Scientists Refuting Darwinism

I see you’re angry but rather than flailing around, provide something, other than unsourced copying and pasting, that shows DNA is “coded to correct itself”. Your, “science says so because I say so”, is no where to be found in your post.

Provide a peer reviewed study that shows an “auto correct” mechanism in DNA. I see nothing in your post to indicate that DNA has any design. I see nothing in your post to indicate that DNA will magically, auto-correct to revert to a previous state. That’s just silly.

I’m not convinced that your, “because I say so”, admonitions are convincing.
Here's what you do while I watch hockey. Google DoesDNA self correct and choose from all the pages of data that tells you that DNA is programed to correct mutations. I'll start you out:

How does DNA fix itself if A mistake is made?
Incorrectly paired nucleotides cause deformities in the secondary structure of the final DNA molecule. During mismatch repair, enzymes recognize and fix these deformities by removing the incorrectly paired nucleotide and replacing it with the correct nucleotide.

Science says so, nature says so, and you have insufficient knowledge to discuss the mater...
The change in the story is,
"We were wrong before but this time we're sure we got it right, trust me. And all those people that we taught they sprang from monkeys, well joke's on you."
Show me a pond scum that can produce code...
DNA isn’t code. That’s a silly term from the fundie creation ministries.

Do yourself a favor and look at a science based site
Here's what you do while I watch hockey. Google DoesDNA self correct and choose from all the pages of data that tells you that DNA is programed to correct mutations. I'll start you out:

How does DNA fix itself if A mistake is made?
Incorrectly paired nucleotides cause deformities in the secondary structure of the final DNA molecule. During mismatch repair, enzymes recognize and fix these deformities by removing the incorrectly paired nucleotide and replacing it with the correct nucleotide.

Science says so, nature says so, and you have insufficient knowledge to discuss the mater...
While you’re doing nothing productive. Google a science site and confirm for yourself you’re making false statements.

For all your phony, “… because I say so”, nonsense, it hasn’t gone unnoticeable that you can’t support a single one of your, “… because I say so”, comments.
DNA isn’t code. That’s a silly term from the fundie creation ministries.

Do yourself a favor and look at a science based site
It is a very complex code. Here's the silly definition:
"DNA (or deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long molecule that contains our unique genetic code.

LOL. A what? A unique what? A unique genetic what? :laughing0301:

You're out of your league here, Hol. Do yourself a favor and go knit something...
It is a very complex code. Here's the silly definition:
"DNA (or deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long molecule that contains our unique genetic code.

LOL. A what? A unique what? A unique genetic what? :laughing0301:

You're out of your league here, Hol. Do yourself a favor and go knit something...
Yes, yes. You believe the Jimmy Swaggert'ized version of code to mean computer code.

Here's a description, in context to help you understand:

Genetic code refers to the instructions contained in a gene that tell a cell how to make a specific protein. Each gene’s code uses the four nucleotide bases of DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T) — in various ways to spell out three-letter “codons” that specify which amino acid is needed at each position within a protein.

See? It's about amino acids and proteins, not angels dancing on the head of a pin.

You're earlier, Jimmy Swaggert'ized version comment obviously gave away the game when you wrote: ''Show me a pond scum that can produce code...''

Please take some time to learn terms and definitions related to the subject matter.
“DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” ― Bill Gates, The Road Ahead tags: biology, dna, id, information, intelligent-design, science 150 likes Like “Our DNA is coded to harmonise the frequency of the atoms we use to build ourselves.

“The secret of DNA's success is that it carries information like that of a computer program, but far more advanced. Since experience shows that intelligence is the only presently acting cause of information, we can infer that intelligence is the best explanation for the information in DNA.” ― Jonathan Wells, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design

Analyses such as these are always maliciously and ignorantly attacked not with science, not with logic or counterpoint, but rather by impugning the individuals making the analyses. Hateful bitterness is perhaps the supreme métier of the Godless Left. It is their sine qua non.
“DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” ― Bill Gates, The Road Ahead tags: biology, dna, id, information, intelligent-design, science 150 likes Like “Our DNA is coded to harmonise the frequency of the atoms we use to build ourselves.

