Scooters to Help Environment..Another Dumb Liberal Idea

Let's not be too quick to dismiss this idea ...

This is an example of how our Democratic Party controlled cities are a mess. Do we really want these people to control Congress? Vote Republican.
Southern Californians are tossing electric scooters into ocean, burning them: report
It's good you are a child of today and not 100 years ago, during America's spurt of invention. In the early 1900s when all kinds of ideas were tried, and trial and error invention was the norm, nobody made it a political fault to try something new. How many pre-telephones and light bulbs are there in the ash heap of try/fail? Were all of edison's failures Democrat until he came up with a success which was Republican? Remember the old keystone cops-like movies airplanes and autos that make you laugh and ended up in the junk pile?

Now we get political condemnation for tries? If it fails it is a product of the opposing party? Is condemnation of 'can-do' now a political tool?
As far as I can see, this is a story about criminals who are destroying other people's property. Not sure how this becomes a liberal vs conservative thing.

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