's gravity, it is essentially correct but with some unknown details.

The Bible is at best a compilation of stories put together by a committee of the faithful that support a theology.

but what does that common ancestor look like and how did it magically transform into a human,,,
To me, the Bible is the word of God. It is his autobiography. Science has revealed it to back up the Bible. This science is observable, testable, and falsifiable. The evolutionist people who claim to have this observable, testable, and falsifiable experiments lied. They also claimed to have the mountain of evidence and lied. You claimed evolution is a fact and it's a lie. What Catholics believe is what their human leader Pope tells them. Look at Pope Gregory. Didn't he imprison Galileo for heresy for heliocentrism? Today, we have Pope Francis who makes one mistake after another and claims evolution is true science. I'm the one who only has the Bible theory. Like I said, how can I go against the standard tide that people believe, but don't ask me to believe in lies of Satan.
To me this world is the word of God (should he exist). When I study this world it is apparent to me that evolution is a fact, we are all descended from a common ancestor. The THEORY of natural selection is probably like Newton's gravity, it is essentially correct but with some unknown details.

The Bible is at best a compilation of stories put together by a committee of the faithful that support a theology.

but what does that common ancestor look like and how did it magically transform into a human,,,
The rendering is pretty speculative but it is based on fossil evidence. Take it for what it's worth.

As for the magical transformation? Sorry, no magic or supernatural forces are needed to explain. Africa, man's home, began to dry out and dense forests became scattered trees. Animals that could better navigate the space between the trees had a better chance of survival. Oversimplified I'm sure put essentially true and supported by the evidence.

Like we have been saying evolution and gravity is just a theory...

Evolution and gravity are facts. A theory of evolution or a theory of gravity are plausible explanations for such facts. And the sentence "Newton was wrong" is wrong. The theory of Newton is only wrong in case of some conditions, what he never thought about. The theory of Newton was replaced - better to say "enlarged" - from the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Since more then a hundred years every single test (experiment and observation) of the theory of Albert Einstein was definetelly correct. A short time ago some scientists from the University of California in Los Angeles found even out it is also exact in the very near of the supermassive black hole in in the middle of our milky way. They watched since 24 years S0-2 who circles around Sagittarius A* - as far as I know with the help of the W.M. Keck-Oberservatorium Hawaii. The observation showed the gravitational redshift in the near of this black hole.

To say they are facts shows me what a fool you are.

Denying that evolution and gravity are facts shows what a fool you are.

More anti science from you narcissist?

What, crybaby?
[Evolution is a fact (a fact is the mountain in my example) -
Wow... you're out there brother... but yes, everything has a resonant frequency according it's atomic structure, and that frequency determines what spectrum of color it will reflect to our eyes. That is a fact...

We see colors in the full spectrum, which we use, because one of your ancestors was a plant eater. The contance of colors follows very complex principles. Take a look at the psychology of perception. One of the most interesting fields of psychology - with great names as for example Gustav Theodor Fechner. For me he's one of the most unknown geniuses. He was a very humorful man. One of the best critcis in his time of history is mostly known under the name "Why the moon is made of yellow cheese".

Color is a function of the human visual system, and is not an intrinsic property. Objects don't have a color,

What's wrong. Gras is green. Ravens are black. Blood is red. And so on and so on.

they give off light that appears to be a color. Spectral power distributions exist in the physical world, but color exists only in the mind of the beholder.

Colors are constant. That's not subjective - that's inter-subjective. The problem is to speak about what we see. "Is my red your blue and your blue my red?" is for example a question where we are stil not able to find a good answer. Language is a reduced system.

Color is determined first by frequency

or many doi9dfernt sums of frequencies

and then by how those frequencies are combined or mixed when they reach the eye.
Color – The Physics Hypertextbook

But aside from that, evolution is NOT a FACT. Never has been a FACT.

When evolution would not be a fact, then we are also not able to have such an amount of different dog races. Breed selection uses the structures of evolution. Since the stone ages we know that animals and plants are able to evolve. We use this knowledge since thousands of years.

It was a theory, it's a theory now, and it will still be a theory in the future.

Good grieve. I do not discuss any longer this bullshit.

If you could PROVE evolution was a fact,

Take a look at your hand. Take a look at the forepaw of a dog. Very different. Take a look at the hand of a gorilla. Very similiar.

as you're so fond of stating, you'd be the richest man in the world, and you'd be on every news channel on every TV on the world. But alas, no... it's only a theory. No one knows where life came from, no one knows how life began. We only have guesses... you know... THEORIES... like evolution.

Only very few US-Americans think such a nonsense and no one outside of the USA - as long as he has not a brain damage or is brainwashed - thinks such a nonsense at all. We would not need science if everyone would know everything. But not to know something means not we know nothing.

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It is a fact and that's the reason why I say so.

Haha. You do not know the meaning of fact. Things are facts when everyone believes it is so. It means anyone can use it as a fact. I can't use anything of evolution in my life. It's a lie and the secular/atheist powers that be put it out in the media as such. You are just brainwashed by Pope Francis.