“The secret of DNA's success is that it carries information like that of a computer program, but far more advanced. Since experience shows that intelligence is the only presently acting cause of information, we can infer that intelligence is the best explanation for the information in DNA.” ― Jonathan Wells, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design

Analyses such as these are always maliciously and ignorantly attacked not with science, not with logic or counterpoint, but rather by impugning the individuals making the analyses. Hateful bitterness is perhaps the supreme métier of the Godless Left. It is their sine qua non.

I'm afraid your typical participation in threads amounting to nothing more than cutting and pasting "quotes" is, as usual, silly and pointless.

Bill Gates is no more a biologist or chemist than you are. To equate computer coding with biogical processes is ludicrous. Let's see if we can offer some enlightenment, shall we? DNA is not computer code. DNA involves the interactions of chemical compounds called amino acids. Does that help?

As to the whacked creationerist Jonathan Wells, why would you "quote" something from a creationerist crackpot?

Wells is the author of “Icons of Evolution” and “Regnery Publishing’s Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design”, both of which failed to survive even cursory glances from people who actually know anything about evolution; a truly substantial analysis and critique if Icons can be found here. But then, the purpose of the former was explicitly to argue that creationism should be taught in public schools – and for those purposes the actual science is of course less important, since the creationists cannot win on that battlefield anyways (a point that is well made in this review of the Politically Incorrect Guide; after all, the whole frame is that Darwinism has declared war on traditional Christianity; the science is just a pretense). Wells’s lack of understanding of development and evolution (and science) is duly documented; he does, in short, not have the faintest idea, and can obviously not be bothered to look it up either (because, you know, fact checks won't yield the results he wants).

True to form, Wells also wrote the “Ten questions to ask your biology teacher about evolution” for high school students (published by the Discovery Institute). They are answered here and here. Instead of trying to point to any shortcomings with the answers, though, Wells prefers to repeat the questions as if nothing has happened, since that is rhetorically more effective, and the goal is to win debates, not find out what's actually the case.

He also participated in the Kansas evolution hearings and has been featured on a Starbucks’s “The Way I See It”.

His newest book, “The Myth of Junk DNA”, discusses the phenomenon of junk DNA, a phenomenon that heartily offends Intelligent Design proponents insofar as it suggests that not everything in the universe has a purpose. The book is just as well-informed as his previous books, and responses to the first three chapters can be found here, here, and here.

Diagnosis: Appallingly inane crackpot, infuriatingly dense, and reprehensibly dishonest, Wells’s lack of insight and inability to even pretend to begin to understand anything before he starts criticizing it based on personal dislike, is of almost epic proportions. Yet he continues to be shockingly influential
Yes, yes. You believe the Jimmy Swaggert'ized version of code to mean computer code.

Here's a description, in context to help you understand:

Genetic code refers to the instructions contained in a gene that tell a cell how to make a specific protein. Each gene’s code uses the four nucleotide bases of DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T) — in various ways to spell out three-letter “codons” that specify which amino acid is needed at each position within a protein.

See? It's about amino acids and proteins, not angels dancing on the head of a pin.

You're earlier, Jimmy Swaggert'ized version comment obviously gave away the game when you wrote: ''Show me a pond scum that can produce code...''

Please take some time to learn terms and definitions related to the subject matter.
:laughing0301: Genetic what? A gene's what? glossary/ Genetic what?
Allah says your making progress!:yes_text12:
Last edited:
:laughing0301: Genetic what? A gene's what? glossary/ Genetic what?
Allah says your making progress!:yes_text12:
That was pretty desperate.

Can you identify how amino acids are programmed?

Also, what funcrion does DNA serve at the hands of your gods? Didn't your gods magically created humans from dirt? What function does DNA play in dirt?

Harun Yahya says you're not meeting the cult requirements.
lol. Got code??? :auiqs.jpg:
As it was too much to expect the creationerists would have made an effort to understand some relevant terns and definitions, the following might be helpful.

Creationerists lacking a science vocabulary tend to have no science background and when their education is limited to fundie madrassah, they're at a disadvantage.

The core argument of Stephen Meyer’s book, Signature in a Cell, written in advocacy of intelligent design, is this: DNA is a code and a computer instruction is a code. Since computer code requires an intelligent designer, and DNA is a code, it follows that DNA is a product of, or is controlled by, an intelligent designer

A computer code is a set of numerical values sufficient and necessary to the production of an end state from an initial state.

DNA is necessary but not sufficient to the production of an end state from an initial state.

