Scumbag Eric Holder plays the race card


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I will be so happy when this piece of shit is gone.

He's black, so you don't dare criticize him for anything. It can't be that others might disagree with him on some issues, noooooo, it's because he's black.
Fucking little pussy.

Eric Holder plays the race card, blames Republicans for attacking him and Barack Obama because they are blackTwo House Republicans upbraided the attorney general during a hearing Tuesday over his refusal to comply with document subpoenasOne congressman said Holder belonged 'in jail' instead of in the hearing room answering questionsHolder carped Wednesday night that no other attorney general – or president – has had to face that level of disrespectHe was speaking to an audience of black civil rights activists at a meeting of Al Sharpton's National Action Network

Attorney General Eric Holder blamed Republicans for consistently attacking him and Barack Obama because they are black, going off-script to level the charge during a speech Wednesday night.

In a speech to supporters of Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network, Holder improvised a complaint about his rough treatment on Capitol Hill the day before.

'What attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?' he said, alluding to his status as the only African-American ever to hold that post.

Sharpton's group is a 23-year-old organization comprised of black civil rights activists, making Holder's comments appear to be a statement about his race, and President Obama's.

Decorations on the stage backdrop where he spoke included the slogan 'No Justice, No Peace.'

Read more:*Eric Holder plays the race card, goes off-script at Al Sharpton event to complain about how Congress treats him | Mail Online
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Wow, what a freakin' lawyer. Using any distraction no matter how dishonest to divert the focus on himself.

Don't get me wrong, his refusal to go after Benghazi and members of his own posse' in the IRS is predictable if not understandable. Benghazi was a GOP generated kabuki theater for the 2012 11th hour "911" resurrection [really? 9-11?]. And the IRS is just retaliation for what the GOP has always done to its enemies via the IRS and other "punitive" agencies..

It's when Holder tries to say that he is circumventing the Supreme Court Ruling last Summer in Windsor where I take issue. He and Obama and the rest of that rat pack are a bunch of spoiled party boys who now have the reins of power and an overweening ambition to dictate, when they are actually just public servants. They have some election-funding promises to pay off or the Lavender mafia will get grumpy. Who knows the dirt they're holding over Obama et al's head if they don't get delivery for the price..

The People make the laws, not Eric Holder..not special interests overriding duly enacted law with cash..
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I remember when Dr King spoke of being treated as an equal. A lot of black leaders today call for being treated special, and that's exactly what Holder wants here. He doesn't want to be treated like any other AG, he wants special treatment because he's black.
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.
Holder cries a river in a speech to Sharpton's group yesterday over his treatment in Congress, acting like he's the only AG in history to be given a rough time by a congressman. What a contemptuous, whiny, little douchebag of a man.
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

Right, if Obama and Holder were white, the Republicans would invite them to a picnic where they could all hold hands and sing Kumbaya around the campfire.
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

people like you keep racism alive and well in this country. hare dare anyone criticize a black person or hold them accountable....if they must be because they are racist.

holder hasn't been treated any different than any other AG.

this race card whiny nonsense needs to end.
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

Right, if Obama and Holder were white, the Republicans would invite them to a picnic where they could all hold hands and sing Kumbaya around the campfire.

don't forget the secret white club that no one knows about...
When all else fails (including ones job performance) play the Race Card. There's plenty of lazy suckers willing to take the bait.
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

people like you keep racism alive and well in this country. hare dare anyone criticize a black person or hold them accountable....if they must be because they are racist.

holder hasn't been treated any different than any other AG.

this race card whiny nonsense needs to end.

If Hillary gets elected, race card soon to be replaced by gender card. The divisive politics of the left, even tho' they don't play with a full deck, still, has plenty of cards.
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

people like you keep racism alive and well in this country. hare dare anyone criticize a black person or hold them accountable....if they must be because they are racist.

holder hasn't been treated any different than any other AG.

this race card whiny nonsense needs to end.

If Hillary gets elected, race card soon to be replaced by gender card. The divisive politics of the left, even tho' they don't play with a full deck, still, has plenty of cards.

maybe....but i don't recall hillary ever playing that card. i may disagree with most of her politics, but she is a fairly tough lady who can and has held her own. others, like the libs in this thread, will no doubt play it.
people like you keep racism alive and well in this country. hare dare anyone criticize a black person or hold them accountable....if they must be because they are racist.

holder hasn't been treated any different than any other AG.

this race card whiny nonsense needs to end.

If Hillary gets elected, race card soon to be replaced by gender card. The divisive politics of the left, even tho' they don't play with a full deck, still, has plenty of cards.

maybe....but i don't recall hillary ever playing that card. i may disagree with most of her politics, but she is a fairly tough lady who can and has held her own. others, like the libs in this thread, will no doubt play it.

She played it against Rick Lazio in the New York senate debate. Never underestimate the scumbaggery of the left.
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

people like you keep racism alive and well in this country. hare dare anyone criticize a black person or hold them accountable....if they must be because they are racist.

holder hasn't been treated any different than any other AG.

this race card whiny nonsense needs to end.

If Hillary gets elected, race card soon to be replaced by gender card. The divisive politics of the left, even tho' they don't play with a full deck, still, has plenty of cards.

Pennsylvania's new A.G. squashed a 3 year long investigation which had netted 5 Philadelphia pols taking cash claiming it was racially motivated and calling those who opposed her actions sexist. She established a new low, playing both the race and gender card in the same sentence.
I will be so happy when this piece of shit is gone.

He's black, so you don't dare criticize him for anything. It can't be that others might disagree with him on some issues, noooooo, it's because he's black.
Fucking little pussy.