I complained about today's chimps and apes not being bipedal and that chimps and apes in the past were not bipedal. Birds are bipedal. Why could we have evolved from birds (sarcasm)? Instead, the story gets changed to proto-ape which is different from today's apes. There are no transitional fossils for a proto-ape. Furthermore, there are no transitional fossils for that which leads up the proto-ape. You have been deceived by Satan's lies as has been many others. It's not just The Satanic Temple, atheists, Stephen Hawking, and such.
It is a fact and that's the reason why I say so.

Haha. You do not know the meaning of fact. Things are facts when everyone believes it is so. It means anyone can use it as a fact. I can't use anything of evolution in my life. It's a lie and the secular/atheist powers that be put it out in the media as such. You are just brainwashed by Pope Francis.

I complained about today's chimps and apes not being bipedal and that chimps and apes in the past were not bipedal. Birds are bipedal. Why could we have evolved from birds (sarcasm)? Instead, the story gets changed to proto-ape which is different from today's apes. There are no transitional fossils for a proto-ape. Furthermore, there are no transitional fossils for that which leads up the proto-ape. You have been deceived by Satan's lies as has been many others. It's not just The Satanic Temple, atheists, Stephen Hawking, and such.
You can complain all you wish about non-bipedal chimps and apes. Complaining about what you don't understand won't help you understand. It means only that you don't understand biological evolution. That is, in part, a function of your indoctrination at

There are a plethora of transitional fossils for many species.

Pleading ignorance will not help you.
To me this world is the word of God (should he exist). When I study this world it is apparent to me that evolution is a fact, we are all descended from a common ancestor. The THEORY of natural selection is probably like Newton's gravity, it is essentially correct but with some unknown details.

The Bible is at best a compilation of stories put together by a committee of the faithful that support a theology.


Getting back on topic, I doubt anyone used evolution in space like they can with Newton's laws of motion calculations. For example, if President Trump is successful in getting NASA to orbit a space station around the moon, then we can use it calculate the docking maneuver of the space shuttle commander. Now, that comes in handy -- Space Shuttle Commander -- A Lesson in Motion.

Whereas, if you look at the six basic concept of evolution (all theory except the last one because it is observable), none is useful out in space. Maybe I'm just looking at the trees instead of the forest. Can you explain how the other concepts of evolution is useful?
To me this world is the word of God (should he exist). When I study this world it is apparent to me that evolution is a fact, we are all descended from a common ancestor. The THEORY of natural selection is probably like Newton's gravity, it is essentially correct but with some unknown details.

The Bible is at best a compilation of stories put together by a committee of the faithful that support a theology.


Getting back on topic, I doubt anyone used evolution in space like they can with Newton's laws of motion calculations. For example, if President Trump is successful in getting NASA to orbit a space station around the moon, then we can use it calculate the docking maneuver of the space shuttle commander. Now, that comes in handy -- Space Shuttle Commander -- A Lesson in Motion.

Whereas, if you look at the six basic concept of evolution (all theory except the last one because it is observable), none is useful out in space. Maybe I'm just looking at the trees instead of the forest. Can you explain how the other concepts of evolution is useful?

“six basic concept of evolution”?

I’m guessing that’s something you found at one of your fundamentalist ministries.

How are the Bibles useful out in space?
Jeez, I still have an ignored member still following me around everywhere haha.


If evolution is FACT, then why can't anyone provide some facts of evolution that we can use science to verify? No need to provide natural selection. I even provided the five other areas that make up evolution, including ToE, and still nothing. C'mon let's hear the mountain of evidence.

With creation, we have today's human population size growing at a rate that fits thousands of years and not hundreds of thousands.

We have radiocarbon dating of dinosaur fossils and the soft tissue is still there.

We have the recession of the moon away from the Earth.

All of the above points to a young earth. Evolution would not had enough time. Besides, it shows we cannot have the above facts happen with long time.

The universe, Earth, and everything in it is here and Kalam's Cosmological Argument backs up God did the creating. It doesn't back up the big bang; it violates the laws of physics.

We have the ontological and teleological argument for God.
It is a fact and that's the reason why I say so.

Haha. You do not know the meaning of fact.

A strange opinion. Who knows not the meaning of facts is dead.

Things are facts when everyone believes it is so.

Facts have absolutelly nothing to do with any form of belief.

It means anyone can use it as a fact. I can't use anything of evolution in my life.

You can also not dance on a rope - what doesn't mean it is impossible to dance on a rope and you could not learn it to do so.

It's a lie


and the secular/atheist powers that be put it out in the media as such. You are just brainwashed by Pope Francis.

Brainwashed by who? Pope Francis? ... Strange idea ... Let me say it this way: Between his belief in god and my belief is not place for a piece of paper.

I complained about today's chimps and apes not being bipedal and that chimps and apes in the past were not bipedal. Birds are bipedal.