To claim that computer code and DNA are both codes is an abuse of the power of words. It is decidedly not scientific.
Here's what you do while I watch hockey. Google DoesDNA self correct and choose from all the pages of data that tells you that DNA is programed to correct mutations. I'll start you out:

How does DNA fix itself if A mistake is made?
Incorrectly paired nucleotides cause deformities in the secondary structure of the final DNA molecule. During mismatch repair, enzymes recognize and fix these deformities by removing the incorrectly paired nucleotide and replacing it with the correct nucleotide.

Science says so, nature says so, and you have insufficient knowledge to discuss the mater...

Was it intentional that you copy and pasted from a science based site without attribution?

Of course not. From the source you didn't attribute: "Errors Are a Natural Part of DNA Replication."

Wait, what? A "natural part"?

That's odd. How is it your various gods are such incompetent coders?

When they were writing their computer code, did they not understand what they were writing?
A code is programed instruction. Everyone knows DNA is a code but you. Steve Whomever knows it's a code. 6th graders know it's a code. Allah knows it's a code.
It's a code.... :cool:

Tell us about the programmed instruction in DNA code.

Who wrote the code? Ya Allah, can you provide something that links your Allah god to writing code?

As we know from the site you linked to, errors in DNA code occur naturally. Why did your Allah God write code that was prone to failure?
It's a code, Hollie,

Say it, Hol. DNA is code... Allow yourself at least that degree of knowledge. While I allow myself to go shopping. New boots, I think. And, God bless...

You can tell yourself that. You can stomp your feet and swear your Allah god will punish me but when your best screeching amounts to. "...because I say so", you're not making a convincing argument.

Your Allah god expects more from you.
A code is programed instruction. Everyone knows DNA is a code but you. Steve Whomever knows it's a code. 6th graders know it's a code. Allah knows it's a code.
It's a code.... :cool:

It takes an order of magnitude more effort to refute bullshit than was required to produce it. - Bertolini's Law

If you don't ignore B.S. artists/liars, they will harangue you until you puke!
The Ignore List is your friend. Use it!

Morse code:
di di dit, dah dah dah, di di dit

... --- ...


code: definition

a system of words, letters, or signs used to represent a message in secret form, or a system of numbers, letters, or signals used to represent something in a shorter or more convenient form: The message was written in code.

specify the genetic sequence for (an amino acid or protein).
"genes that code for human growth hormone"

The DNA code is so sophisticated that today, we cannot begin to decipher it after decades of concerted effort.
Heiroglyphics were an undecipherable code until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, showing four different languages saying the same thing, for translation purposes. It was a brilliant monument. How would we ever decipher ET's coded message to us IF there were any ET, when we could not decipher fellow humans' messages from only a few hundred years ago.
It is a very complex code. Here's the silly definition:
"DNA (or deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long molecule that contains our unique genetic code.

LOL. A what? A unique what? A unique genetic what? :laughing0301:

You're out of your league here, Hol. Do yourself a favor and go knit something...
There is no point in discussing science with Hollie as she is non-scientific. She believes in a Flat Earth (which is her fave topic :p). Her nick is Flattie Hattie or Flattie Hollie.
It takes an order of magnitude more effort to refute bullshit than was required to produce it. - Bertolini's Law

If you don't ignore B.S. artists/liars, they will harangue you until you puke!
The Ignore List is your friend. Use it!

Morse code:
di di dit, dah dah dah, di di dit

... --- ...


code: definition

a system of words, letters, or signs used to represent a message in secret form, or a system of numbers, letters, or signals used to represent something in a shorter or more convenient form: The message was written in code.

specify the genetic sequence for (an amino acid or protein).
"genes that code for human growth hormone"

The DNA code is so sophisticated that today, we cannot begin to decipher it after decades of concerted effort.
Heiroglyphics were an undecipherable code until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, showing four different languages saying the same thing, for translation purposes. It was a brilliant monument. How would we ever decipher ET's coded message to us IF there were any ET, when we could not decipher fellow humans' messages from only a few hundred years ago.
You might want to leave your madrassah more often.

"The DNA code is so sophisticated that today, we cannot begin to decipher it after decades of concerted effort."

In 2003, the Human Genome Project produced a genome sequence that accounted for over 90% of the human genome. It was as close to complete as the technologies for sequencing DNA allowed at the time.

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