Screw the Chicago Teachers Union. Socialist Whiners.

The Feds should encourage home schooling in Chicago with a little financial incentive, to ease the load on those poor, poor teachers. It's hard to fully indoctrinate a full class room.
Here it comes...makes me laugh hysterically..."unions bad".. Teachers bad" blah blah. What a snoozer of a post.
Ohh I forgot the indoctrination conspiracy theorist too. That is also good for a chuckle.
All the CRCs should volunteer to teach in public schools...sans union protection. Should be fun to watch................................if we can get any with the appropriate education level.

The modern day unions should be subject to market conditions and heavy regulation like the corporations. Now that would be fun.
States and local governments are not bound by NLRB rules that private companies are. They aren't required to bargain collectively with civil servants, except if their own state laws require it.
Listen, real persons with a good education, great communication skills and who can relate to children are not worth the money just to help along 3% of the students.

The community can find “teachers” at a much lower cost. Only 3% of the classes go on to higher education.

But wait, my children go to those schools too

Trump, what should I do-?
Fuck all unions

The war on labor has been going on since the gilded age , and has has it's renaissance w/ Reagan

Easiest target was always public unions , what better to stir the angst of taxpayers

And it's had quite the effect, rippling down through organized labor , to it's largest influence, unorganized labor

But hey, we're just two construction grunts on this devil box,

Ain't no skin to us......right Gramps....:boohoo:


My parents are millionaires. They were public school teachers.

It's pretty nice, getting 3 months off a year, having only 5 classes a day, for a total of 3,75 hours of actual teaching time.... getting one of the most generous of defined benefits packages.

In addition, I was talking with this guy who works for the city. He's a Civil engineer. Thanksgiving is coming up.

On Tuesday they will get an catered buffet at work, at noon, and go home. While getting paid a full day.
On Wednesday, they will meet at a resturant to have a catered breakfast, and then go home. While getting paid a full day.
Thursday is thanksgiving of course.
And Friday, they won't even show up at the office.... but will get paid for a full day.

I asked him what his job entails. He maps out sewer lines. Notice... no other lines. Just sewer lines. He described it to me...

"I play Simcity all day. When I'm working, I'm just putting in sewer lines into a mapping program. When there are no sewer lines to map, I'm playing games"

Public Unions man.... Must be nice.

I weep for those public unions being destroyed by those evil Republicans.... weep..... weep I say.....
States and local governments are not bound by NLRB rules that private companies are. They aren't required to bargain collectively with civil servants, except if their own state laws require it.
Listen, real persons with a good education, great communication skills and who can relate to children are not worth the money just to help along 3% of the students.

The community can find “teachers” at a much lower cost. Only 3% of the classes go on to higher education.

But wait, my children go to those schools too

Trump, what should I do-?

I was put on a school bus route that also picked up kids for a private school. One day on the bus, I noticed a kid studying his text book. I asked to look at it. He was learning in 7th grade, what I was learning in 11th grade.

At the time, I was in Upper Arlington schools.... which is the leading, top ranked public school in the Central Ohio area. (or at least it was when I was there).

Top public school, 4 years behind the private school.

However, when you looked at how much money was spent per student, the UA schools spent more money per student, than the private school. And of course the private school isn't costing the tax payers a dime.
It's pretty nice, getting 3 months off a year, having only 5 classes a day, for a total of 3,75 hours of actual teaching time.... getting one of the most generous of defined benefits packages.

When teachers go home, they take their students with them; preparing for the next class.

What do you do with your spare time-?

Just curious

No animosity intended or implied

I weep for those public unions being destroyed by those evil Republicans.... weep..... weep I say.....

Realize it a springboard to undermine all labor , and you'll have even more reason to weep Andy


That's funny giving the standard of living has continued to improve, while Union membership had dramatically fallen. And not just in the US, but throughout Europe as well.

Unions served a specific purpose at a specific time.

That purpose no longer exists. Unions today, are nothing more than a method for fat cat rich people, to directly live off the enslaved workers they claim to represent. They sit in their office sleeping, and collecting money from the people who are actually doing the work, while brainwashing those people into thinking their only hope for the future, is with the unions.

Indeed, I'm convinced that Unions are in fact the stronghold for the spineless cowards of our society. Men, without balls, who refuse to step out on their own two feet, and take charge of their own future. It's not that they can't find another job... it's that they simply don't want the responsibility. It's not that they can't learn a new skill, or trade, or some new career.... it's simply that they are lazy, and cowards, and don't want to have to work in life. Instead they just want mommy and daddy union to take care of them.

Meanwhile Unions today, are actually worse than the very CEOs they claim to be protecting their workers from.

It is obviously true that a bad CEO can doom a company, like Enron for example. However it is also universally true that good CEOs everywhere benefit the companies they are in. Steve Jobs for example, came to power in Apple Computer, when the company was in a slow but clear death spiral. He not only pulled out of the decline, but easily tripled the size and value of the company, and single handedly created multiple markets... online music sales through iTunes, the smart phone revolution, the tablet market with iPads.

But tell me.... what benefit does a Union boss give to society or to the company? None. He creates no jobs, and he creates no products. Indeed a Union boss can only do one of two things.... Nothing... or cause harm. Unions bosses drum up no sales. Union bosses sign no contracts with suppliers or vendors. Union boss create no projects, no products, no Research or Design.

Union bosses now serve only to either do nothing while collecting money from the workers who do.... or they serve to cause harm to the company, causing the destruction of both the company, and the employees. Hostess. GM. Chrysler. Pittsburgh Press. Eastern Airlines. And that's just a short list of Union strikes that destroyed companies, and the employees.

