Sealybobo on "Fake Neutrality"


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Mark Nickolas: The Media's Problem Of "False Balance" Showing Itself In Electoral Map Analyses

Liberal Media My Ass

What's remarkable is just how out-of-touch the media is with their electoral map assessments. They are, by far, the only group offering an effective dead heat, while the independent groups show a modest Obama lead, and while the pollsters offer a considerable Obama lead.
So, what to make of this?
The first thing that strikes me is the vested interest that the media has in creating the appearance of a close race since they all depend on interest to drive coverage and hence ad revenue.
One of the worst things the old media does is present two sides of a story as if the two sides had equal value, creating a false neutrality that often does not exist. They fall back on the illusion of neutrality instead of ferreting out the truth.

The old media has "given up the truth for pursuit of a fake neutrality." As an example, she pointed to the debate over global warming and said journalists stood in the middle presenting the public with two sides.
Notice that the media organizations largely give McCain the greatest number of electoral votes, while they all vastly shortchange McCain

And let's not forget that these same media are also pushing the question, why Obama is not leading McCain by more than five points. Because a five-point popular vote margin always translates into an electoral college landslide.

This story reminds me of Gunny & Charles and anyone else that says they are neither GOP or Democratic. FAKE NEUTRALITY.
This story reminds me of Gunny & Charles and anyone else that says they are neither GOP or Democratic. FAKE NEUTRALITY.

This post remnds of the stupidest member of this board .... oh, wait ....:eusa_eh:

Got news for you, Beavis ... I have never claimed once to be neutral just because I despise both political parties that have a death grip on this nation's government.

Your ignorant little story and comment implies there are but two political ideologies and one must choose one or the other. Sorry if your pea-sized brain can't comprehend the notion that there are other choices/beliefs.

Feel free to run down to supply and purchase a clue, 1 each.

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