Eric Holder plays the race card, blames Republicans for attacking him and Barack Obama because they are blackTwo House Republicans upbraided the attorney general during a hearing Tuesday over his refusal to comply with document subpoenasOne congressman said Holder belonged 'in jail' instead of in the hearing room answering questionsHolder carped Wednesday night that no other attorney general – or president – has had to face that level of disrespectHe was speaking to an audience of black civil rights activists at a meeting of Al Sharpton's National Action Network

Attorney General Eric Holder blamed Republicans for consistently attacking him and Barack Obama because they are black, going off-script to level the charge during a speech Wednesday night.

In a speech to supporters of Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network, Holder improvised a complaint about his rough treatment on Capitol Hill the day before.

'What attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?' he said, alluding to his status as the only African-American ever to hold that post.

Sharpton's group is a 23-year-old organization comprised of black civil rights activists, making Holder's comments appear to be a statement about his race, and President Obama's.

Decorations on the stage backdrop where he spoke included the slogan 'No Justice, No Peace.'

Read more:*Eric Holder plays the race card, goes off-script at Al Sharpton event to complain about how Congress treats him | Mail Online
Follow us:*@MailOnline on Twitter*|*DailyMail on Facebook

Such bitterness against your better, looks like you are going to have a very difficult time in this country with the demographic shift . The days of white christian privilege and entitlement are over, done an gone.
people like you keep racism alive and well in this country. hare dare anyone criticize a black person or hold them accountable....if they must be because they are racist.

holder hasn't been treated any different than any other AG.

this race card whiny nonsense needs to end.

If Hillary gets elected, race card soon to be replaced by gender card. The divisive politics of the left, even tho' they don't play with a full deck, still, has plenty of cards.

Pennsylvania's new A.G. squashed a 3 year long investigation which had netted 5 Philadelphia pols taking cash claiming it was racially motivated and calling those who opposed her actions sexist. She established a new low, playing both the race and gender card in the same sentence.

Hey, it's how LW'ers roll. Fortunately, more people are getting wise to it.
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

people like you keep racism alive and well in this country. hare dare anyone criticize a black person or hold them accountable....if they must be because they are racist.

holder hasn't been treated any different than any other AG.

this race card whiny nonsense needs to end.

If Hillary gets elected, race card soon to be replaced by gender card. The divisive politics of the left, even tho' they don't play with a full deck, still, has plenty of cards.

And she will be elected, might as well prepare for that.

But yes, as much as I will be soooooooo happy to get the black man out of office, and I say that not only on ideological differences, but because I'm so utterly fucking disgusted with liberals and blacks who try to silence us with the race card being played over and over and over and over and over endlessly, but the reality is the assholes will just turn the card over and play the sexism card every fucking step of the way. !!!!!!
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I will be so happy when this piece of shit is gone.

He's black, so you don't dare criticize him for anything. It can't be that others might disagree with him on some issues, noooooo, it's because he's black.
Fucking little pussy.

Eric Holder plays the race card, blames Republicans for attacking him and Barack Obama because they are blackTwo House Republicans upbraided the attorney general during a hearing Tuesday over his refusal to comply with document subpoenasOne congressman said Holder belonged 'in jail' instead of in the hearing room answering questionsHolder carped Wednesday night that no other attorney general – or president – has had to face that level of disrespectHe was speaking to an audience of black civil rights activists at a meeting of Al Sharpton's National Action Network

Attorney General Eric Holder blamed Republicans for consistently attacking him and Barack Obama because they are black, going off-script to level the charge during a speech Wednesday night.

In a speech to supporters of Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network, Holder improvised a complaint about his rough treatment on Capitol Hill the day before.

'What attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?' he said, alluding to his status as the only African-American ever to hold that post.

Sharpton's group is a 23-year-old organization comprised of black civil rights activists, making Holder's comments appear to be a statement about his race, and President Obama's.

Decorations on the stage backdrop where he spoke included the slogan 'No Justice, No Peace.'

Read more:*Eric Holder plays the race card, goes off-script at Al Sharpton event to complain about how Congress treats him | Mail Online
Follow us:*@MailOnline on Twitter*|*DailyMail on Facebook

Such bitterness against your better, looks like you are going to have a very difficult time in this country with the demographic shift . The days of white christian privilege and entitlement are over, done an gone.

Well, that's just too bad. On the upside, the best of times are over and all the good things have been taken. Enjoy the crumbs!
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

From day one Obama was attacked in racial terms by the white trash wingers and the white christian party, now how dare someone tell it like it is! According to them doesn't Obama an holder know their place

They have been foaming at the mouth when Obama was elect the first time, now their heads are exploding since he was re elected
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

From day one Obama was attacked in racial terms by the white trash wingers and the white christian party, now how dare someone tell it like it is! According to them doesn't Obama an holder know their place

They have been foaming at the mouth when Obama was elect the first time, now their heads are exploding since he was re elected

Holder played a race card and your stupid enough to raise it with another race card. Enough already.......we get it!:lol:
Except that he IS the Attorney of the United States, he has not broken any laws, he has done his job very well and he DID tell the truth about the way he's been treated.

As usual, the right will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. They set out to trash this presidency AND our country and they have made quite a bit of progress in that.

From day one Obama was attacked in racial terms by the white trash wingers and the white christian party, now how dare someone tell it like it is! According to them doesn't Obama an holder know their place

They have been foaming at the mouth when Obama was elect the first time, now their heads are exploding since he was re elected

Not even worth responding to. Ms broken record.

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