You remember that Company that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the Union came in and turned the company around? No? Me neither. You know why? Because it never happened.

Unions do nothing good. At the very best, the Unions do nothing. At the worst, they wipe out jobs, and destroy companies.

Unions are garbage. That's why they are on the decline.
Unions do nothing good. At the very best, the Unions do nothing. At the worst, they wipe out jobs, and destroy companies.

Unions are garbage. That's why they are on the decline.

Unions are fine for managing the decline of industries in an orderly fashion. It isn't a coincidence that they reached their pinnacle during the Great Roosevelt Depression of the 1930's. When things are lean, people have to kiss the ass of the union boss to get anything. People had to cowtow to Johnny Friendly on the waterfront if they wanted to work, and they needed to work. The problem is that the work was limited, and Big Labor provided an orderly way of doing things. In times of plenty, if the union boss tries to shake you down, you tell them "this is for the birds" and you go out and get something else. You don't need him.

When things are doing great, innovation is coming on line, like in the Roaring 20's with electronics and automotive or in the Gay 90's when new steel products were developed by guys like Frick, there really is no use for unions and union rules. The jobs of workers are changing all the time.
Labor unions saved Ford in our 'darkest' hour: Bill Ford
Do the maths, employers: strong unions are good for business | Abi Wilkinson
How Union Members Saved Harley-Davidson | AFL-CIO
We won because people were brave,” Hull said. Workers stood up and challenged the company’s arguments, verbally and via email; they wrote replies to the company’s letters and fliers, defending the union’s record and contending that the union, not the company, would stand up for them.
Ronny Raygun gelded Organized Labor in 1981 during the Air Traffic Controllers strike... unions have not been the same, since then.
Labor unions saved Ford in our 'darkest' hour: Bill Ford
Do the maths, employers: strong unions are good for business | Abi Wilkinson
How Union Members Saved Harley-Davidson | AFL-CIO
We won because people were brave,” Hull said. Workers stood up and challenged the company’s arguments, verbally and via email; they wrote replies to the company’s letters and fliers, defending the union’s record and contending that the union, not the company, would stand up for them.

Verizon did not make your point. There is no indication that the Verizon union did anything of value.

Harley-Davidson, does not make your point either. The Union did nothing in that case. Harley built a new plant. Not the Unions. Harley created new products. Not the Unions. Harley hired skilled people. Not the Unions.

And everyone everywhere knows that robots are not as versatile as human beings. This is not hidden fact or some surprise finding. The reason companies automate, is because labor is too expensive. As long as the cost of labor, is low enough to make a profit, humans are always preferred over robots. The Union had nothing to do with that.

Additionally, a guy finding a error on the assembly line, and coming up with a fix, is not a justification for a Union. I personally, myself, have found errors in product assembly that could have cost the company I worked for, millions of dollars, and I found a solution to that problem. I am not, nor ever have been, part of a Union.

The last is the Ford example. I am well aware of the Ford example.

After years of receiving favorable contracts leading up to Ford’s financial woes that began in 2007, the UAW rebalanced its health-care costs and improved performance in manufacturing plants, he said.​

Having read up on this specific situation, this is pretty much how it went.

How did the Union "rebalance it's health-care costs"? By making concessions. Which is another way of saying, it cut benefits to reduce costs.
How did the Union improve performance in manufacturing plants? By reducing redundant workers, and cutting hours. In short, it cut compensations to workers.

In order for you to claim the Unions saved Ford... you would have to explain to me how it would be different if the Union didn't exist.

Because here's the deal..... Honda... No union. You know what Honda did to survive the recession? They cut hours, and reduced redundant workers, and reduced benefits.

Toyota.... no union. You know what Toyota did to survive the recession? They cut hours, reduced redundant workers, and reduced benefits.

Hyundai.... no union. You know what Hyundai did to survive the recession? They cut hours, reduced redundant workers, and reduced benefits.

So here's the reality. The way the the "unions saved Ford" was simply by allowing Ford to do what every other car maker was doing, that didn't have a Union.

In short.... the Union did nothing. It did not stop Ford from saving money, reducing expenses, and balancing their budget. They didn't stop Ford form cutting hours, reducing benefits, and keeping expenses down.

The Union did... NOTHING.

That's how the Union saved Ford.

Did the Union come up with a new product line for Ford? No.
Did the Union sign a major supplier contract to reduce costs? No.
Did the Union come up with new research and design Ford used? No.
Did the Union purchase new equipment that was faster and cheaper for the factories? No.

What did the Union do? They got the hell out of the way, so Ford could do what all the Non-union companies were doing.
Ronny Raygun gelded Organized Labor in 1981 during the Air Traffic Controllers strike... unions have not been the same, since then.

It is illegal for the ATC to strike. Ronald only enforced the law.
And not the first time he'd stabbed a supportive union in the back either. Because he was a clown much like Trump and a fascist dickhead at heart.
Ronny Raygun gelded Organized Labor in 1981 during the Air Traffic Controllers strike... unions have not been the same, since then.

It is illegal for the ATC to strike. Ronald only enforced the law.
And not the first time he'd stabbed a supportive union in the back either. Because he was a clown much like Trump and a fascist dickhead at heart.

So..... you are implying...... that a President should rather bend to supporters, than enforce the laws of the land?

We have a word for that.... Corruption. You don't allow people to break the law, just because they supported you. This does explain why people vote Democrat though, if you think that way.

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