Birds are descendants of dinosaurs with wings as forepaws. Some birds are unbelievable intelligent.

Why could we have evolved from birds (sarcasm)?

You and the bird Willy have a common ancestor. You and the chimp Cheeta have a common ancestor. This means not you are Willy or Cheeta.

Instead, the story gets changed to proto-ape which is different from today's apes.

"Panta rei" is a very old sentence.

There are no transitional fossils for a proto-ape. Furthermore, there are no transitional fossils for that which leads up the proto-ape. You have been deceived by Satan's lies as has been many others. It's not just The Satanic Temple, atheists, Stephen Hawking, and such.

What about to try to leave your form of shoroastric religion and to accept that the devil and god are not opposites? It exists no opposite of god. God is god. Satan (=the challenger) is an angel. And Stephen Hawking was a human being, a child of god. He believed in atheism. ... Perhaps this changed in his late days, I don't know ... But if ever anyone on planet Earth had any right not to believe in god, then it was Mr. Stephen Hawking. Or do you think in his body you would love god? By the way: It's said also Satana loves god. That's perhaps the main reason why he hates human beings.

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It is a fact and that's the reason why I say so.

Haha. You do not know the meaning of fact.

A strange opinion. Who knows not the meaning of facts is dead.

Things are facts when everyone believes it is so.

Facts have absolutelly nothing to do with any form of belief.

It means anyone can use it as a fact. I can't use anything of evolution in my life.

You can also not dance on a rope - what doesn't mean it is impossible to dance on a rope and you could not learn it to do so.

It's a lie


and the secular/atheist powers that be put it out in the media as such. You are just brainwashed by Pope Francis.

Brainwashed by who? Pope Francis? ... Strange idea ... Let me say it this way: Between his belief in god and my belief is not place for a piece of paper.

I complained about today's chimps and apes not being bipedal and that chimps and apes in the past were not bipedal. Birds are bipedal.

Birds are descendants of dinosaurs with wings as forepaws. Some birds are unbelievable intelligent.

Why could we have evolved from birds (sarcasm)?

You and the bird Willy have a common ancestor. You and the chimp Cheeta have a common ancestor. This means not you are Willy or Cheeta.

Instead, the story gets changed to proto-ape which is different from today's apes.

"Panta rei" is a very old sentence.

There are no transitional fossils for a proto-ape. Furthermore, there are no transitional fossils for that which leads up the proto-ape. You have been deceived by Satan's lies as has been many others. It's not just The Satanic Temple, atheists, Stephen Hawking, and such.

What about to try to leave your form of shoroastric religion and to accept that the devil and god are not opposites? It exists no opposite of god. God is god. Satan (=the challenger) is an angel. And Stephen Hawking was a human being, a child of god. He believed in atheism. ... Perhaps this changed in his late days, I don't know ... But if ever anyone on planet Earth had any right not to believe in god, then it was Mr. Stephen Hawking. Or do you think in his body you would love god? By the way: It's said also Satana loves god. That's perhaps the main reason why he hates human beings.

What kind of drugs are you on, man? And what does it have to do with Newton and his theory of gravity? Or even Einstein and relativity? Or Hawking and radiation from the black hole? It's all QM at the event horizon.

Speaking of which, here is my evidence for predestination -- superdeterminism. We have determinism in this life, the rest lies in the quantum world.

I think we have established Newton was a genius and got the most out of his genius for his time. Same for the other guys. And I like birds, too, but know they didn't come from dinosaurs. You believe in some weird facts, but if that's what gets you off then who am I to judge. There's this guy named Norman who liked to stuff the birds. You should go look him up haha.
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Jeez, I still have an ignored member still following me around everywhere haha.


If evolution is FACT, then why can't anyone provide some facts of evolution that we can use science to verify? No need to provide natural selection. I even provided the five other areas that make up evolution, including ToE, and still nothing. C'mon let's hear the mountain of evidence.

With creation, we have today's human population size growing at a rate that fits thousands of years and not hundreds of thousands.

We have radiocarbon dating of dinosaur fossils and the soft tissue is still there.

We have the recession of the moon away from the Earth.

All of the above points to a young earth. Evolution would not had enough time. Besides, it shows we cannot have the above facts happen with long time.

The universe, Earth, and everything in it is here and Kalam's Cosmological Argument backs up God did the creating. It doesn't back up the big bang; it violates the laws of physics.

We have the ontological and teleological argument for God.

You do have facts for evolution. Ignoring them won’t make them go away. Your ignorance of the facts is no reason for anyone else to reject them.

With creation fables, you have fear and ignorance. It may enrage to accept the fact of an ancient planet but those are the facts.

While you have the ontological and teleological arguments for your gods, those failed arguments have been used for other gods without success.
Anyway, here is one fact I discovered from this thread. Evolution goes against everything what God said in Genesis (first two books). It's like Satan's antiGenesis.

Oh well, back to the thread haha.

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