
Many features on webpages base on scripts. Ever tried to to use the forum editor´s buttons when scripts are disabled? Of course, scripts can be abused, but did you ban your kitchen knives? So you are busy to make exceptions in noscript...
Many features on webpages base on scripts. Ever tried to to use the forum editor´s buttons when scripts are disabled? Of course, scripts can be abused, but did you ban your kitchen knives? So you are busy to make exceptions in noscript...

Been using NoScript for years...not that big of a deal. If you come to a site and something doesn't work, it takes about one second to allow it.
At the same time, NoScript and APB combined make websites many times faster.
I hate coming on this site at least without APB indtalled
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One time my computer started typing periods on my start search tab. Started doing it everywhere. Kept getting messages, "script running. I say to myself what the hell is script? I did not order that.

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