Scientists Refuting Darwinism

It takes an order of magnitude more effort to refute bullshit than was required to produce it. - Bertolini's Law

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... --- ...


code: definition

a system of words, letters, or signs used to represent a message in secret form, or a system of numbers, letters, or signals used to represent something in a shorter or more convenient form: The message was written in code.

specify the genetic sequence for (an amino acid or protein).
"genes that code for human growth hormone"

The DNA code is so sophisticated that today, we cannot begin to decipher it after decades of concerted effort.
Heiroglyphics were an undecipherable code until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, showing four different languages saying the same thing, for translation purposes. It was a brilliant monument. How would we ever decipher ET's coded message to us IF there were any ET, when we could not decipher fellow humans' messages from only a few hundred years ago.

"code: definition

a system of words, letters, or signs used to represent a message in secret form, or a system of numbers, letters, or signals used to represent something in a shorter or more convenient form: The message was written in code."

So, tell us who wrote secret numbers, letters or signals. I'm not aware that amino acids and proteins were secret codes written by any gods. Amino acids and proteins are the result of chemical interactions.

Pass that on to your Pals at the Harun Yahya madrassah.
And the sun was responsible for the uranium being here.
Absolutely ! Keep bringing it up, you can see how stupid you are. The gravitational pull of all the stars is responsible for the consolidation of all matter in the universe in the solar systems that “ collapse” ( the idiot word from you) around them. ha ha. You’re such an idiot.
It takes an order of magnitude more effort to refute bullshit than was required to produce it. - Bertolini's Law

If you don't ignore B.S. artists/liars, they will harangue you until you puke!
The Ignore List is your friend. Use it!

Morse code:
di di dit, dah dah dah, di di dit

... --- ...


code: definition

a system of words, letters, or signs used to represent a message in secret form, or a system of numbers, letters, or signals used to represent something in a shorter or more convenient form: The message was written in code.

specify the genetic sequence for (an amino acid or protein).
"genes that code for human growth hormone"

The DNA code is so sophisticated that today, we cannot begin to decipher it after decades of concerted effort.
Heiroglyphics were an undecipherable code until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, showing four different languages saying the same thing, for translation purposes. It was a brilliant monument. How would we ever decipher ET's coded message to us IF there were any ET, when we could not decipher fellow humans' messages from only a few hundred years ago.
Geesus, you must have been born in 1850.
Lovin' the Ram!!!

Darwinian evolution is real as long as the world's largest Christian churches say so.

There's no significant opposition to the theory other than a few fringe denialists.

This theory too could be proven to be wrong sometime in the future.

Meanwhile, creation can be an also-ran if the churches can still make it work?
This theory too could be proven to be wrong sometime in the future.
Really ? A little expansion on this one idea.
Science Theories are not “right” or absolute to begin with is why they are called theories. They are expanded upon as new evidence is found. They are ALL useful within the confines of the evidence that supports them.

Take Newtonian physics. Does anything else make it “right or wrong” just because it doesn’t apply to sub atomic particles ? Nope. Aamof, you can say no theory is complete until you do show exceptions and expansions
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Darwinian evolution is real as long as the world's largest Christian churches say so.
This too is an accepted idea and explanation of living characteristics in the world as we know it. It’s so valuable in medicine, agriculture and subset studies including climate change, it will remain and unchallenged idea until anything else is found…..NOTHING HAS BEEN. So we sit around and do nothing because science isn’t absolute.
We could have done that with the Manhattan project with nuclear energy and we’d all be speaking German or Russian as our native tongue.
How does my knowledge of potential energy in any way help your silly claim?

Post your evidence already.
It has EVERYTHING to do with it. There are two types of energy in physics, if you don’t know what they are and their meaning, you won’t have a clue how the sun affected the uranium deposits found in the earth’s crust . If you do, is fking obvious. . . BTW, you still confuse “ “power” with energy.
It has EVERYTHING to do with it. There are two types of energy in physics, if you don’t know what they are and their meaning, you won’t have a clue how the sun affects uranium. If you do, is fking obvious. . . That’s you. You still confuse “ “power” with energy.

My knowledge isn't preventing you from posting evidence.
So post it. If your evidence confuses me, I'll be sure to ask you to explain it.

Unless you're gonna run away again. LOL!
My knowledge isn't preventing you from posting evidence.
So post it. If your evidence confuses me, I'll be sure to ask you to explain it.

Unless you're gonna run away again. LOL!
You mean your lack of knowledge. ha ha, I’m explaining it now and you’re failing like a child in school.
You expect aliens to speak English ?

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